COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 18 MAY 2019 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Electoral Commission THE SENATE ==================================================================== AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (Two senators to be elected) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 295,933 +04.9 Votes cast: 276,651 93.5 +01.2 Informal votes: 6,420 02.3 +00.1 Formal votes: 270,231 97.7 -00.1 Quota for election: 90,078 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Zed Seselja * Lib 84,603 31.3 Group A Robert Gunning Lib 2,889 01.1 Q:0.9713 Penny Kyburz Green 45,780 16.9 Group B Emma Davidson Green 2,075 00.8 Q0.5313 Anthony Pesec 12,387 04.6 Group C Gary Kent 217 00.1 Q:0.1399 Shane Van Duren FACNP 2,381 00.9 Group D Scott Birkett FACNP 80 00.0 Q:0.0273 Peter Walter UAP 5,951 02.2 Group E Rebecah Hodgson UAP 179 00.1 Q:0.0681 John Haydon SustA 4,161 01.5 Group F Joy Angel SustA 302 00.1 Q:0.0495 Katy GALLAGHER ALP 104,934 38.8 ELECTED 1 Nancy Waites ALP 1,396 00.5 Group G Total Q:1.1804 Nick Houston 1,349 00.5 Q:0.0150 Gary Cowton 303 00.1 Q:0.0034 David Kim CDP 1,244 00.5 Q:0.0138 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher was a Senator for the ACT 2015-18. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Gallagher's 14,856 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 63 00.4 84,666 31.3 Gunning 25 00.2 2,914 01.1 Kyburz 341 02.3 46,121 17.1 Davidson 51 00.3 2,126 00.8 Pesec 157 10.6 12,544 04.6 Kent 2 00.0 219 00.1 Van Duren 2 00.0 2,383 00.9 Birkett 0 80 00.0 Walter 8 00.1 5,959 02.2 Hodgson 2 00.0 181 00.1 Haydon 17 00.1 4,178 01.5 Angel 7 00.0 309 00.1 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 14,133 95.2 15,529 05.7 Houston 29 00.2 1,378 00.5 Cowton 5 00.0 308 00.1 Kim 7 00.0 1,251 00.5 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 7 7 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,856 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Birkett's 80 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 3 03.8 84,669 31.3 Gunning 4 05.0 2,918 01.1 Kyburz 1 01.3 46,122 17.1 Davidson 1 01.3 2,127 00.8 Pesec 2 02.5 12,546 04.6 Kent 1 01.3 220 00.1 Van Duren 52 65.0 2,435 00.9 Walter 6 07.5 5,965 02.2 Hodgson 3 03.8 184 00.1 Haydon 0 4,178 01.5 Angel 1 01.3 310 00.1 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 2 02.5 15,531 05.7 Houston 2 02.5 1,380 00.5 Cowton 1 01.3 309 00.1 Kim 1 01.3 1,252 00.5 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 7 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Hodgson's 184 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 14 07.7 84,683 31.3 Gunning 1 00.5 2,919 01.1 Kyburz 3 01.6 46,125 17.1 Davidson 1 00.5 2,128 00.8 Pesec 2 01.1 12,548 04.6 Kent 1 00.5 221 00.1 Van Duren 4 02.2 2,439 00.9 Walter 117 64.3 6,082 02.3 Haydon 7 03.8 4,185 01.5 Angel 12 06.6 322 00.1 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 6 03.3 15,537 05.7 Houston 7 03.8 1,387 00.5 Cowton 1 00.5 310 00.1 Kim 6 03.3 1,258 00.5 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 9 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 184 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Kent's 221 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 4 01.8 84,687 31.3 Gunning 6 02.7 2,925 01.1 Kyburz 10 04.6 46,135 17.1 Davidson 7 03.2 2,135 00.8 Pesec 146 66.7 12,694 04.7 Van Duren 1 00.5 2,440 00.9 Walter 8 03.7 6,090 02.3 Haydon 2 00.9 4,187 01.5 Angel 4 01.8 326 00.1 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 8 03.7 15,545 05.7 Houston 14 06.4 1,401 00.5 Cowton 6 02.7 316 00.1 Kim 3 01.4 1,261 00.5 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 11 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 221 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Cowton's 316 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 8 02.5 84,695 31.3 Gunning 6 01.9 2,931 01.1 Kyburz 14 04.5 46,149 17.1 Davidson 6 01.9 2,141 00.8 Pesec 19 06.1 12,713 04.7 Van Duren 2 00.6 2,442 00.9 Walter 3 01.0 6,093 02.3 Haydon 2 00.6 4,189 01.5 Angel 6 01.9 332 00.1 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 24 07.6 15,569 05.8 Houston 215 68.5 1,616 00.6 Kim 9 02.9 1,270 00.5 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 13 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 316 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Angel's 332 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 3 00.9 84,698 31.3 Gunning 4 01.2 2,935 01.1 Kyburz 13 04.0 46,162 17.1 Davidson 17 05.2 2,158 00.8 Pesec 14 04.3 12,727 04.7 Van Duren 4 01.2 2,446 00.9 Walter 2 00.6 6,095 02.3 Haydon 239 72.9 4,428 01.6 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 15 04.6 15,584 05.8 Houston 12 03.7 1,628 00.6 Kim 5 01.5 1,275 00.5 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 4 17 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 332 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Kim's 1,275 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 568 44.7 85,266 31.6 Gunning 61 04.8 2,996 01.1 Kyburz 21 01.7 46,183 17.1 Davidson 11 00.9 2,169 00.8 Pesec 95 07.5 12,822 04.7 Van Duren 94 07.4 2,540 00.9 Walter 64 05.0 6,159 02.3 Haydon 60 04.7 4,488 01.7 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 73 05.7 15,657 05.8 Houston 224 17.6 1,852 00.7 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 4 21 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,275 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Houston's 1,852 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 108 05.8 85,374 31.6 Gunning 82 04.4 3,078 01.1 Kyburz 225 12.1 46,408 17.2 Davidson 60 03.2 2,229 00.8 Pesec 530 28.6 13,352 04.9 Van Duren 55 03.0 2,595 01.0 Walter 99 05.3 6,258 02.3 Haydon 391 21.1 4,879 01.8 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 302 16.3 15,959 05.9 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 21 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,852 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Davidson's 2,229 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 25 01.1 85,399 31.6 Gunning 18 00.8 3,096 01.1 Kyburz 1,975 88.7 48,383 17.9 Pesec 74 03.3 13,426 05.0 Van Duren 3 00.1 2,598 01.0 Walter 7 00.3 6,265 02.3 Haydon 29 01.3 4,908 01.8 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 95 04.3 16,054 05.9 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 3 24 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,229 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Van Duren's 2,598 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 666 26.0 86,065 31.8 Gunning 30 01.2 3,126 01.2 Kyburz 83 03.2 48,466 17.9 Pesec 119 04.6 13,545 05.0 Walter 1,150 44.9 7,415 02.7 Haydon 374 14.6 5,282 02.0 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 142 05.5 16,196 06.0 (exhausted 33 33 ) (lost by fraction 1 25 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,598 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Gunning's 3,126 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 1,582 50.7 87,647 32.4 Kyburz 216 06.9 48,682 18.0 Pesec 615 19.7 14,160 05.2 Walter 200 06.4 7,615 02.8 Haydon 173 05.5 5,455 02.0 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 336 10.8 16,532 06.1 (exhausted 3 36 ) (lost by fraction 1 26 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,126 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th count: Haydon's 5,455 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seselja * 755 14.0 88,402 32.7 Kyburz 1,620 30.0 50,302 18.6 Pesec 836 15.5 14,996 05.5 Walter 981 18.2 8,596 03.2 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 1,211 22.4 17,743 06.6 (exhausted 52 88 ) (lost by fraction 0 26 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,455 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th count: Walter's 8,596 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SESELJA * 3,876 46.1 92,278 34.1 ELECTED 2 Kyburz 1,478 17.6 51,780 19.2 Pesec 1,003 11.9 15,999 05.9 GALLAGHER E 90,078 33.3 ELECTED 1 Waites 2,037 24.2 19,780 07.3 (exhausted 187 275 ) (lost by fraction 0 26 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,596 270,231 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Katy Ruth Gallagher (born 1970): Appointed 2015. Elected 2016. Resigned 2018. Elected 2019 > Zdenko Matthew Seselja (born 1977): Elected 2013, 2016 Assistant Minister for Treasury and Finance to 29 May 2019 Assistant Minister for Finance, Charities and Electoral Matters 29 May 2019 to 22 December 2020 Minister for International Development and the Pacific from 22 December 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------