| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Australian federal election, 2022
Division of Canning, Western Australia
Named for: Alfred Canning (1860-1936), WA government surveyor
South of Perth: Byford, Halls Head, Mandurah, Pinjarra, Roleystone
State seats: All of
Dawesville and
Mandurah, parts of
Darling Range,
Murray-Wellington and
Local government areas: All of
Serpentine-Jarrahdale and
parts of
Gosnells and
Borders with:
Hasluck and
Enrolment at 2019 election: 107,182
Enrolment at 2022 election: 115,310 (+07.6)
1999 republic referendum: No 67.3
2018 same-sex marriage survey: Yes 60.2
Sitting member:
Hon Andrew Hastie (Liberal): Elected 2015 by-election, 2016, 2019
2007 Liberal majority over Labor: 5.6%
2010 Liberal majority over Labor: 2.2%
2013 Liberal majority over Labor: 11.8%
2015 by-election Liberal majority over Labor: 5.3%
2016 Liberal majority over Labor: 6.8%
2019 Liberal majority over Labor: 11.6%
2022 notional Liberal majority over Labor: 11.6%
Liberal two-party vote 1983-2019
Status: Marginal Liberal
Best Liberal booths, two-party vote: Coolup (75.3), Pickering Brook (70.8), Carmel (69.5),
Bedfordale (68.4), Oakford (67.6)
Best Labor booths, two-party vote: Greenfields East (53.7), Preston Beach (50.5),
Mandurah East (49.4), Mandurah Central (49.1), Pinjarra North (48.8)
2019 results
Statistics and history
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
1. Hon Andrew Hastie Liberal Party |
2. Amanda Hunt Australian Labor Party |
3. Tammy Siwes Pauline Hanson's One Nation |
4. Anthony Gardyne Australian Federation Party |
5. James Waldeck United Australia Party |
6. Brad Bedford Western Australia Party |
7. Dr Judith Congrene Informed Medical Options |
8. Jodie Moffatt Australian Greens |
9. Ashley Williams Independent |
10. Andriette Du Plessis Australian Christians |
11. David Gardiner Liberal Democrats |
Candidate websites:
Brad Bedford
Dr Judith Congrene
Andriette Du Plessis
David Gardiner
Anthony Gardyne
Andrew Hastie
Amanda Hunt
Jodie Moffatt
James Waldeck
Ashley Williams
Division of Canning
Canning was created in 1949, as a rural seat covering the southern part of the WA Wheat Belt. On these boundaries
it was a very safe non-Labor seat, which changed hands several times between the Liberal Party and the Country Party.
The 1980 redistribution turned it into an outer suburban seat based in Perth's south-eastern suburbs, and it has been
politically marginal ever since. More recently it has been expanded to the south to take in the retirment centres of
Mandurah and Dawesville.
Since 1980 Canning has been a typical outer suburban mortgage belt seat, dominated by traditional families with children and
mortgages, and thus sensitive to interest rates and other economic issues. It also has one of the highest proportions
of immigrants from the UK of any electorate. The Mandurah area has a large population of people over 65.
Don Randall, previously member for
Swan, defeated Labor's
Jane Gerick in 2001, and held the seat until his death in
2015. He was given a scare when the popular former state minister
Alannah MacTiernan ran against him in 2010, but
he won his largest ever majority in 2013.
The 2016 redistribution removed Labor-voting Armidale and
Thornlie from the seat, while adding coastal territory near Mandurah, shifting the balance of the seat towards the
coastal zone and away from the suburbs. The 2021 redistribution has removed rural areas around Pinjarra, slightly reducing the
Liberal majority, but seat is now fairly safe for the Liberals.
Andrew Hastie, Liberal MP for Canning since the 2015 by-election which followed Randall's death, was an Australian
Army officer for eight years, serving in Afghanistan. He has made a good impression in Canberra, and was chair of the
prestigious Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and Security from 2017. In December 2020 he was appointed
Assistant Minister for Defence.
The state seats in this area produced huge swings to Labor at the 2021 state election. This was
entirely due to state issues and should not be taken as an indicator that similar results
can be expected in WA at a federal election. The Labor candidate is Amanda Hunt, Chief Executive Officer
of Uniting WA, the community services organisation of the Uniting Church. The Greens candidate is Jodie Moffatt, a lawyer.
Median weekly household income: $1,341 (Australia $1,438)
People over 65: 19.4% (Australia 15.8%)
Indigenous: 2.0% (Australia 2.8%)
Australian born: 67.0% (Australia 66.7%)
Non-English-speaking households: 9.0% (Australia 22.2%)
Catholics 18.2% (Australia 22.6%)
No religion 33.7% (Australia 29.6%)
University graduates: 10.9% (Australia 22.0%)
Professional and managerial employment: 23.7% (Australia 35.2%)
Employed in manufacturing and construction: 30.2% (Australia 22.9%)
Employed in agriculture: 2.4% (Australia 3.3%)
Paying a mortgage: 41.9% (Australia 34.5%)
Renting: 22.3% (Australia 30.9%)
Traditional families: 31.5% (Australia 32.8%)
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