TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE SEVENTEENTH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 30 APRIL 1912 ======================================================================== The Seventeenth Parliament was opened on 2 July 1912 and was dissolved on 27 December 1912 Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "General Election for House of Assembly", presented to the Chief Secretary on 1 July 1912. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from the Hobart "Daily Post", 19 April 1912. Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Lewis Liberal government retained office by one seat, winning 16 seats to Labour's 14. Lewis took this as a rejection of his leadership and resigned. Albert Solomon was elected Liberal leader and formed a government. But in December, a Liberal member (Cameron) withdrew his support. Solomon was then granted a dissolution for an election in January 1913. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 103,513 Total votes counted: 76,052 73.5 Informal votes: 2,166 02.8 Formal votes: 73,886 97.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labour 33,634 45.5 +06.6 14 +02 Liberal 40,252 54.5 +03.9 16 -01 Others - -01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 73,886 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor gained seats from the Liberals in Bass, Denison and Franklin, while losing their fourth seat in Darwin. The Liberals gained the seat won by a Liberal Democrat in Bass in 1909. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ========================================================================================= Division Labour Liberal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass 7,109 48.3 +12.2 2.98 3 +1 7,626 51.8 +01.5 3.20 3 Darwin 7,259 52.8 -05.6 3.04 3 -1 6,484 47.2 +05.7 2.72 3 +1 Denison 7,901 48.9 +20.5 3.31 3 +1 8,255 51.1 +05.4 3.46 3 -1 Franklin 6,939 42.7 +09.2 2.91 3 +1 9,300 57.3 -02.2 3.90 3 -1 Wilmot 4,426 34.0 -07.0 1.86 2 8,587 66.0 +09.5 3.60 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 33,634 45.5 +06.6 14.10 14 +2 40,252 54.5 +03.9 16.89 16 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the totals for each party I have shown the number of notional statewide quotas they obtained. The notional statewide quota (2,384) is the statewide formal vote (73,884) divided by 31. VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Scottsdale, St Helens ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 21,087 Total votes cast: 15,133 71.8 Informal votes: 398 02.6 Formal votes: 14,735 97.4 Quota for election: 2,106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur Anderson Labor 831 05.6 Thomas J Bakhap * Liberal 1,979 13.4 George G Becker Labor 1,318 08.9 Richard Camm Labor 263 01.8 James Guy * Labor 1,360 09.2 Charles R HOWROYD * Labor 2,794 19.0 ELECTED 1 Richard J S McKenzie * Liberal 991 06.7 Stephen W Margetts Liberal 868 05.9 Frederick Moore Labor 543 03.7 William C Oldham Liberal 271 01.8 Robert J Sadler * Liberal 726 04.9 Hon Albert E SOLOMON * Liberal 2,592 17.6 ELECTED 2 David Storrer Liberal 199 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Anderson, see Bass 1913. 2. Storrer was MHA for Launceston 1902-03, for Launceston West 1903, MHR for Bass 1903-10. Some newspapers described him as an independent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Howroyd's 688 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 52 07.6 883 06.0 Bakhap * 4 00.6 1,983 13.5 Becker 83 12.2 1,401 09.5 Camm 18 02.6 281 01.9 Guy * 438 64.2 1,798 12.2 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 2 00.3 993 06.7 Margetts 2 00.3 870 05.9 Moore 77 11.3 620 04.2 Oldham 1 00.1 272 01.8 Sadler * 3 00.4 729 04.9 SOLOMON * - 2,592 17.6 ELECTED 2 Storrer 2 00.3 201 01.4 Remaining 682 14,729 Lost by fraction 6 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 688 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Solomon's 486 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson - 883 06.0 BAKHAP * 126 26.2 2,109 14.3 ELECTED 3 Becker 1 00.2 1,402 09.5 Camm - 281 01.9 Guy * 2 00.4 1,800 12.2 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 35 07.3 1,028 07.0 Margetts 192 39.9 1,062 07.2 Moore 1 00.2 621 04.2 Oldham 23 04.8 295 02.0 Sadler * 92 19.1 821 05.6 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 2 Storrer 9 01.9 210 01.4 Remaining 481 14,724 Lost by fraction 5 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 486 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Bakhap's 3 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson - 883 06.0 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 3 Becker - 1,402 09.5 Camm - 281 01.9 Guy * - 1,800 12.2 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * - 1,028 07.0 Margetts 1 1,063 07.2 Moore - 621 04.2 Oldham - 295 02.0 Sadler * - 821 05.6 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 2 Storrer - 210 01.4 Remaining 1 14,722 Lost by fraction 2 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Storrer's 210 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 6 02.9 889 06.0 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 3 Becker 7 03.4 1,409 09.6 Camm 2 01.0 283 01.9 Guy * 34 16.6 1,834 12.5 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 12 05.9 1,040 07.1 Margetts 46 22.4 1,109 07.5 Moore 9 04.4 630 04.3 Oldham 11 05.4 306 02.1 Sadler * 78 38.0 899 06.1 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 205 14,717 Lost by fraction 3 16 Exhausted 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 210 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Camm's 283 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 25 09.0 914 06.2 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 3 Becker 70 25.3 1,479 10.1 Guy * 114 41.2 1,948 13.2 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 19 06.9 1,059 07.2 Margetts 11 04.0 1,120 07.6 Moore 27 09.7 657 04.5 Oldham 3 01.0 309 02.1 Sadler * 8 02.9 907 06.2 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 277 14,711 Lost by fraction 2 18 Exhausted 4 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 283 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Oldham's 309 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 5 01.7 919 06.3 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 3 Becker 1 00.3 1,480 10.1 Guy * 9 03.0 1,957 13.3 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 53 17.9 1,112 07.6 Margetts 72 24.3 1,192 08.1 Moore 1 00.3 658 04.5 Sadler * 155 52.4 1,062 07.2 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 296 14,698 Lost by fraction 3 21 Exhausted 10 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 309 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Moore's 658 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 145 22.7 1,064 07.2 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 3 Becker 132 20.6 1,612 11.0 GUY * 340 53.1 2,297 15.6 ELECTED 4 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 7 01.1 1,119 07.6 Margetts 5 00.8 1,197 08.2 Sadler * 11 01.7 1,073 07.3 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 640 14,680 Lost by fraction 5 26 Exhausted 13 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 658 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Guy's 191 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 69 38.1 1,133 07.7 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 3 Becker 110 60.8 1,722 11.7 GUY * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 4 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * - 1,119 07.6 Margetts - 1,197 08.2 Sadler * 2 01.1 1,075 07.3 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 2 Remaining 181 14,670 Lost by fraction 2 28 Exhausted 8 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 191 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Sadler's 1,075 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson 23 02.3 1,156 07.9 BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 3 Becker 28 02.9 1,750 12.0 GUY * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 4 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 597 50.8 1,716 11.8 Margetts 334 34.0 1,531 10.5 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.4 ELECTED 2 Remaining 982 14,577 Lost by fraction 8 36 Exhausted 85 122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,075 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Anderson's 1,156 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKHAP * - 2,106 14.9 ELECTED 3 BECKER 724 95.3 2,474 17.4 ELECTED 5 GUY * - 2,106 14.9 ELECTED 4 HOWROYD * - 2,106 14.9 ELECTED 1 McKenzie * 23 03.0 1,739 12.3 Margetts 13 01.7 1,544 10.9 SOLOMON * - 2,106 14.9 ELECTED 2 Remaining 760 14,181 Lost by fraction 3 39 Exhausted 393 515 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,156 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Becker's 368 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKHAP * - 2,106 15.2 ELECTED 3 BECKER - 2,106 15.2 ELECTED 5 GUY * - 2,106 15.2 ELECTED 4 HOWROYD * - 2,106 15.2 ELECTED 1 McKENZIE * 3 42.9 1,742 12.6 ELECTED 6 Margetts 4 57.1 1,544 11.2 SOLOMON * - 2,106 15.2 ELECTED 2 Remaining 7 13,820 Lost by fraction 1 40 Exhausted 360 875 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 368 14,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ McKenzie was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert James Sadler (1846-1923): Elected 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912 Later career: see Bass 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Jerome Kingston Bakhap (1866-1923): Elected 1909, 1912 Resigned 23 January 1913: no by-election held Later career: Senator for Tasmania 1913-23 Died 18 August 1923 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912 Born: 26 July 1877, Bagdad Career: Farmer, storekeeper. President Tasmanian Labor Party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Guy (1860-1921): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Richard Howroyd (1867-1917): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard John Stevenson McKenzie (1850-1919): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert Edgar Solomon (1876-1914): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attorney-General Minister for Education Minister for Mines to 14 June 1912 Premier from 14 June 1912 Minister for Education from 14 June 1912 Leader of the Liberal Party from 5 June 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Burnie, Queenstown, Wynyard, Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 20,571 Total votes cast: 14,164 68.9 Informal votes: 421 03.0 Formal votes: 13,743 97.0 Quota for election: 1,964 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James BELTON * Labor 2,022 14.7 ELECTED 3 James A Hurst * Labor 1,444 10.5 Martin Kean Labor 786 05.7 William Lamerton Liberal 1,128 08.2 Hon James Ogden * Labor 1,831 13.3 Herbert J M PAYNE * Liberal 2,024 14.7 ELECTED 2 George G Pullen Liberal 1,235 09.0 Benjamin Watkins * Labor 1,176 08.6 Joshua T H WHITSITT * Liberal 2,097 15.3 ELECTED 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamerton was MHA for Zeehan 1903-06. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Whitsitt's 133 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,022 14.7 ELECTED 3 Hurst * 2 01.5 1,446 10.5 Kean 2 01.5 788 05.7 Lamerton 29 22.3 1,157 08.4 Ogden * 2 01.5 1,833 13.3 PAYNE * - 2,024 14.7 ELECTED 2 Pullen 93 71.5 1,328 09.7 Watkins * 2 01.5 1,178 08.6 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 130 13,740 Lost by fraction 2 2 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 133 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Payne's 60 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,022 14.7 ELECTED 3 Hurst * - 1,446 10.5 Kean - 788 05.7 Lamerton 13 22.8 1,170 08.5 Ogden * - 1,833 13.3 PAYNE * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pullen 44 77.2 1,372 10.0 Watkins * - 1,178 08.6 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 57 13,737 Lost by fraction 3 5 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 60 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Belton's 58 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 3 Hurst * 48 87.3 1,464 10.7 Kean 1 01.8 789 05.7 Lamerton - 1,170 08.5 Ogden * 4 07.3 1,837 13.4 PAYNE * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pullen 1 01.8 1,373 10.0 Watkins * 1 01.8 1,179 08.6 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 55 13,734 Lost by fraction 3 8 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 58 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Kean's 789 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 3 Hurst * 122 15.7 1,616 11.8 Lamerton 10 01.3 1,180 08.6 OGDEN * 348 44.7 2,185 15.9 ELECTED 4 PAYNE * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pullen 6 07.7 1,379 10.0 Watkins * 293 37.6 1,472 10.7 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 779 13,724 Lost by fraction 2 10 Exhausted 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 789 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Ogden's 221 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 3 Hurst * 14 06.9 1,630 11.9 Lamerton 2 01.0 1,182 08.6 OGDEN * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 4 PAYNE * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pullen 5 02.5 1,384 10.1 Watkins * 182 89.7 1,654 12.1 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 203 13,706 Lost by fraction 3 13 Exhausted 15 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 221 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Lamerton's 1,182 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,964 14.5 ELECTED 3 Hurst * 19 01.8 1,649 12.2 OGDEN * - 1,964 14.5 ELECTED 4 PAYNE * - 1,964 14.5 ELECTED 2 PULLEN 975 93.4 2,359 17.4 ELECTED 5 Watkins * 50 04.8 1,704 12.6 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.5 ELECTED 1 Remaining 1,044 13,568 Lost by fraction 3 16 Exhausted 135 159 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,182 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Pullen's 395 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,964 14.9 ELECTED 3 Hurst * 6 26.1 1,655 12.5 OGDEN * - 1,964 14.9 ELECTED 4 PAYNE * - 1,964 14.9 ELECTED 2 PULLEN - 1,964 14.9 ELECTED 5 WATKINS * 17 73.9 1,721 13.0 ELECTED 6 WHITSITT * - 1,964 14.9 ELECTED 1 Remaining 23 13,196 Lost by fraction - 16 Exhausted 372 531 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 395 13,743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watkins was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Abraham Hurst (1880-1964): Elected 1910 by. Defeated 1912 Later career: Military service 1915-17. See Darwin 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Belton (1855-1935): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Ernest Ogden (1868-1932): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert James Mockford Payne (1866-1944): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treasurer from 14 June 1912 Minister for Agriculture from 14 June 1912 Minister for Railways from 14 June 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Gerald Pullen (1873-1953): Elected 1912 Born: 15 July 1873, Sassafras Career: Merchant, estate agent, Methodist church worker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Watkins (1884-1963): Elected 1906 by, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joshua Thomas Hoskins Whitsitt (1869-1943): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Glenorchy, Hobart, New Town, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 21,446 Total votes cast: 16,600 77.4 Informal votes: 444 02.7 Formal votes: 16,156 97.3 Quota for election: 2,309 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Amott Liberal 377 02.3 Vincent W O Barker Labor 1,124 07.0 William J H Clifford Liberal 220 01.4 John J Davies * Liberal 1,382 08.5 Arthur C Davis Liberal 312 01.9 Henry C Edmonds Labor 1,054 06.5 Hon Sir Elliott LEWIS * Liberal 2,732 16.9 ELECTED 1 Loudoun H Macleod Liberal 986 06.1 Charles Metz Liberal 73 00.5 Abraham Needham Labor 517 03.2 Frederick B Rattle * Liberal 509 03.2 William Sheridan * Labor 2,044 12.7 Francis D Valentine Liberal 1,058 06.5 Newham Waterworth Labor 625 03.9 William M Williams Liberal 596 03.7 Walter A WOODS * Labor 2,537 15.7 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Metz was MHA for Launceston West 1906-09. 2. For Williams, see Legislative Council, Hobart 1916. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Lewis's 423 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amott 9 02.2 386 02.4 Barker - 1,124 07.0 Clifford 8 01.9 228 01.4 Davies * 176 42.4 1,568 09.7 Davis 17 04.1 329 02.0 Edmonds - 1,054 06.5 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod 101 24.3 1,087 06.6 Metz 3 00.7 76 00.5 Needham - 517 03.2 Rattle * 14 03.4 523 03.2 Sheridan * 2 00.5 2,046 12.7 Valentine 50 12.0 1,108 06.9 Waterworth 1 00.2 626 03.9 Williams 34 08.2 630 03.9 WOODS * - 2,537 15.7 ELECTED 2 Remaining 415 16,148 Lost by fraction 8 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 423 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Woods's 228 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amott - 386 02.4 Barker 10 04.5 1,134 07.0 Clifford - 228 01.4 Davies * - 1,568 09.7 Davis - 329 02.0 Edmonds 8 03.6 1,062 06.6 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod - 1,087 06.7 Metz - 76 00.5 Needham 8 03.6 525 03.3 Rattle * - 523 03.2 Sheridan * 151 68.3 2,197 13.6 Valentine - 1,108 06.9 Waterworth 42 19.0 668 04.1 Williams 2 00.9 632 03.9 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 221 16,141 Lost by fraction 7 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 228 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Metz's 76 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amott 14 18.9 400 02.5 Barker - 1,134 07.0 Clifford 22 29.7 250 01.5 Davies * 6 08.1 1,574 09.8 Davis 6 08.1 335 02.1 Edmonds 1 01.4 1,063 06.6 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod 9 12.2 1,096 06.8 Needham 4 05.4 529 03.3 Rattle * 1 01.4 524 03.2 Sheridan * 1 01.4 2,198 13.6 Valentine 7 09.5 1,115 06.9 Waterworth 2 02.7 670 04.2 Williams 1 01.4 633 03.9 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 74 16,139 Lost by fraction 2 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 76 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Clifford's 250 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amott 19 07.7 419 02.6 Barker 6 02.4 1,140 07.1 Davies * 72 29.1 1,646 10.2 Davis 15 06.1 350 02.2 Edmonds 2 00.8 1,065 06.6 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod 49 19.8 1,145 07.1 Needham 1 00.4 530 03.3 Rattle * 7 02.8 531 03.3 Sheridan * 5 02.0 2,203 13.7 Valentine 49 19.8 1,164 07.2 Waterworth 11 04.5 681 04.2 Williams 11 04.6 644 04.0 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 247 16,136 Lost by fraction 3 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 250 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Davis's 350 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amott 8 02.3 427 02.6 Barker 4 01.2 1,144 07.1 Davies * 42 12.2 1,688 10.5 Edmonds 5 01.5 1,070 06.6 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod 64 18.6 1,209 07.5 Needham 5 01.5 535 03.3 Rattle * 63 18.3 594 03.7 Sheridan * 2 00.6 2,205 13.7 Valentine 68 19.8 1,232 07.6 Waterworth 2 00.6 683 04.2 Williams 81 23.5 725 04.5 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 344 16,130 Lost by fraction 3 23 Exhausted 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 350 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Amott's 427 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 45 11.0 1,189 07.4 Davies * 166 40.5 1,854 11.5 Edmonds 6 01.5 1,076 06.7 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod 66 16.1 1,275 07.9 Needham 5 01.2 540 03.4 Rattle * 22 05.4 616 03.8 Sheridan * 19 04.6 2,224 13.8 Valentine 55 13.4 1,287 08.0 Waterworth 9 02.2 692 04.3 Williams 17 04.1 742 04.6 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 410 16,113 Lost by fraction - 23 Exhausted 17 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 427 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Needham's 540 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 61 11.4 1,250 07.8 Davies * 1 00.2 1,855 11.5 Edmonds 105 19.7 1,181 07.3 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod - 1,275 07.9 Rattle * 10 01.9 626 03.9 SHERIDAN * 232 43.5 2,456 15.2 ELECTED 3 Valentine 6 01.1 1,293 08.0 Waterworth 116 21.8 808 05.0 Williams 2 00.4 744 04.6 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 533 16,106 Lost by fraction 2 25 Exhausted 5 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 540 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Sheridan's 147 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 22 15.5 1,272 07.9 Davies * - 1,855 11.5 Edmonds 31 21.8 1,212 07.5 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod - 1,275 07.9 Rattle * - 626 03.9 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 3 Valentine 3 02.1 1,296 08.0 Waterworth 86 60.6 894 05.6 Williams - 744 04.6 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 142 16,101 Lost by fraction 3 28 Exhausted 2 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 147 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Rattle's 626 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 7 01.1 1,279 07.9 Davies * 118 19.1 1,973 12.3 Edmonds 1 00.2 1,213 07.5 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 1 Macleod 49 07.9 1,324 08.2 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 3 Valentine 203 32.9 1,499 09.3 Waterworth 15 02.4 909 05.6 Williams 224 36.3 968 06.0 WOODS * - 2,309 14.3 ELECTED 2 Remaining 617 16,092 Lost by fraction 3 31 Exhausted 6 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 626 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Waterworth's 909 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 390 44.8 1,669 10.4 Davies * 4 00.5 1,977 12.3 Edmonds 433 49.7 1,646 10.3 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.4 ELECTED 1 Macleod 10 01.1 1,334 08.3 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 14.4 ELECTED 3 Valentine 15 01.7 1,514 09.4 Williams 19 02.2 987 06.1 WOODS * - 2,309 14.4 ELECTED 2 Remaining 871 16,054 Lost by fraction 6 37 Exhausted 32 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 909 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Williams's 987 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 13 01.4 1,682 10.5 Davies * 256 27.4 2,233 14.0 Edmonds 3 00.3 1,649 10.3 LEWIS * - 2,309 14.4 ELECTED 1 Macleod 258 27.6 1,592 09.9 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 14.4 ELECTED 3 Valentine 404 43.3 1,918 12.0 WOODS * - 2,309 14.4 ELECTED 2 Remaining 934 16,001 Lost by fraction 4 41 Exhausted 49 114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 987 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Macleod's 1,592 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 21 02.2 1,703 11.1 DAVIES * 509 52.4 2,742 17.9 ELECTED 4 Edmonds 18 91.9 1,667 10.8 LEWIS * - 2,309 15.0 ELECTED 1 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 15.0 ELECTED 3 VALENTINE 423 43.6 2,341 15.2 ELECTED 5 WOODS * - 2,309 15.0 ELECTED 2 Remaining 971 15,380 Lost by fraction - 41 Exhausted 621 735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,592 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Davies's 433 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker 5 62.5 1,708 11.4 DAVIES * - 2,309 15.4 ELECTED 4 Edmonds 3 37.5 1,670 11.2 LEWIS * - 2,309 15.4 ELECTED 1 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 15.4 ELECTED 3 VALENTINE - 2,341 15.7 ELECTED 5 WOODS * - 2,309 15.4 ELECTED 2 Remaining 8 14,955 Lost by fraction - 41 Exhausted 425 1,160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 433 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Valentine's 32 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARKER - 1,708 11.4 ELECTED 6 DAVIES * - 2,309 15.5 ELECTED 4 Edmonds - 1,670 11.2 LEWIS * - 2,309 15.5 ELECTED 1 SHERIDAN * - 2,309 15.5 ELECTED 3 VALENTINE - 2,309 15.5 ELECTED 5 WOODS * - 2,309 15.5 ELECTED 2 Remaining - 14,923 Lost by fraction - 41 Exhausted 32 1,192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 32 16,156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frederick Bowden Rattle (1869-1950): Elected 1903, 1906, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912 Died 13 August 1950 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vincent William Oswald Barker (1876-1937): Elected 1912 Born: 31 July 1876, Rosegarland Career: Carpenter and contractor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John George Davies (1846-1913): Elected 1884 by, 1886, 1891, 1893, 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly to 27 December 1912 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil Elliott Lewis (1858-1935): Elected 1886, 1891. Accepted office 1892. Elected 1892 by, 1893, 1897. Accepted office 1899. Elected 1899 by, 1900. Defeated 1903. Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier to 14 June 1912 Treasurer to 14 June 1912 Leader of the Liberal Party to 8 June 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Sheridan (1858-1931): Elected 1909, 1912 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Francis David Valentine (1863-1941): Elected 1912 Born: 24 August 1863, Hobart Career: Builder and contractor. Hobart City Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Alan Woods (1861-1939): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Bellerive, Campbell Town, Kingston, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 21,524 Total votes cast: 16,703 77.6 Informal votes: 464 02.8 Formal votes: 16,239 97.1 Quota for election: 2,320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr William E Bottrill Liberal 482 03.0 Arthur Cotton Liberal 1,215 07.5 David E Dicker * Labor 1,826 11.2 Hon John EARLE * Labor 3,662 22.6 ELECTED 1 Hon John W Evans * Liberal 1,958 12.1 Norman K Ewing * Liberal 2,015 12.4 William J Fullerton Liberal 811 05.0 Hon Alexander Hean * Liberal 1,958 12.1 George Leatham Liberal 861 05.3 George F Martin Labor 613 03.8 William E Shoobridge Labor 838 05.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Cotton, see Franklin 1913. 2. For Fullerton, see Denison 1913. 3. Leatham was MHA for New Norfolk 1891-1903, 1906-09. 4. For Shoobridge, see Franklin 1916. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Earle's 1,342 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bottrill 2 00.1 484 03.0 Cotton 3 00.2 1,218 07.5 DICKER * 806 60.2 2,632 16.2 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 1 Evans * 25 01.9 1,983 12.2 Ewing * 12 00.9 2,027 12.5 Fullerton 4 00.3 815 05.0 Hean * 9 00.7 1,967 12.1 Leatham 7 00.5 868 05.3 Martin 276 20.6 889 05.5 Shoobridge 195 14.6 1,033 06.4 Remaining 1,339 16,236 Lost by fraction 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,342 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Dicker's 312 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bottrill - 484 03.0 Cotton 1 00.3 1,219 07.5 DICKER * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 1 Evans * 1 00.3 1,984 12.2 Ewing * - 2,027 12.5 Fullerton - 815 05.0 Hean * - 1,967 12.1 Leatham - 868 05.3 Martin 228 74.5 1,117 06.9 Shoobridge 76 24.8 1,109 06.8 Remaining 306 16,230 Lost by fraction 6 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 312 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Bottrill's 484 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 265 55.7 1,484 09.1 DICKER * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 1 Evans * 87 18.3 2,071 12.8 Ewing * 50 10.5 2,077 12.8 Fullerton 29 06.1 844 05.2 Hean * 30 06.3 1,997 12.3 Leatham 5 01.1 873 05.4 Martin 5 01.1 1,122 06.9 Shoobridge 5 01.1 1,114 06.9 Remaining 476 16,222 Lost by fraction 1 10 Exhausted 7 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 484 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Fullerton's 844 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 126 15.0 1,610 09.9 DICKER * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 1 Evans * 236 28.1 2,307 12.2 Ewing * 230 27.4 2,307 14.2 Hean * 162 19.3 2,159 13.3 Leatham 70 08.3 943 05.8 Martin 7 00.8 1,129 07.0 Shoobridge 9 01.1 1,123 06.9 Remaining 840 16,218 Lost by fraction 2 12 Exhausted 2 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 844 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Leatham's 943 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 174 19.0 1,784 11.6 DICKER * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * 173 18.9 2,480 15.3 ELECTED 4 EWING * 183 20.0 2,490 15.4 ELECTED 3 HEAN * 272 29.8 2,431 15.0 ELECTED 5 Martin 57 06.2 1,186 07.3 Shoobridge 55 06.0 1,178 07.3 Remaining 914 16,189 Lost by fraction 2 14 Exhausted 27 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 943 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Ewing's 170 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 130 99.2 1,914 11.9 DICKER * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,480 15.4 ELECTED 4 EWING * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 3 HEAN * - 2,431 15.1 ELECTED 5 Martin 1 00.8 1,187 07.3 Shoobridge - 1,178 07.3 Remaining 131 16,150 Lost by fraction 2 16 Exhausted 37 73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 170 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Evans's 160 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 98 89.9 2,012 12.5 DICKER * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 4 EWING * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 3 HEAN * - 2,431 15.1 ELECTED 5 Martin 6 05.5 1,193 07.4 Shoobridge 5 04.6 1,183 07.3 Remaining 109 16,099 Lost by fraction 2 18 Exhausted 49 122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 160 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Hean's 111 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 67 97.1 2,079 12.9 DICKER * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 4 EWING * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 3 HEAN * - 2,320 14.4 ELECTED 5 Martin 2 02.9 1,195 07.4 Shoobridge - 1,183 07.4 Remaining 69 16,057 Lost by fraction 2 20 Exhausted 40 162 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 111 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Shoobridge's 1,183 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton 35 03.4 2,114 13.3 DICKER * - 2,320 14.6 ELECTED 2 EARLE * - 2,320 14.6 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,320 14.6 ELECTED 4 EWING * - 2,320 14.6 ELECTED 3 HEAN * - 2,320 14.6 ELECTED 5 MARTIN 1,002 96.6 2,197 13.8 ELECTED 6 Remaining 1,037 15,911 Lost by fraction 2 22 Exhausted 144 306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,183 16,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Edward Dicker (1882-1967): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Earle (1865-1932): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition Leader of the Labour Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John William Evans (1855-1943): Elected 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly to 27 December 1912 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Norman Kirkwood Ewing (1870-1928): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Hean (1859-1927): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister of Lands and Works to 14 June 1912 Minister for Agriculture to 14 June 1912 Minister for Mines to 14 June 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Frederick Martin (1876-1946): Elected 1912 Born: 9 June 1876, New Norfolk Career: Clerk, orchardist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Devonport, Longford, Ulverstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 18,885 Total votes cast: 13,452 71.2 Informal votes: 439 03.3 Formal votes: 13,013 96.7 Quota for election: 1,860 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonathan Best * Liberal 1,184 09.1 Donald N Cameron Liberal 1,385 10.6 William G Curwen Labor 775 06.0 Richard C Field * Liberal 1,056 08.1 Herbert Hays * Liberal 1,536 11.8 Walter H Lee * Liberal 1,823 14.0 Joseph A LYONS * Labor 2,326 17.9 ELECTED 1 Edward Mulcahy * Liberal 1,603 12.3 Michael I O'Keefe Labor 657 05.0 Henry Shackloth Labor 668 05.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cameron was MHA for Deloraine 1893-94, 1897-99, MHR for Tasmania 1901-03, Wilmot 1904-06. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Lyons's 466 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 3 00.6 1,187 09.1 Cameron 12 02.6 1,397 10.7 Curwen 133 28.8 908 07.0 Field * 3 00.6 1,059 08.1 Hays * 4 00.9 1,540 11.8 Lee * 2 00.4 1,825 14.0 LYONS * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mulcahy * 19 04.1 1,622 12.5 O'Keefe 181 39.2 838 06.4 Shackloth 105 22.7 773 05.9 Remaining 462 13,009 Lost by fraction 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 466 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Shackloth's 773 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 2 00.3 1,189 09.1 Cameron 21 02.7 1,418 10.9 Curwen 213 27.7 1,121 08.6 Field * 2 00.3 1,061 08.2 Hays * 1 00.1 1,541 11.8 Lee * 6 00.8 1,831 14.1 LYONS * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mulcahy * 17 02.2 1,639 12.6 O'Keefe 508 66.0 1,346 10.3 Remaining 770 13,006 Lost by fraction 3 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 773 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Field's 1,061 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 110 10.4 1,299 10.0 Cameron 77 07.3 1,495 11.5 Curwen 9 00.9 1,130 08.7 Hays * 182 17.2 1,723 13.3 LEE * 348 32.9 2,179 16.8 ELECTED 2 LYONS * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * 305 28.8 1,944 15.0 ELECTED 3 O'Keefe 27 02.6 1,373 10.6 Remaining 1,058 13,003 Lost by fraction 2 9 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,061 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Lee's 319 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 89 30.7 1,388 10.7 Cameron 32 11.0 1,527 11.8 Curwen 5 01.7 1,135 08.7 HAYS * 159 54.8 1,882 14.5 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 2 LYONS * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,944 15.0 ELECTED 3 O'Keefe 5 01.7 1,378 10.6 Remaining 290 12,974 Lost by fraction 3 12 Exhausted 26 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 319 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Mulcahy's 84 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 61 83.6 1,449 11.2 Cameron 12 16.4 1,539 11.9 Curwen - 1,135 08.7 HAYS * - 1,882 14.5 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 2 LYONS * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,860 14.3 ELECTED 3 O'Keefe 1 01.4 1,379 10.6 Remaining 74 12,964 Lost by fraction 3 15 Exhausted 7 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 84 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Hays's 22 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 17 89.4 1,466 11.3 Cameron 2 10.5 1,541 11.9 Curwen - 1,135 08.8 HAYS * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 2 LYONS * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 3 O'Keefe - 1,379 10.6 Remaining 19 12,961 Lost by fraction 2 17 Exhausted 1 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 22 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Curwen's 1,135 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * 44 05.9 1,510 12.0 Cameron 81 10.8 1,622 12.9 HAYS * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 2 LYONS * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,860 14.4 ELECTED 3 O'KEEFE 626 83.4 2,005 15.9 ELECTED 5 Remaining 751 12,577 Lost by fraction 2 19 Exhausted 382 417 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,135 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: O'Keefe's 145 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best * - 1,510 12.1 CAMERON 12 1,634 13.1 ELECTED 6 HAYS * - 1,860 14.9 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,860 14.9 ELECTED 2 LYONS * - 1,860 14.9 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,860 14.9 ELECTED 3 O'KEEFE - 1,860 14.9 ELECTED 5 Remaining 12 12,444 Lost by fraction 2 21 Exhausted 131 548 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 145 13,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cameron was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonathan Best (1840-1913): Elected 1894. Defeated 1897. Elected 1899 by, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912 Later career: see Wilmot 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard Charles Field (1866-1961): Elected 1909. Defeated 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Norman Cameron (1851-1931): Elected 1893. Resigned 1894. Elected 1897. Resigned 1899. Elected 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert Hays (1869-1960): Elected 1911 by, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Aloysius Lyons (1879-1939): Elected 1909, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Mulcahy (1859-1927): Elected 1891 by, 1893, 1897, 1900. Defeated 1903. Elected 1910 by, 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands and Works from 14 June 1912 Minister for Mines from 14 June 1912 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Ignatius O'Keefe (1864-1926): Elected 1912 Born: 28 September 1864, Westbury Career: Farmer, miner, butcher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BY-ELECTIONS 1912-13 ======================================================================== There were no by-elections during this Parliament.