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Adam Carr's Election Archive

Australian federal election, 2025
Division of Durack, Western Australia

Named for: Dame Mary Durack (1913-94), writer, and other members of the Durack pioneering family.

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Northern Western Australia: Broome, Bullsbrook, Geraldton, Gingin, Karratha

Enrolment at 2019 election: 97,068
Enrolment at 2022 election: 118,406 (+22.1)

2018 same-sex marriage survey: Yes 59.2
2023 Voice referendum: No 75.5

Sitting member: Hon Melissa Price (Liberal): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022

2010 Liberal majority over Labor: 13.7%
2013 Liberal majority over Labor: 14.9%
2016 Liberal majority over Labor: 11.1%
2019 Liberal majority over Labor: 14.8%
2022 Liberal majority over Labor: 4.3%
2025 notional Liberal majority over Labor: 4.6%

Status 2022: Marginal Liberal
Liberal two-party vote 2010-2022

  • 2022 results
  • Statistics and history

  • Announced candidates:

    Hon Melissa Price
    Liberal Party

    Karen Wheatland
    Aust Labor Party

    Division of Durack

    Durack was created by the 2010 Western Australian redistribution, which abolished the Federation seat of Kalgoorlie and put the City of Kalgoorlie into O'Connor, thus requiring a new name for the seat covering the northern half of the state. The seat consists of the northern half of the WA wheatbelt, formerly in O'Connor, and the Kimblerley and Pilbara regions in the north, formerly in Kalgoorlie.

    The southern part of the seat is heavily agricultural, with the low levels of family income and of people in professional occupations typical of such areas. The northern part is devoted to the mining and pastoral industries, and is rather wealthier. Durack's 16.7% Indigenous population is higher than that in any seat except Lingiari: the state seat of Kimberley usually elects an Indigenous (Labor) member. Durack has one of the highest proportions of households in rental accommodation of any seat, reflecting conditions in the mining towns.

    Barry Haase, who had been MP for Kalgoorlie since 1998, was elected the first member for Durack in 2010. At the same election, the Nationals defeated Wilson Tuckey, the veteran Liberal MP for O'Connor. Encouraged by this, the Nationals made a serious bid for Durack in 2013, when Haase retired. The result was very close, with the Liberals hanging on by 1%.

    Melissa Price, Liberal MP for Durack since 2013, was a solictor and corporate lawyer in the mining industry before her election. Her uncle and grandather were Labor members of the WA Parliament. She was comfortably re-elected in 2016, with the Nationals vote falling back to 16.0%. In August 2018 she was appointed Minister for the Environment, where her views proved controversial. In May 2019 she was moved to Minister for Defence Industry, and then to Minister for Science and Technology. After the 2022 election she returned to the backbench.

    The 2024 redistribution has made no significant change to the seat. The 2022 election saw large swings to Labor in all the Western Australian seats. This was largely due to state issues, particularly arising from the COVID pandemic. This means that the Labor vote in Durack is probably over-stated. The Labor candidate is Karen Wheatland, who comes from Geraldton but until recently was a member of Melville Council in Perth and is on the staff of Tangney MP Sam Lim.

    Boundaries following most recent redistribution:

    See full-size map of this Division

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