COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 13 MARCH 1993 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Electoral Commission THE SENATE ==================================================================== WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Six senators to be elected) ===================================================================== Enrolled voters: 1,038,968 +05.7 Votes cast: 996,755 95.9 +00.8 Informal votes: 20,983 02.1 -00.8 Formal votes: 975,772 97.9 +00.8 Quota for election: 139,397 14.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Don Rogers CTA 11,481 01.2 Group A Beryl Rogers CTA 87 00.0 Q:0.083 Michael King 3,331 00.3 Group B Philip Jackson 45 00.0 Q:0.026 Jody Fitzhardinge 126 00.0 Peter Coppin 67 00.0 Dee Margetts Grn 53,211 05.5 Group C Chris Williams Grn 546 00.1 Q:0.390 David Langley 1,488 00.2 Group D Rodney Stratton 31 00.0 Q:0.011 Hon Peter COOK * ALP 371,673 38.1 ELECTED 2 Christopher Evans ALP 643 00.1 Group E Mark Bishop ALP 361 00.0 Q:2.678 Neil Roberts ALP 570 00.1 Sue KNOWLES * Lib 469,833 48.2 ELECTED 1 Ian Campbell * Lib 1,153 00.1 Group F Chris Ellison Lib 262 00.0 Q:3.387 Maurice Brockwell Lib 367 00.0 Enzo Sirna Lib 142 00.0 John McCausland Lib 374 00.0 John Seale 852 00.1 Group G Laurence Molloy 24 00.0 Q:0.006 Jean Jenkins AD 39,467 04.0 Group H Helen Hodgson AD 382 00.0 Q:0.286 Michael Jardine NPA 16,867 01.7 Group I Paul Clune NPA 85 00.0 Q:0.123 David Lee NPA 123 00.0 Frank Nesci 936 00.1 Group J Paul Nesci 17 00.0 Q:0.007 Rick Finney 549 00.1 Q:0.004 Salli Vaughan 245 00.0 Q:0.002 Roland Richardson 208 00.0 Q:0.002 John Tucak 226 00.0 Q:0.002 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The combined Liberal vote was 48.4% 2. The combined National vote was 1.8% 3. The combined ALP vote was 38.3% 4. The combined AD vote was 4.1% 5. For Bishop, see Senate WA 1996. 6. Jenkins was a Senator for WA 1987-90. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Knowles's 330,436 surplus votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- D Rogers 13 00.0 11,494 01.2 B Rogers 0 87 00.0 King 6 00.0 3,337 00.3 Jackson 0 45 00.0 Fitzhardinge 3 00.0 129 00.0 Coppin 0 67 00.0 Margetts 40 00.0 53,251 05.5 Williams 0 546 00.1 Langley 3 00.0 1,491 00.2 Stratton 2 00.0 33 00.0 COOK * E 371,673 38.1 ELECTED 2 Evans 9 00.0 652 00.1 Bishop 2 00.0 363 00.0 Roberts 1 00.0 571 00.1 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * 329,973 99.9 331,126 33.9 ELECTED 3 Ellison 131 00.0 393 00.0 Brockwell 53 00.0 420 00.0 Sirna 26 00.0 168 00.0 McCausland 59 00.0 433 00.0 Seale 3 00.0 855 00.1 Molloy 0 24 00.0 Jenkins 47 00.0 39,514 04.0 Hodgson 2 00.0 384 00.0 Jardine 38 00.0 16,905 01.7 Clune 1 00.0 86 00.0 Lee 0 123 00.0 F Nesci 1 00.0 937 00.1 P Nesci 0 17 00.0 Finney 2 00.0 551 00.1 Vaughan 2 00.0 247 00.0 Richardson 0 208 00.0 Tucak 2 00.0 228 00.0 (exhausted 6 6 ) (loss by fraction 11 11 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 330,436 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Cook's 232,276 surplus votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- D Rogers 19 00.0 11,513 01.2 B Rogers 1 00.0 88 00.0 King 6 00.0 3,343 00.3 Jackson 1 00.0 46 00.0 Fitzhardinge 0 129 00.0 Coppin 0 67 00.0 Margetts 101 00.0 53,352 05.5 Williams 9 00.0 555 00.1 Langley 13 00.0 1,504 00.2 Stratton 2 00.0 35 00.0 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS 231,716 99.8 232,368 23.8 ELECTED 4 Bishop 180 00.1 543 00.1 Roberts 101 00.0 672 00.1 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 331,126 33.9 ELECTED 3 Ellison 6 00.0 399 00.0 Brockwell 1 00.0 421 00.0 Sirna 0 168 00.0 McCausland 1 00.0 434 00.0 Seale 4 00.0 859 00.1 Molloy 0 24 00.0 Jenkins 73 00.0 39,587 04.1 Hodgson 3 00.0 387 00.0 Jardine 4 00.0 16,909 01.7 Clune 0 86 00.0 Lee 1 00.0 124 00.0 F Nesci 0 937 00.1 P Nesci 0 17 00.0 Finney 4 00.0 555 00.1 Vaughan 0 247 00.0 Richardson 0 208 00.0 Tucak 2 00.0 230 00.0 (exhausted 11 17 ) (loss by fraction 17 28 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 232,276 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Campbell's 191,729 surplus votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- D Rogers 6 00.0 11,519 01.2 B Rogers 0 88 00.0 King 2 00.0 3,345 00.3 Jackson 0 46 00.0 Fitzhardinge 0 129 00.0 Coppin 0 67 00.0 Margetts 19 00.0 53,371 05.5 Williams 1 00.0 556 00.1 Langley 1 00.0 1,505 00.2 Stratton 0 35 00.0 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS E 232,368 23.8 ELECTED 4 Bishop 8 00.0 551 00.1 Roberts 0 672 00.1 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 3 ELLISON 191,446 99.9 191,845 19.7 ELECTED 5 Brockwell 98 00.1 519 00.1 Sirna 22 00.0 190 00.0 McCausland 60 00.0 494 00.1 Seale 2 00.0 861 00.1 Molloy 0 24 00.0 Jenkins 23 00.0 39,610 04.1 Hodgson 2 00.0 389 00.0 Jardine 18 00.0 16,927 01.7 Clune 2 00.0 88 00.0 Lee 0 124 00.0 F Nesci 2 00.0 939 00.1 P Nesci 0 17 00.0 Finney 0 555 00.1 Vaughan 2 00.0 249 00.0 Richardson 0 208 00.0 Tucak 0 230 00.0 (exhausted 2 19 ) (loss by fraction 13 41 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 191,729 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Evans's 92,971 surplus votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- D Rogers 1 00.0 11,520 01.2 B Rogers 0 88 00.0 King 1 00.0 3,346 00.3 Jackson 0 46 00.0 Fitzhardinge 0 129 00.0 Coppin 0 67 00.0 Margetts 22 00.0 53,393 05.5 Williams 2 00.0 558 00.1 Langley 3 00.0 1,508 00.2 Stratton 1 00.0 36 00.0 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 4 Bishop 92,860 99.9 93,411 09.6 Roberts 51 00.0 723 00.1 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 3 ELLISON E 191,845 19.7 ELECTED 5 Brockwell 3 00.0 522 00.1 Sirna 0 190 00.0 McCausland 0 494 00.1 Seale 0 861 00.1 Molloy 0 24 00.0 Jenkins 13 00.0 39,623 04.1 Hodgson 0 389 00.0 Jardine 1 00.0 16,928 01.7 Clune 0 88 00.0 Lee 0 124 00.0 F Nesci 0 939 00.1 P Nesci 0 17 00.0 Finney 0 555 00.1 Vaughan 0 249 00.0 Richardson 0 208 00.0 Tucak 0 230 00.0 (exhausted 3 22 ) (loss by fraction 10 51 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 92,971 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Ellison's 52,448 surplus votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- D Rogers 0 11,520 01.2 B Rogers 0 88 00.0 King 0 3,346 00.3 Jackson 0 46 00.0 Fitzhardinge 0 129 00.0 Coppin 0 67 00.0 Margetts 4 00.0 53,397 05.5 Williams 0 558 00.1 Langley 0 1,508 00.2 Stratton 0 36 00.0 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 4 Bishop 4 00.0 93,415 09.6 Roberts 0 723 00.1 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 3 ELLISON E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 5 Brockwell 52,394 99.9 52,916 05.4 Sirna 13 00.0 203 00.0 McCausland 16 00.0 510 00.1 Seale 0 861 00.1 Molloy 0 24 00.0 Jenkins 3 00.0 39,626 04.1 Hodgson 0 389 00.0 Jardine 5 00.0 16,933 01.7 Clune 0 88 00.0 Lee 0 124 00.0 F Nesci 1 00.0 940 00.1 P Nesci 0 17 00.0 Finney 0 555 00.1 Vaughan 0 249 00.0 Richardson 0 208 00.0 Tucak 0 230 00.0 (exhausted 0 22 ) (loss by fraction 8 59 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 52,448 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: P Nesci's 17 votes, Molloy's 24 votes, Stratton's 36 votes, Jackson's 46 votes, Coppin's 67 votes, Clune's 88 votes, B Rogers's 88 votes, Lee's 124 votes, Fitzhardinge's 129 votes, Sirna's 203 votes, Richardson's 208 votes, Tucak's 230 votes, Vaughan's 249 votes, Hodgson's 389 votes, McCausland's 510 votes, Finney's 555 votes, Williams's 558 votes, Roberts's 723 votes, Seale's 861 votes, F Nesci's 940 votes, Langley's 1,508 votes, D Rogers's 11,520 votes and Jardine's 16,933 votes distributed (total 39,352) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Margetts 5,001 12.7 58,398 06.0 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 4 Bishop 1,272 03.2 94,687 09.7 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 3 ELLISON E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 5 Brockwell 27,638 70.4 80,554 08.3 Jenkins 5,358 13.6 44,984 04.6 (exhausted 114 136 ) (loss by fraction -31 28 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39,352 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Jenkins's 44,984 votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- Margetts 39,901 88.8 98,299 10.1 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 4 Bishop 2,386 05.3 97,073 10.0 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 3 ELLISON E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 5 Brockwell 2,656 05.9 83,210 08.8 (exhausted 37 173 ) (loss by fraction 4 32 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 44,984 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Brockwell's 83,210 votes distributed --------------------------------------------------------------------- MARGETTS 72,362 87.1 170,661 17.6 ELECTED 6 COOK * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 2 EVANS E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 4 Bishop 10,754 12.9 107,827 11.1 KNOWLES * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 1 CAMPBELL * E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 3 ELLISON E 139,397 14.3 ELECTED 5 (exhausted 95 268 ) (loss by fraction -1 31 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 83,210 975,772 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators' terms began 1 July 1993. Knowles, Cook, Campbell, Evans, Ellison and Margetts elected for a term ending 30 June 1999. Continuing senators (term to end 30 June 1996): Michael BEAHAN (ALP), Noel CRICHTON-BROWNE (Lib), Christabel CHAMARETTE (Grn), Winston CRANE (Lib), Jim McKIERNAN (ALP), John PANIZZA (Lib) --------------------------------------------------------------------- > Michael Beahan (born 1937): Elected 1987, 1990 President of the Senate from 1 February 1994 > Ian Gordon Campbell (born 1959): Appointed 1990. Elected 1993 > Christabel Marguerite Alain Chamarette (born 1948): Appointed 1992 > Peter Francis Salmon Cook (1943-2005): Elected 1983, 1984, 1987, 1993 Minister for Industrial Relations to 24 March 1993 Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service Matters to 24 March 1993 Minister for Shipping and Aviation Support to 24 March 1993 Minister for Trade 24 March 1993 to 30 January 1994 Minister for Industry, Technology and Regional Development 30 January 1994 to 25 March 1994 Minister for Industry, Science and Technology from 25 March 1994 Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Science from 25 March 1994 > Arthur Winston Crane (born 1941): Elected 1990 > Noel Ashley Crichton-Browne (born 1944): Elected 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987 Crichton-Browne retired in 1996. > Christopher Martin Ellison (born 1954): Elected 1993 Born: 15 June 1954, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) Career: Educated University of Western Australia. Barrister and solicitor from 1980. > Christopher Vaughan Evans (born 1958): Elected 1993 Born: 14 May 1958, Cuckfield, Britain Career: Educated University of Western Australia. Industrial Officer, Miscellaneous Workers Union. State Secretary, Fire Brigades Union. State Secretary, WA ALP, 1991-93. > Susan Christine Knowles (born 1951): Elected 1984, 1987, 1993 > Diane Elizabeth Margetts (born 1955): Elected 1993 Born: 5 March 1955, Fremantle, WA Career: Educated University of East Anglia, University of Western Australia. Teacher, librarian. Co-ordinator People for Nuclear Disarmament. > John Horace Panizza (1931-97): Elected 1987, 1990 > James Philip McKiernan (1944-2018): Elected 1984, 1987, 1990 ---------------------------------------------------------------------