TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE EIGHTEENTH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 23 JANUARY 1913 ======================================================================== The Seventeenth Parliament was opened on 22 April 1913 and was dissolved on 9 February 1916 Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "Report on General Election 23rd January 1913", presented to the Chief Secretary on 8 July 1913. The version of this report available online does not include the distribution of preferences for Darwin. These figures are taken from the "Zeehan and Dundas Herald", 1 February 1913. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from the Hobart "Mercury", 11 January 1913 Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Solomon Liberal ministry was returned with its one-seat majority intact. Norman Cameron, the dissident Liberal whose defection had caused the election, was defeated. But in January 1914 Labor won a by-election in Denison, leaving the parties with 15 seats each. In April a no- confidence motion was passed with the support of another dissident Liberal, Joshua Whitsitt. Solomon was refused a dissolution and resigned. Earle then formed a minority Labor government which survived until the 1916 election, helped by the need for stability following the outbreak of World War I. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 105,289 Total votes counted: 70,812 67.3 Informal votes: 2,035 02.9 Formal votes: 68,767 97.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor 31,633 46.0 +00.5 14 Liberal 36,157 52.6 -01.9 16 Others 977 01.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 68,767 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No seats changed hands at this election. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ==================================================================================== Division Labor Liberal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bass 6,839 49.7 +01.4 3.08 3 6,932 50.3 -01.5 3.12 3 Darwin 6,441 51.1 -01.7 2.90 3 6,174 48.9 +01.7 2.78 3 Denison 7,132 48.0 -00.9 3.21 3 7,717 52.0 +00.9 3.48 3 Franklin 6,677 43.8 +01.1 3.01 3 8,566 56.2 -01.1 3.86 3 Wilmot 4,451 36.2 +02.2 2.01 2 6,861 55.8 -10.2 3.09 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 31,633 46.0 +00.5 14.26 14 36,157 52.6 -01.9 16.29 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the totals for each party I have shown the number of notional statewide quotas they obtained. The notional statewide quota (2,219) is the statewide formal vote (68,767) divided by 31. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ========================================================================================= Division Labor Liberal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass 7,109 48.3 +12.2 2.98 3 +1 7,626 51.8 +01.5 3.20 3 Darwin 7,259 52.8 -05.6 3.04 3 -1 6,484 47.2 +05.7 2.72 3 +1 Denison 7,901 48.9 +20.5 3.31 3 +1 8,255 51.1 +05.4 3.46 3 -1 Franklin 6,939 42.7 +09.2 2.91 3 +1 9,300 57.3 -02.2 3.90 3 -1 Wilmot 4,426 34.0 -07.0 1.86 2 8,587 66.0 +09.5 3.60 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 33,634 45.5 +06.6 14.10 14 +2 40,252 54.5 +03.9 16.89 16 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Scottsdale, St Helens ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 21,170 Total votes cast: 14,122 667 Informal votes: 351 02.5 Formal votes: 13,771 97.5 Quota for election: 1,968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur ANDERSON Labor 1,974 14.3 ELECTED 3 George G BECKER * Labor 2,039 14.8 ELECTED 2 James Guy * Labor 1,131 08.2 John B Hayes Liberal 1,643 11.9 Charles R Howroyd * Labor 1,788 13.0 Richard J S McKenzie * Liberal 1,157 08.4 Robert J Sadler Liberal 1,130 08.2 Hon Albert E SOLOMON * Liberal 2,909 21.1 ELECTED 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sadler was MHA for Launceston 1900=04, Launceston Central 1903-09, Bass 1909-12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Solomon's 941 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANDERSON - 1,974 14.3 ELECTED 3 BECKER * - 2,039 14.8 ELECTED 2 Guy * 2 00.2 1,133 08.2 Hayes 213 22.7 1,856 13.5 Howroyd * 5 00.5 1,793 13.0 McKenzie * 240 25.6 1,397 10.1 Sadler 479 51.0 1,609 11.7 SOLOMON * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 939 13,769 Lost by fraction 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 941 13,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Becker's 71 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANDERSON - 1,974 14.3 ELECTED 3 BECKER * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 2 Guy * 47 00.2 1,180 08.6 Hayes - 1,856 13.5 Howroyd * 22 00.5 1,815 13.2 McKenzie * - 1,397 10.1 Sadler - 1,609 11.7 SOLOMON * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 69 13,766 Lost by fraction 3 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 71 13,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Anderson's 6 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANDERSON - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 3 BECKER * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 2 Guy * 4 80.0 1,184 08.6 Hayes - 1,856 13.5 Howroyd * 1 20.0 1,816 13.2 McKenzie * - 1,397 10.1 Sadler - 1,609 11.7 SOLOMON * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 5 13,765 Lost by fraction 1 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 6 13,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Guy's 1,184 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANDERSON - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 3 BECKER * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 2 Hayes 49 04.4 1,905 13.9 HOWROYD * 1,044 93.2 2,860 20.9 ELECTED 4 McKenzie * 10 00.9 1,407 10.3 Sadler 17 01.5 1,626 11.9 SOLOMON * - 1,968 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 1,120 13,701 Lost by fraction 3 9 Exhausted 61 61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,184 13,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Howroyd's 891 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANDERSON - 1,968 15.3 ELECTED 3 BECKER * - 1,968 15.3 ELECTED 2 HAYES 13 25.5 1,918 14.9 ELECTED 5 HOWROYD * - 1,968 15.3 ELECTED 4 McKenzie * 6 11.8 1,413 11.0 SADLER 32 62.7 1,658 12.9 ELECTED 6 SOLOMON * - 1,968 15.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 51 12,861 Lost by fraction 2 11 Exhausted 838 899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 891 13,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the exclusion of McKenzie, Hayes and Sadler were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Guy (1860-1921): Elected 1909, 1912. Defeated 1913 Later career: Senator for Tasmania 1914-20. Died 23 August 1921 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur Anderson (1860-1915): Elected 1913 Born: 1860, NSW Career: To Tas as child. Cabinet-maker. Secretary, Waterside Workers' Union. Died 5 May 1915: see by-election ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Richard Howroyd (1867-1917): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard John Stevenson McKenzie (1850-1919): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert Edgar Solomon (1876-1914): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 Died 5 October 1914: see by-election ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier to 6 April 1914 Attorney-General to 6 April 1914 Minister for Education to 6 April 1914 Leader of the Opposition 6 April 1914 to 5 October 1914 Leader of the Liberal Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== As noted above, these figures come from the "Zeehan and Dundas Herald" of 1 February 1913. The report makes no distinction between votes lost by fraction and exhausted votes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main polling places: Burnie, Queenstown, Wynyard, Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 20,782 Total votes cast: 13,015 62.6 Informal votes: 400 03.1 Formal votes: 12,615 96.9 Quota for election: 1,803 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Belton * Labor 1,736 13.8 James A Hurst Labor 1,372 10.9 David T Jones Labor 156 01.2 William Lamerton Liberal 742 05.9 Kenric C Laughton Liberal 1,079 08.6 Hon James Ogden * Labor 1,751 13.9 Hon Herbert J M Payne * Liberal 1,484 11.8 George G Pullen * Liberal 1,341 10.6 Benjamin Watkins * Labor 1,426 11.3 Joshua T H Whitsitt * Liberal 1,528 12.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Hurst was MHA for Darwin 1910-12. 2. Lamerton was MHA for Zeehan 1903-06. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Jones's 156 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * 79 50.6 1,815 14.4 ELECTED 1 Hurst 48 30.8 1,420 11.3 Lamerton 8 05.1 750 05.9 Laughton 3 01.9 1,082 08.6 Ogden * 8 05.1 1,759 13.9 Payne * - 1,484 11.8 Pullen * - 1,341 10.6 Watkins * 5 03.2 1,431 11.3 Whitsitt * 5 03.2 1,533 12.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 156 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Belton's 12 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hurst 8 80.0 1,428 11.3 Lamerton - 750 05.9 Laughton - 1,082 08.6 Ogden * 1 10.0 1,760 13.9 Payne * - 1,484 11.8 Pullen * - 1,341 10.6 Watkins * 1 10.0 1,432 11.3 Whitsitt * - 1,533 12.2 Remaining 10 12,613 Exhausted 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 12 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Lamerton's 750 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hurst 7 00.9 1,435 11.4 Laughton 321 42.8 1,403 11.1 Ogden * 28 03.7 1,788 14.2 Payne * 202 26.9 1,686 13.4 Pullen * 121 16.1 1,462 12.0 Watkins * 5 00.7 1,437 11.4 Whitsitt * 66 08.8 1,599 12.7 Remaining 750 12,613 Exhausted - 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 750 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Laughton's 1,403 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hurst 22 01.6 1,457 11.6 OGDEN * 25 01.8 1,813 14.4 ELECTED 5 PAYNE * 557 40.4 2,243 17.8 ELECTED 2 PULLEN * 409 29.7 1,871 14.9 ELECTED 4 Watkins * 17 01.2 1,454 11.5 WHITSITT * 349 25.3 1,948 15.5 ELECTED 3 Remaining 1,379 12,589 Exhausted 24 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,403 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Payne's 440 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 14.8 ELECTED 1 Hurst 3 16.7 1,460 12.0 OGDEN * - 1,813 14.9 ELECTED 5 PAYNE * - 1,803 14.8 ELECTED 2 PULLEN * - 1,871 15.4 ELECTED 4 Watkins * 15 83.3 1,469 12.1 WHITSITT * - 1,948 16.0 ELECTED 3 Remaining 18 12,167 Exhausted 422 448 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 440 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Whitsitt's 145 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 15.0 ELECTED 1 Hurst 1 16.7 1,461 12.1 OGDEN * - 1,813 15.0 ELECTED 5 PAYNE * - 1,803 15.0 ELECTED 2 PULLEN * - 1,871 15.6 ELECTED 4 Watkins * 5 83.3 1,474 12.3 WHITSITT * - 1,803 15.0 ELECTED 3 Remaining 6 12,028 Exhausted 139 568 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 145 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Pullen's 68 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 15.1 ELECTED 1 Hurst - 1,461 12.2 OGDEN * - 1,813 15.2 ELECTED 5 PAYNE * - 1,803 15.1 ELECTED 2 PULLEN * - 1,803 15.1 ELECTED 4 Watkins * 3 1,477 12.3 WHITSITT * - 1,803 15.0 ELECTED 3 Remaining 3 11,963 Exhausted 65 633 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 68 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Ogden's 10 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,803 15.1 ELECTED 1 Hurst 1 25.0 1,462 12.2 OGDEN * - 1,803 15.2 ELECTED 5 PAYNE * - 1,803 15.1 ELECTED 2 PULLEN * - 1,803 15.1 ELECTED 4 WATKINS * 3 75.0 1,480 12.3 ELECTED 6 WHITSITT * - 1,803 15.0 ELECTED 3 Remaining 4 11,957 Exhausted 6 639 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 10 12,615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watkins was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Belton (1855-1935): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands and Works from 6 April 1914 Minister for Agriculture from 6 April 1914 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Ernest Ogden (1868-1932): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 Resigned April 1913: see by-election Later career: contested 1813 Senate election, defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary from 6 April 1914 Minister for Mines from 6 April 1914 Minister for Labour from 6 April 1914 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert James Mockford Payne (1866-1944): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treasurer to 6 April 1914 Minister for Agriculture to 6 April 1914 Minister for Railways to 6 April 1914 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Gerald Pullen (1873-1953): Elected 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Watkins (1884-1963): Elected 1906 by, 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joshua Thomas Hoskins Whitsitt (1869-1943): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Glenorchy, Hobart, New Town, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,294 Total votes cast: 15,340 68.8 Informal votes: 491 03.2 Formal votes: 14,849 96.8 Quota for election: 2,122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vincent W O Barker * Labor 1,294 08.7 Dr William E Bottrill Liberal 369 02.5 Sir John G Davies * Liberal 1,902 12.8 Henry C Edmonds Labor 764 05.1 William J Fullerton Liberal 1,321 08.9 Lyndhurst F Giblin Labor 1,760 11.9 Hon Sir Elliott LEWIS * Liberal 2,292 15.4 ELECTED 1 Edward J L O'Brien Labor 392 02.6 John Paterson Liberal 202 01.4 Frederick B Rattle Liberal 620 04.2 William Sheridan * Labor 1,027 06.9 Francis D Valentine * Liberal 1,011 06.8 Newham Waterworth Labor 502 03.4 Walter A Woods * Labor 1,393 09.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rattle was MHA for Glenorchy 1903-09, for Denison 1909-12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Lewis's 170 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * - 1,294 08.7 Bottrill 4 02.4 373 02.5 Davies * 114 68.7 2,016 13.6 Edmonds - 764 05.1 Fullerton 26 15.7 1,347 09.1 Giblin - 1,760 11.9 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Brien - 392 02.6 Paterson 2 01.2 204 01.4 Rattle 5 03.0 625 04.2 Sheridan * - 1,027 06.9 Valentine * 15 09.0 1,026 06.8 Waterworth - 502 03.4 Woods * - 1,393 09.4 Remaining 166 14,845 Lost by fraction 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 170 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Paterson's 204 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 1 00.5 1,295 08.7 Bottrill 18 08.8 391 02.6 Davies * 46 22.8 2,062 13.9 Edmonds - 764 05.1 Fullerton 46 22.8 1,393 09.4 Giblin 5 02.5 1,765 11.9 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Brien 2 01.0 394 02.7 Rattle 34 16.8 659 04.4 Sheridan * 3 01.5 1,030 06.9 Valentine * 40 19.8 1,066 07.2 Waterworth 3 01.5 505 03.4 Woods * 4 02.0 1,397 09.4 Remaining 202 14,843 Lost by fraction 2 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 204 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Bottrill's 391 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 6 01.5 1,301 08.8 DAVIES * 182 46.7 2,244 15.1 ELECTED 2 Edmonds 8 02.1 772 05.2 Fullerton 112 28.7 1,505 10.1 Giblin 8 02.1 1,773 11.9 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Brien 2 00.5 396 02.7 Rattle 31 07.9 690 04.6 Sheridan * 1 00.3 1,031 06.9 Valentine * 37 09.5 1,103 07.4 Waterworth 1 00.3 506 03.4 Woods * 2 00.5 1,399 09.4 Remaining 390 14,842 Lost by fraction 1 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 391 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Davies's 122 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * - 1,301 08.8 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 2 Edmonds 4 03.5 776 05.2 Fullerton 75 65.8 1,580 10.7 Giblin - 1,773 12.0 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Brien 1 00.9 397 02.7 Rattle 13 11.4 703 04.7 Sheridan * - 1,031 07.0 Valentine * 21 18.4 1,124 07.6 Waterworth - 506 03.4 Woods * - 1,399 09.4 Remaining 114 14,834 Lost by fraction 4 11 Exhausted 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 122 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: O'Brien's 397 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 46 11.8 1,347 09.1 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 2 Edmonds 25 06.4 801 05.4 Fullerton 7 01.8 1,587 10.7 Giblin 98 25.1 1,871 12.6 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 Rattle 5 01.3 708 04.8 Sheridan * 122 31.3 1,153 07.8 Valentine * 4 01.0 1,128 07.6 Waterworth 22 05.6 528 03.6 Woods * 61 15.6 1,460 09.8 Remaining 390 14,827 Lost by fraction - 11 Exhausted 7 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 397 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Waterworth's 528 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 40 07.6 1,387 09.4 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 2 Edmonds 28 05.3 829 05.6 Fullerton 2 00.4 1,589 10.7 Giblin 228 43.1 2,099 14.2 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 Rattle 4 00.8 712 04.8 Sheridan * 84 15.9 1,237 08.3 Valentine * 2 00.4 1,130 07.6 Woods * 140 26.5 1,600 10.8 Remaining 528 14,827 Lost by fraction - 11 Exhausted - 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 528 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Rattle's 712 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 6 00.9 1,393 09.4 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 2 Edmonds 4 00.6 833 05.6 Fullerton 376 53.9 1,965 13.3 GIBLIN 24 03.4 2,123 14.3 ELECTED 3 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 Sheridan * 20 02.9 1,257 08.5 Valentine * 255 36.5 1,385 09.3 Woods * 13 01.9 1,613 10.8 Remaining 698 14,813 Lost by fraction - 11 Exhausted 14 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 712 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Giblin's 1 surplus vote distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * - 1,393 09.4 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 2 Edmonds - 833 05.6 Fullerton - 1,965 13.3 GIBLIN - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 3 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 Sheridan * - 1,257 08.5 Valentine * - 1,385 09.3 Woods * - 1,613 10.8 Remaining - 14,812 Lost by fraction 1 12 Exhausted - 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Edmonds's 833 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 293 35.4 1,686 11.4 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 2 Fullerton 7 00.8 1,972 13.3 GIBLIN - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 3 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.3 ELECTED 1 Sheridan * 320 38.6 1,577 10.7 Valentine * 11 01.3 1,396 09.4 Woods * 197 23.8 1,810 12.2 Remaining 828 14,807 Lost by fraction - 12 Exhausted 5 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 833 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Valentine's 1,396 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barker * 10 01.0 1,696 11.8 DAVIES * - 2,122 14.8 ELECTED 2 FULLERTON 925 95.2 2,897 20.1 ELECTED 4 GIBLIN - 2,122 14.8 ELECTED 3 LEWIS * - 2,122 14.8 ELECTED 1 Sheridan * 16 01.6 1,593 11.1 Woods * 21 02.2 1,831 12.2 Remaining 972 14,383 Lost by fraction 1 13 Exhausted 423 453 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,396 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Fullerton's 775 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARKER * 5 35.7 1,701 12.5 ELECTED 6 DAVIES * - 2,122 15.6 ELECTED 2 FULLERTON 925 95.2 2,122 15.6 ELECTED 4 GIBLIN - 2,122 15.6 ELECTED 3 LEWIS * - 2,122 15.6 ELECTED 1 Sheridan * 6 42.9 1,599 11.7 WOODS * 3 21.4 1,834 13.5 ELECTED 5 Remaining 14 13,622 Lost by fraction 2 15 Exhausted 759 1,212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 775 14,849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sheridan was left with the lowest vote of the three remaining candidates, so Barker and Woods were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis David Valentine (1863-1941): Elected 1912. Defeated 1913 Died 22 May 1941 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Sheridan (1858-1931): Elected 1909, 1912. Defeated 1912 Later career: see Denison by-election. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vincent William Oswald Barker (1876-1937): Elected 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John George Davies (1846-1913): Elected 1884 by, 1886, 1891, 1893, 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 Died 12 November 1913: see by-election ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William James Fullerton (born 1888): Elected 1913 Born: 20 June 1888, Tas Career: Barrister 1911. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lyndhurst Falkiner Giblin (1872-1951): Elected 1913 Born: 29 November 1872, Hobart Career: Educated University College London, King's College Cambridge (MA in economics). Planter in Solomon Islands, orchardist Tas. Son of Hon William R Giblin MHA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil Elliott Lewis (1858-1935): Elected 1886, 1891. Accepted office 1892. Elected 1892 by, 1893, 1897. Accepted office 1899. Elected 1899 by, 1900. Defeated 1903. Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Alan Woods (1861-1939): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker of the House of Assembly 25 March 1914 to 9 February 1916 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Bellerive, Campbell Town, Kingston, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,094 Total votes cast: 15,739 71.2 Informal votes: 496 03.2 Formal votes: 15,243 96.8 Quota for election: 2,178 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frederick J Banks Labor 950 06.2 Arthur COTTON Liberal 2,897 19.0 ELECTED 2 David E Dicker * Labor 920 06.0 Hon John EARLE * Labor 3,234 21.2 ELECTED 1 Hon John W Evans * Liberal 2,007 13.2 Norman K Ewing * Liberal 1,747 11.5 Hon Alexander Hean * Liberal 1,422 09.3 Alfred McDermott Liberal 493 03.3 George F Martin * Labor 1,573 10.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Earle's 1,056 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks 102 09.7 1,052 06.9 COTTON - 2,897 19.0 ELECTED 2 Dicker * 515 48.9 1,435 09.4 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 Evans * 15 01.4 2,022 13.3 Ewing * 7 00.7 1,754 11.5 Hean * 8 00.8 1,430 09.4 McDermott 6 00.6 499 03.3 Martin * 400 38.0 1,973 12.9 Remaining 1,053 15,240 Lost by fraction 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,056 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Cotton's 719 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks 1 00.1 1,053 06.9 COTTON - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 2 Dicker * 8 01.1 1,443 09.5 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * 333 46.5 2,355 15.5 ELECTED 3 Ewing * 159 22.2 1,913 12.6 Hean * 150 20.9 1,580 10.4 McDermott 63 08.8 562 03.7 Martin * 2 00.3 1,975 13.0 Remaining 716 15,237 Lost by fraction 3 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 719 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Evans's 177 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks - 1,053 06.9 COTTON - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 2 Dicker * - 1,443 09.5 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 3 Ewing * 123 70.7 2,036 13.4 Hean * 41 23.6 1,621 10.6 McDermott 10 05.7 572 03.8 Martin * - 1,975 13.0 Remaining 174 15,234 Lost by fraction 3 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 177 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: McDermott's 572 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks 2 00.4 1,055 06.9 COTTON - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 2 Dicker * 24 04.3 1,467 09.6 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 3 EWING * 172 30.7 2,208 14.5 ELECTED 4 Hean * 337 60.2 1,958 12.9 Martin * 25 04.5 2,000 13.1 Remaining 560 15,222 Lost by fraction 7 16 Exhausted 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 572 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Ewing's 30 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks - 1,055 06.9 COTTON - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 2 Dicker * - 1,467 09.6 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 3 EWING * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 4 Hean * 27 1,985 13.0 Martin * - 2,000 13.1 Remaining 27 15,219 Lost by fraction 1 17 Exhausted 2 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 30 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Banks's 1,055 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COTTON - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 2 Dicker * 685 66.2 2,152 09.6 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 3 EWING * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 4 Hean * 12 01.2 1,997 13.0 MARTIN * 336 32.5 2,336 13.1 ELECTED 5 Remaining 1,035 15,219 Lost by fraction 2 19 Exhausted 20 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,055 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Martin's 158 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COTTON - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 2 DICKER * 141 98.6 2,293 15.1 ELECTED 6 EARLE * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 1 EVANS * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 3 EWING * - 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 4 Hean * 2 01.4 1,999 13.2 MARTIN * 336 32.5 2,178 14.3 ELECTED 5 Remaining 143 15,182 Lost by fraction - 19 Exhausted 15 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 158 15,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Hean (1859-1927): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912 Later career: see Franklin 1916 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur Cotton (1857-1920): Elected 1913 Born: 28 May 1857, Cranbrook Career: Farmer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Edward Dicker (1882-1967): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Earle (1865-1932): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier from 6 April 1914 Attorney-General from 6 April 1914 Leader of the Labour Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John William Evans (1855-1943): Elected 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly 23 April 1913 to 24 March 1914 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norman Kirkwood Ewing (1870-1928): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 Resigned 22 November 1915 Later career: Judge of Tasmanian Supreme Court 1915-28. Died 19 July 1928 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition 5 October 1914 to 22 September 1915 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Frederick Martin (1876-1946): Elected 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Devonport, Longford, Ulverstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 18,952 Total votes cast: 12,586 66.4 Informal votes: 284 02.4 Formal votes: 12,289 97.6 Quota for election: 1,756 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonathan Best Liberal 1,163 09.4 D Norman Cameron * 977 07.9 Herbert Hays * Liberal 1,506 12.2 Walter H Lee * Liberal 1,456 11.8 Joseph A LYONS * Labor 2,198 17.8 ELECTED 1 Hon Edward MULCAHY * Liberal 1,961 15.8 ELECTED 2 Michael I O'Keefe * Labor 1,008 08.1 William E Shoobridge Labor 1,245 10.1 Horace E Walduck Liberal 775 06.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Best was MHA for Deloraine 1894-97, 1899-1909, for Wilmot 1909-12. 2. For Shoobridge, see Franklin 1916. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Lyons's 442 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 1 00.2 1,164 09.4 Cameron * 7 01.6 984 08.0 Hays * 6 01.4 1,512 12.2 Lee * 3 00.7 1,459 11.8 LYONS * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,961 15.8 ELECTED 2 O'Keefe * 316 72.0 1,324 10.7 Shoobridge 105 23.9 1,350 10.9 Walduck 1 00.2 776 06.3 Remaining 439 12,373 Lost by fraction 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 442 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Malcahy's 205 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 20 10.0 1,184 09.6 Cameron * 3 01.5 987 08.0 Hays * 93 46.3 1,605 13.0 Lee * 66 32.8 1,525 12.3 LYONS * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 2 O'Keefe * 4 02.0 1,328 10.7 Shoobridge - 1,350 10.9 Walduck 15 07.5 791 06.4 Remaining 201 12,369 Lost by fraction 4 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 205 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Walduck's 791 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 164 20.8 1,348 10.9 Cameron * 8 01.0 995 08.0 HAYS * 194 24.7 1,799 14.5 ELECTED 4 LEE * 374 47.5 1,899 15.4 ELECTED 3 LYONS * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 2 O'Keefe * 22 02.8 1,350 10.9 Shoobridge 25 03.2 1,375 11.1 Remaining 787 12,365 Lost by fraction 3 10 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 791 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Lee's 143 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 129 94.9 1,477 11.9 Cameron * 4 02.9 999 08.1 HAYS * - 1,799 14.5 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 3 LYONS * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 2 O'Keefe * - 1,350 10.9 Shoobridge 3 02.2 1,378 11.1 Remaining 136 12,365 Lost by fraction 2 12 Exhausted 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 143 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Hays's 43 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 37 94.9 1,514 12.3 Cameron * 1 02.6 1,000 08.1 HAYS * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 3 LYONS * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,756 14.3 ELECTED 2 O'Keefe * - 1,350 10.9 Shoobridge 1 02.6 1,379 11.1 Remaining 39 12,354 Lost by fraction 3 15 Exhausted 1 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 43 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Cameron's 1,000 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEST 403 53.8 1,917 15.8 ELECTED 5 HAYS * - 1,756 14.5 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,756 14.5 ELECTED 3 LYONS * - 1,756 14.5 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,756 14.5 ELECTED 2 O'Keefe * 223 29.8 1,573 13.0 Shoobridge 123 16.4 1,502 12.4 Remaining 749 12,103 Lost by fraction 9 24 Exhausted 242 249 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,000 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Best's 161 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEST - 1,756 14.7 ELECTED 5 HAYS * - 1,756 14.7 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,756 14.7 ELECTED 3 LYONS * - 1,756 14.7 ELECTED 1 MULCAHY * - 1,756 14.7 ELECTED 2 O'KEEFE * 10 55.6 1,583 13.2 ELECTED 6 Shoobridge 8 44.4 1,510 12.6 Remaining 18 11,960 Lost by fraction 2 26 Exhausted 141 390 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 161 12,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ O'Keefe was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Norman Cameron (1851-1931): Elected 1893. Resigned 1894. Elected 1897. Resigned 1899. Elected 1912. Defeated 1913 Later career: see Wilmot 1925. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonathan Best (1840-1913): Elected 1894. Defeated 1897. Elected 1899 by, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912. Elected 1913 Died 13 May 1913: see by-election ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert Hays (1869-1960): Elected 1911 by, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition from 22 September 1915 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Aloysius Lyons (1879-1939): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treasurer from 6 April 1914 Minister for Education from 6 April 1914 Minister for Railways from 6 April 1914 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Mulcahy (1859-1927): Elected 1891 by, 1893, 1897, 1900. Defeated 1903. Elected 1910 by, 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands and Works to 6 April 1914 Minister for Mines to 6 April 1914 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Ignatius O'Keefe (1864-1926): Elected 1912, 1913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BY-ELECTIONS 1913-16 ======================================================================== By-election results are from newspaper reports and may not be final figures. WILMOT ======================================================================== 24 June 1913, following the death of Jonathan Best ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 18,952 Total votes cast: 9,229 48.7 Informal votes: 294 03.2 Formal votes: 8,935 96.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest F B Blyth 2,420 27.1 D Norman Cameron 2,345 26.2 Clement G Hall 473 05.3 Edmund T Hingston 1,702 19.0 Henry Murray 1,995 22.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 8,935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The enrolment figure is taken from the January election. 2. All the candidates except Cameron were "approved by the Liberal League." ("Launceston Examiner", 25 June 1913) 3. Cameron was MHA for Deloraine 189394, 1897-99, MHR for Tasmania 1901-03, for Wilmot 1904-06, MHA for Wilmot 1912-13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Hall's 473 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blyth 117 24.7 2,537 28.4 Cameron 34 07.2 2,379 26.6 Hingston 224 47.4 1,926 21.6 Murray 98 20.7 2,093 23.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 473 8,935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Hingston's 1,926 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blyth 855 44.4 3,392 38.0 Cameron 50 02.6 2,429 27.2 Murray 1,021 53.0 3,114 34.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,926 8,935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Cameron's 2,429 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH 1,131 54.3 4,523 52.7 Murray 953 45.7 4,067 47.3 Remaining 2,084 8,590 Exhausted 23 23 Not counted 322 322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,429 8,935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Counting stopped when Blyth had attained 50% of the total formal vote. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest Frederick Burns Blyth (1872-1933): Elected 1913 by Born: 11 July 1972, Franklin district. Career: Farmer, orchardist. Brother-in-law of John B Hayes MHA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN ======================================================================== 5 August 1913, following the resignation of Hon James Ogden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander T Marshall Liberal 6,197 47.6 Hon James OGDEN Labor 6,820 52.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Marshall, see Bass by-election 1914. 2. Ogden was MHA for Zeehan 1906-09, for Darwin 1909-13. He was recontesting this seat after resigning to stand unsuccessfully for the Senate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Ernest Ogden (1868-1932): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913. Resigned 1913. Elected 1913 by ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON ======================================================================== 10 January 1914, following the death of Sir George Davies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,525 Total votes cast: 14,117 62.7 Informal votes: 491 03.5 Formal votes: 13,626 96.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Amott Liberal 1,001 07.3 John H Cleary Labor 461 03.4 Charles J Eady Liberal 2,684 19.7 William Sheridan Labor 5,794 42.5 Francis D Valentine Liberal 3,211 23.6 Newham Waterworth Labor 475 03.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Cleary, see Denison 1916. 2. For Eady, see Legislative Council, Hobart 1925. 3. Sheridan was MHA for Denison 1909-13. 4. Valentine was MHA for Denison 1912-13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Cleary's 461 votes and Waterworth's 475 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amott 16 01.7 1,017 07.5 Eady 36 03.8 2,720 20.0 Sheridan 850 90.8 6,644 48.8 Valentine 34 03.6 3,245 23.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 936 13,626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Amott's 1,017 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eady 706 70.2 3,426 25.2 Sheridan 36 03.6 6,680 49.1 Valentine 264 26.2 3,509 25.8 Remaining 1,006 13,615 Exhausted 11 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,017 13,626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Eady's 3,426 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHERIDAN 118 03.6 6,798 50.4 Valentine 3,178 96.3 6,687 49.6 Remaining 3,296 13,485 Exhausted 130 141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3,426 13,626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Sheridan (1858-1931): Elected 1909, 1912. Defeated 1912. Elected 1914 by ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASS ======================================================================== 21 November 1914, following the death of Hon Albert E Solomon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,318 Total votes cast: 11,956 53.6 Informal votes: 342 02.9 Formal votes: 11,614 97.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oliver H Daniels Labor 1,578 13.6 J Allen Guy Labor 2,098 18.1 Maurice Hartnett Labor 2,071 17.8 Alexander T MARSHALL Liberal 5,867 50.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 11,614 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The enrolment figure is as of the September 1914 federal election. 2. For Guy, see Bass 1916. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Tasman Marshall (1881-1966): Elected 1914 by Born: 11 July 1881, Launceston Career: Insurance agent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT ======================================================================== 7 November 1914, following the resignation of Hon Edward Mulcahy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 18,677 Total votes cast: 6,965 37.3 Informal votes: 160 02.3 Formal votes: 6,805 97.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edmund T Hingston Liberal 1,820 26.7 James A Hurst Labor 2,341 34.4 Hon Edward Mulcahy Liberal 2,644 38.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 6,805 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The enrolment figure is as of the September 1914 federal election. 2. Hurst was MHA for Darwin 1910-12. 3. Mulcahy was MHA for Hobart West 1891-97, for Hobart 1897-99, 1999- 1903, for Wilmot 1910-14. He was recontesting this seat after resigning to stand unsuccessfully for the Senate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Hingston's 1,820 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hurst 401 22.0 2,742 40.3 MULCAHY 1,419 78.0 4,063 59.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,820 6,805 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Mulcahy (1859-1927): Elected 1891 by, 1893, 1897, 1900. Defeated 1903. Elected 1910 by, 1912, 1913. Resigned 1914. Elected 1914 by ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASS ======================================================================== 26 June 1915, following the death of Arthur Anderson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: Total votes cast: 12,723 Informal votes: 425 03.3 Formal votes: 12,297 96.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James McDONALD Labor 6,306 51.3 James C Newton Liberal 3,562 29.0 William A Rattray Liberal 2,429 19.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 12,297 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Newton, see Bass by-election 1917. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James McDonald (1877-1947): Elected 1915 by Born: 12 January 1877, Vic Career: to Tas 1897. Miner. Official, Mining Employees' Association, Australian Workers' Union. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN ======================================================================== 11 October 1915, following the resignation of Norman K Ewing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel E RYAN Liberal Unopposed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Edward Ryan (1870-1953): Elected 1915 by Born: 9 September 1870, Franklin Career: Orchardist. Huon Municipal Council for 30 years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------