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Adam Carr's Election Archive

Australian federal election, 2025
Division of Flynn, Queensland

Named for: Rev John Flynn (1880-1951), Presbyterian minister and founder of the Royal Flying Doctor Service

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Central Queensland coast: Biloela, Gayndah, Gladstone, Gracemere, Mount Morgan

Enrolment at 2019 election: 103,056
Enrolment at 2022 election: 108,988 (+05.8)
2018 same-sex marriage survey: Yes 51.5
2023 Voice referendum: No 83.7

Sitting member: Colin Boyce (Nationals): Elected 2022

2007 Labor majority over Nationals: 0.2%
2010 Nationals majority over Labor: 3.6%
2013 Nationals majority over Labor: 6.5%
2016 Nationals majority over Labor: 1.0%
2019 Nationals majority over Labor: 8.7%
2022 Nationals majority over Labor: 3.8%

Status: Very marginal Nationals
Nationals two-party vote 2007-2022

  • 2022 results
  • Statistics and history

  • Announced candidates:

    Colin Boyce
    The Nationals

    Helen Madell
    Aust Labor Party

    David Harris (One Nation)
    Lance Price (People First)

    Division of Flynn

    Flynn was created by the 2006 redistribution. Its largest centre is the industrial and mining port of Gladtone, and it runs inland through rural centres such as Monto and Eidsvold to the mining towns of Emerald and Blackwater. It also includes the rural Burnett Valley and some Rockhmapton suburbs. Flynn has the usual rural mix of low median family incomes,a low level of people in professional and managerial occupations and a low proportion of non English speaking households. Over 12% workforce is employed in agriculture.

    The Gladstone-Mount Morgan area is a Labor stronghold: even in 2013, Labor won every booth in this area by a wide margin. Outside Gladstone, however, Labor's only strong areas are Blackwater and the Indigenous shire of Woorabinda. The rural parts of the seat vote overwhelming for the Nationals.

    Chris Trevor's win for Labor in Flynn in 2007 was one of the upsets of the election, and the recovery of the seat by the Nationals in 2010 was no surprise. Labor came close to winning Flynn again in 2016, but in 2019, as in other Queensland regional seats, the Nationals majority blew out to over 8%.

    Ken O'Dowd was Nationals MP for Flynn 2010-22, and was one of the Parliament's most inconspicuous backbenchers. Despite the narrow margin in 2022, the Nationals are now fairly secure in Flynn, and Labor will need to improve greatly their vote outside Gladstone if they are to regain the seat.

    Colin Boyce, a farmer and "old-style Queensland National", has been Nationals MP for Flynn since 2022. He was the state member for Callide 2017-22. The Labor candidate is Helen Madell, a clinical psychologist and Army veteran.

    Boundaries following most recent redistribution:

    See full-size map of this Division

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