Kalgoorlie |
Division of Kennedy | Kingsford Smith |
![]() Hon Bob Katter (Ind) His electorate website | ![]() | Location: North-west Qld: Ingham, Innisfail, Mareeba, Mt Isa Division named for: Edmund Kennedy, explorer Median weekly family income: $795 (118th highest) Persons born in non English speaking countries: 6.0% (95th highest) Persons of Indigenous origin: 11.2% (4th highest) Persons in professional occupations: 23.8% (91st highest) Persons engaged in agriculture: 16.6% (12th highest) Persons aged 65 and over: 12.0% (97th highest) Couple families with dependent children: 39.1% (62nd highest) Dwellings being purchased: 19.1% (136th highest) Sitting member: Hon Bob Katter (Independent), elected 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 Born: 22 May 1945, Cloncurry, Queensland. Career: Mining and cattle interests. Queensland state MP for Flinders 1974-92. Minister for Northern Development and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs 1983-87, Minister for Northern Development, Community Services and Ethnic Affairs 1987-89, Minister for Community Services and Ethnic Affairs and Minister for Mines and Energy 1989, Minister for Northern and Regional Development 1989 1996 two-party majority: National 14.5 Effect of 1998 redistribution: 00.3 shift to Labor 1998 two-candidate majority: National 11.2 2001 two-candidate majority: Independent over Labor 19.7 Effect of 2004 redistribution: cannot be calculated 2004 two-candidate majority: Independent over Labor 18.9 Effect of 2006 redistribution: cannot be calculated 2007 notional majority: Unknown 2007 two-candidate majority: Independent over Labor 16.3 2007 notional two-party majority: National over Labor 07.5 2004 enrolment: 92,089 2007 enrolment: 91,685 (-00.4%) (new boundaries) Kennedy has existed since federation, and was originally based in the remote country of north-western Queensland, dominated by the pastoral and mining industries. Successive redistributions, however, have extended the seat to the south and the east, drawing in more agricultural country and changing its character. Today most of its votes are cast in the coastal strip between Cairns and Townsville, and its main industries are farming and tourism, although mining is still important. It has the low median family income, the low proportion of people born in non English speaking countries and the low proportion of people in professional occupations typical of regional seats. In its early years Kennedy was a safe Labor seat, and Labor maintained its grip until 1966. Since then Labor has won the seat only once, in 1990, the only time since 1966 that a member of the Katter family was not a candidate. Rob Hulls, the last Labor member, is now Deputy Premier of Victoria. Bob Katter junior won the seat as a National in 1993. Bob Katter senior, who held the seat 1966-90, was a Labor Party member until the split of the 1950s, when he left and eventually joined the Country Party. His son, who was a Cabinet minister in Joh Bjelke-Petersen's Queensland state government, nevertheless retains a streak of "old Labor" radicalism on some issues. He left the Nationals in 2001 and has three times won the seat as an independent. The seat would be fairly safe for the Nationals if Katter were not a candidate. In 2010 Katter won every booth except Healy in Mt Isa, most by wide margins (86% of the two-candidate vote in Chillagoe). Katter will be 65 at the 2010 elections. If he stands again he will win again: if not, the seat will probably revert to the Nationals. | ![]() | ![]() Two-party vote by booth, 2007 (north) |