The Hon Kevin Rudd, MP:
Prime Minister |
The Hon Julia Gillard, MP:
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Education, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations |
Senator The Hon Chris Evans:
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship |
Senator The Hon Stephen Conroy:
Minister for Communications and Information Technology |
The Hon Wayne Swan, MP:
Treasurer |
The Hon Stephen Smith, MP:
Minister for Foreign Affairs |
The Hon Simon Crean, MP:
Minister for Trade |
The Hon Martin Ferguson, MP:
Minster for Resources and Energy, Minister for Tourism |
The Hon Lindsay Tanner, MP:
Minister for Finance |
The Hon Robert McClelland, MP:
Attorney-General |
The Hon Jenny Macklin, MP:
Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs |
The Hon Nicola Roxon, MP:
Minister for Health and Ageing |
Senator The Hon Kim Carr:
Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
The Hon Peter Garrett, AM MP:
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts |
The Hon Joel Fitzgibbon, MP:
Minister for Defence |
The Hon Anthony Albanese, MP:
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government |
The Hon Tony Burke, MP:
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
Senator The Hon Penny Wong:
Minister for Climate Change and Water |
Senator The Hon Joseph Ludwig:
Minster for Human Services |
Senator The Hon John Faulkner:
Special minister of state, Cabinet Secretary |
The Hon Bob Debus, MP:
Minister for Home Affairs |
Senator The Hon Nick Sherry:
Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law |
The Hon Tanya Plibersek, MP:
Minister for Housing and Status of Women |
The Hon Dr Craig Emerson, MP:
Minister for Service Economy, Small Business and Independent Contractors |
The Hon Alan Griffin, MP:
Minister for Veterans' Affairs |
The Hon Chris Bowen, MP:
Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Revenue and Competition Policy |
The Hon Warren Snowdon, MP:
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel |
The Hon Brendan O'Connor, MP:
Minister for Workforce Participation |
The Hon Justine Elliot, MP:
Minister for Ageing |
The Hon Kate Ellis, MP:
Minister for Youth and Sport |
The Hon Bob McMullan, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance |
The Hon Laurie Ferguson, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural affairs and Settlement Programs |
The Hon Anthony Byrne, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister |
The Hon Greg Combet, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement |
The Hon Maxine McKew, MP:
Parliamentary secretary to the Prime Minister for Early Childhood Education and Childcare |
The Hon Dr Mike Kelly, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Defence |
The Hon John Murphy, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Trade |
The Hon Bill Shorten, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Disability and Childrens Services |
The Hon Gary Gray, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and for Northern and Regional Australia |
The Hon Duncan Kerr, MP:
Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Relations |
Senator The Hon Ursula Stephens:
Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion |