TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE TWENTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT ELECTED 3 JUNE 1925 ======================================================================== The Twenty-Second Parliament was opened on 20 July 1925 and was dissolved on 16 April 1928. Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "Report on General Election 3rd June 1925", presented to the Chief Secretary on 8 December 1925. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from a list published in the "Hobart Mercury", 6 May 1925 Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Lyons Labor government was comfortably re-elected at this election, with Labor winning 16 seats, a gain of four seats, to the combined opposition's 14. This was the first time Labor had won a majority in the House of Assembly. Labor achieved this by winning four seats in Denison and three in each of the other seats. The Opposition remained divided. Although the Country Party had disappeared, on the eve of the election a dissident group formed a Tasmanian Liberal Party, which won four seats (all in northern electorates) and reduced the Nationalists to seven. Two independent Nationalists were elected at Franklin and one at Wilmot. After the election Edward Hobbs (who had been elected in 1922 for the Country Party and in 1925 as a Liberal) resigned as Opposition Leader and was succeeded by John McPhee. Labor hoped to exploit the popularity of Joe Lyons by running his wife, Enid Lyons, in Denison, and his mother-in-law, Eliza Burnell, in Darwin. Neither polled well. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 114,901 Total votes counted: 77,281 67.3 Informal votes: 1,714 02.2 Formal votes: 75,567 97.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor Party 36,631 48.5 +11.8 16 +04 Liberal 7,815 10.3 4 Nationalist 21,932 29.0 -11.4 7 -05 Others 9,189 12.2 3 +02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 75,567 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Country Party won five seats in 1922. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ==================================================================================================================== Division Labor Party Liberal Nationalist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass 6,568 44.0 +04.4 2.69 3 +1 4,330 29.0 1.78 2 2,265 15.2 -30.9 1.03 1 -2 Darwin 8,148 51.5 +08.0 3.34 3 2,050 13.0 0.84 1 5,626 35.6 +17.8 2.57 2 +1 Denison 8,232 49.4 +09.7 3.38 4 +1 6,682 40.1 -12.3 2.74 2 -1 Franklin 7,461 50.9 +18.7 3.06 3 +1 3,754 25.6 -12.5 1.43 1 -2 Wilmot 6,222 46.1 +18.7 2.55 3 +1 1,435 10.6 0.59 1 3,605 26.7 -14.8 1.48 1 -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36,631 48.5 +11.8 15.03 16 +4 7,815 10.3 3.21 4 21,932 29.0 -11.4 8.99 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the totals for each party I have shown the number of notional statewide quotas they obtained. The notional statewide quota (2,438) is the statewide formal vote (75,567) divided by 31. 2. Independents won two seats in Franklin and one seat in Wilmot. VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Ringarooma, Scottsdale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,351 Total votes cast: 15,207 68.0 Informal votes: 277 01.8 Formal votes: 14,930 98.2 Quota for election: 2,133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George G Becker * Labor Party 1,665 11.2 Luke J Bryant Liberal 42 00.3 Robert Coplestone Liberal 202 01.4 Hon J Allan GUY * Labor Party 3,206 21.5 ELECTED 1 Harold B Holmes Labor Party 428 02.9 Claude E W James Liberal 2,008 13.4 Hon Jens A Jensen * 1,319 08.8 Alexander T Marshall * 448 03.0 Robert Murphy Nationalist 597 04.0 Hon James C Newton * Liberal 1,286 08.6 Leslie A Procter Liberal 633 04.2 George G Pullen Nationalist 289 01.9 William E Rose Liberal 159 01.1 Victor J Shaw Labor Party 1,269 08.5 George Shields * Nationalist 286 01.9 James V Sullivan Nationalist 61 00.4 Henry M D Thomson Nationalist 1,032 06.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Murphy, see Bass 1931. 2. For Procter, see Legislative Council, South Esk 1939. 3. Pullen was MHA for Darwin 1912-16, for Wilmot 1919-22. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Guy's 1,073 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * 752 70.4 2,417 16.2 ELECTED 2 Bryant 2 00.2 44 00.3 Coplestone 1 00.1 203 01.4 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 54 05.1 482 03.2 James 13 01.2 2,021 13.5 Jensen * 70 06.6 1,389 09.3 Marshall * 11 01.0 459 03.1 Murphy 1 00.1 598 04.0 Newton * 7 00.7 1,293 08.7 Procter 3 00.3 636 04.3 Pullen 4 00.4 293 02.0 Rose 2 00.2 161 01.1 Shaw 141 13.2 1,410 09.4 Shields * 2 00.2 288 01.9 Sullivan 1 00.1 62 00.4 Thomson 4 00.4 1,036 06.9 Remaining 1,068 14,925 Lost by fraction 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,073 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Becker's 284 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 Bryant 1 00.4 45 00.3 Coplestone - 203 01.4 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 143 51.4 625 04.2 James 3 01.0 2,024 13.6 Jensen * 24 08.6 1,413 09.5 Marshall * 3 01.0 462 03.1 Murphy 1 00.4 599 04.0 Newton * 2 00.7 1,295 08.7 Procter - 636 04.3 Pullen - 293 02.0 Rose - 161 01.1 Shaw 100 36.0 1,510 10.1 Shields * 1 00.4 289 01.9 Sullivan - 62 00.4 Thomson - 1,036 06.9 Remaining 278 14,919 Lost by fraction 6 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 284 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Bryant's 45 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 Coplestone 10 23.3 213 01.4 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 4 09.3 629 04.2 James 10 23.3 2,034 13.6 Jensen * 1 02.3 1,414 09.5 Marshall * 1 02.3 463 03.1 Murphy - 599 04.0 Newton * 7 16.3 1,302 08.7 Procter 1 02.3 637 04.3 Pullen 5 11.6 298 02.0 Rose - 161 01.1 Shaw 2 04.7 1,512 10.1 Shields * - 289 01.9 Sullivan - 62 00.4 Thomson 2 1,038 07.0 Remaining 43 14,917 Lost by fraction 2 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 45 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Sullivan's 62 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 Coplestone - 213 01.4 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 2 03.3 631 04.2 James 7 11.5 2,041 13.7 Jensen * 3 04.9 1,417 09.5 Marshall * 3 04.9 466 03.1 Murphy - 599 04.0 Newton * 1 01.6 1,303 08.7 Procter 1 01.6 638 04.3 Pullen 2 03.3 300 02.0 Rose - 161 01.1 Shaw 15 24.6 1,527 10.2 Shields * 10 16.4 299 02.0 Thomson 17 27.9 1,055 07.1 Remaining 61 14,916 Lost by fraction 1 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 62 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Rose's 161 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 Coplestone 5 03.2 218 01.5 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 10 06.3 641 04.3 James 44 27.8 2,085 14.0 Jensen * 7 04.4 1,424 09.5 Marshall * 14 08.9 480 03.2 Murphy 40 25.3 639 04.3 Newton * 6 03.8 1,309 08.8 Procter 13 08.2 651 04.4 Pullen - 300 02.0 Shaw 2 01.3 1,529 10.3 Shields * 3 01.9 302 02.0 Thomson 14 08.9 1,069 07.2 Remaining 158 14,913 Lost by fraction 2 16 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 161 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Coplestone's 218 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 14 06.6 655 04.4 James 35 16.4 2,120 14.2 Jensen * 4 01.9 1,428 09.6 Marshall * 6 02.8 486 03.3 Murphy 96 45.1 735 04.9 Newton * 9 04.2 1,318 08.8 Procter 26 12.2 677 04.5 Pullen 7 03.3 307 02.1 Shaw 2 00.9 1,531 10.3 Shields * 1 00.5 303 02.0 Thomson 13 06.1 1,082 07.3 Remaining 213 14,908 Lost by fraction 2 18 Exhausted 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 218 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Shields's 303 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 14 04.7 669 04.5 JAMES 54 18.0 2,174 14.6 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 30 10.0 1,458 09.8 Marshall * 71 23.7 557 03.7 Murphy 4 01.3 739 05.0 Newton * 67 22.3 1,385 09.3 Procter 8 02.7 685 04.6 Pullen 11 03.7 318 02.1 Shaw 9 03.0 1,540 10.3 Thomson 32 10.7 1,114 07.5 Remaining 300 14,905 Lost by fraction 2 20 Exhausted 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 303 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: James's 41 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes - 669 04.5 JAMES - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 11 30.6 1,469 09.9 Marshall * 10 27.8 567 03.8 Murphy - 739 05.0 Newton * 11 30.6 1,396 09.4 Procter - 685 04.6 Pullen 1 02.8 319 02.1 Shaw - 1,540 10.3 Thomson 3 08.3 1,117 07.5 Remaining 36 14,900 Lost by fraction 5 25 Exhausted - 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 41 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Pullen's 319 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 1 Holmes 5 01.6 674 04.5 JAMES - 2,133 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 3 01.0 1,472 09.9 Marshall * 17 05.4 584 03.9 Murphy 38 12.1 777 05.2 Newton * 194 62.0 1,590 10.7 Procter 19 06.1 704 04.7 Shaw 3 01.0 1,543 10.4 Thomson 34 10.9 1,151 07.7 Remaining 313 14,894 Lost by fraction 2 27 Exhausted 4 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 319 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Marshall's 584 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.4 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.4 ELECTED 1 Holmes 29 05.4 703 04.7 JAMES - 2,133 14.4 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 138 25.7 1,610 10.8 Murphy 50 09.3 827 05.6 Newton * 191 35.6 1,781 12.0 Procter 23 04.3 727 04.9 Shaw 18 03.4 1,561 10.5 Thomson 88 16.4 1,239 08.3 Remaining 537 14,847 Lost by fraction 9 36 Exhausted 38 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 584 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Holmes's 703 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.4 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.4 ELECTED 1 JAMES - 2,133 14.4 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 123 18.8 1,733 11.7 Murphy 31 04.7 858 05.8 Newton * 16 02.5 1,797 12.1 Procter 11 01.7 738 05.0 Shaw 453 69.4 2,014 13.6 Thomson 19 02.9 1,258 08.5 Remaining 653 14,797 Lost by fraction 6 42 Exhausted 44 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 703 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Procter's 738 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.5 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.5 ELECTED 1 JAMES - 2,133 14.5 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 62 08.9 1,795 12.2 Murphy 195 27.9 1,053 07.1 Newton * 276 39.5 2,073 14.0 Shaw 15 02.1 2,029 13.7 Thomson 150 21.5 1,408 09.5 Remaining 698 14,757 Lost by fraction 2 44 Exhausted 38 129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 738 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Murphy's 1,053 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.7 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.7 ELECTED 1 JAMES - 2,133 14.7 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 57 07.1 1,852 12.8 NEWTON * 314 39.3 2,387 16.5 ELECTED 4 Shaw 14 01.8 2,043 14.1 Thomson 414 51.8 1,822 12.6 Remaining 799 14,503 Lost by fraction 3 47 Exhausted 251 380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,053 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th count: Newton's 254 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 2,133 14.8 ELECTED 2 GUY * - 2,133 14.8 ELECTED 1 JAMES - 2,133 14.8 ELECTED 3 Jensen * 7 04.8 1,859 12.9 NEWTON * - 2,133 14.8 ELECTED 4 SHAW 5 03.4 2,048 14.2 ELECTED 5 THOMSON 135 91.8 1,957 13.6 ELECTED 6 Remaining 147 14,396 Lost by fraction 2 49 Exhausted 105 485 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 254 14,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton's election left only three candidates, with two places yet to fill, so Jensen was eliminated and Thomson and Shaw declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jens August Jensen (1865-1936): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909. Resigned 1910. Elected 1922. Defeated 1925 Later career: see Wilmot 1928 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Tasman Marshall (1881-1966): Elected 1914 by, 1916, 1919, 1922. Defeated 1925 Died 18 November 1966 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Shields (1854-1933): Filled vacancy 1923. Defeated 1925 Died 7 May 1933 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Allan Guy (1890-1979): Elected 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary Minister for Railways ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claude Ernest Weymouth James (1878-1961): Elected 1925 Born: 24 February 1868, Launceston Career: Accountant, businessman. President, Launceston Chamber of Commerce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Corcoran Newton (1864-1929): Elected 1917 by, 1919, 1922, 1925 Newton retired at the 1928 election. Died 13 March 1929 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Victor James Shaw (1875-1936): Elected 1925 Born: 10 March 1875, Cressy Career: Hairdresser, official of several unions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Mangles Denham Thomson (1972-1947): Elected 1925 Born: 28 April 1872, West Tamar Career: Farmer. Military service 1914-18. Ringarooma Municipal Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Burnie, Devonport, Queenstown Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 23,019 Total votes cast: 16,232 70.5 Informal votes: 408 02.5 Formal votes: 15,824 97.5 Quota for election: 2,261 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon James BELTON * Labor Party 2,790 17.6 ELECTED 1 Eliza Burnell Labor Party 348 02.2 James B Charleston Liberal 684 04.3 Hon Edward Hobbs * Liberal 1,366 08.6 James A Hurst * Labor Party 1,354 08.6 Harold Ireland Nationalist 396 02.5 David T Jones Nationalist 383 02.4 Louis P KELLY * Labor Party 2,585 16.3 ELECTED 2 Henry T Lane Labor Party 780 04.9 Frank Marriott * Nationalist 1,856 11.7 Henry H McFie Nationalist 1,367 08.6 Hubert A Nichols Nationalist 1,059 06.7 William E Treanor Labor Party 291 01.8 Herbert A Vertigan Nationalist 565 03.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Burnell was the mother of Hon Dame Enid Lyons MHR and the mother-in- law of Rt Hon Joseph Lyons, MHA and MHR, Premier and Prime Minister. 2. For Lane, see Darwin countback, 1926. 3. Nicols was MLC for Mersey 1902-24. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Belton's 529 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 1 Burnell 89 17.0 437 02.2 Charleston 8 01.5 692 04.3 Hobbs * 17 03.3 1,383 08.6 Hurst * 322 61.7 1,676 08.6 Ireland 2 00.4 398 02.5 Jones 10 01.9 383 02.4 KELLY * - 2,585 16.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 40 07.7 820 04.9 Marriott * 15 02.9 1,871 11.7 McFie 4 00.8 1,371 08.6 Nichols 5 01.0 1,064 06.7 Treanor 10 01.9 301 01.8 Vertigan - 565 03.6 Remaining 522 15,817 Lost by fraction 7 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 529 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Kelly's 324 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 1 Burnell 23 07.3 460 02.9 Charleston - 692 04.4 Hobbs * 3 00.9 1,386 08.8 Hurst * 152 47.9 1,828 11.6 Ireland 1 00.3 399 02.5 Jones - 383 02.4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 90 28.4 910 05.8 Marriott * 6 01.9 1,877 11.9 McFie 1 00.3 1,372 08.7 Nichols 1 00.3 1,065 06.7 Treanor 40 12.6 341 02.2 Vertigan - 565 03.6 Remaining 317 15,810 Lost by fraction 7 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 324 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Treanor's 341 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 1 Burnell 73 22.1 533 03.4 Charleston 5 01.5 697 04.4 Hobbs * 4 01.2 1,390 08.8 Hurst * 98 29.7 1,926 12.2 Ireland 3 00.9 402 02.5 Jones - 383 02.4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 123 37.3 1,033 06.5 Marriott * 20 06.1 1,897 12.8 McFie 2 00.6 1,374 08.7 Nichols 2 00.6 1,067 06.8 Vertigan - 565 03.6 Remaining 330 15,799 Lost by fraction 6 20 Exhausted 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 341 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Jones's 383 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 1 Burnell 4 01.1 537 03.4 Charleston 24 06.4 721 04.6 Hobbs * 58 15.4 1,448 09.2 Hurst * 32 08.5 1,958 12.4 Ireland 38 09.3 440 02.8 KELLY * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 11 02.9 1,044 06.6 Marriott * 150 39.9 2,047 13.0 McFie 29 07.7 1,403 08.9 Nichols 32 08.5 1,099 07.0 Vertigan 8 02.1 573 03.6 Remaining 376 15,792 Lost by fraction 2 22 Exhausted 5 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 383 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Ireland's 440 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 1 Burnell 6 01.4 543 03.4 Charleston 37 08.5 758 04.8 Hobbs * 32 07.4 1,480 09.4 Hurst * 19 04.4 1,977 12.5 KELLY * - 2,261 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 20 04.6 1,064 06.7 Marriott * 188 43.2 2,235 14.2 McFie 78 17.9 1,481 09.4 Nichols 23 05.3 1,122 07.1 Vertigan 32 07.4 605 03.8 Remaining 435 15,787 Lost by fraction 3 25 Exhausted 2 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 440 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Burnell's 543 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 1 Charleston 19 08.5 777 04.9 Hobbs * 18 07.4 1,498 09.5 HURST * 227 04.4 2,264 14.4 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lane 133 04.6 1,197 07.6 MARRIOTT * 31 43.2 2,266 14.4 ELECTED 3 McFie 13 17.9 1,494 09.5 Nichols 2 05.3 1,124 07.1 Vertigan 7 07.4 612 03.9 Remaining 435 15,754 Lost by fraction 8 33 Exhausted 25 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 543 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Marriott's 5 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 1 Charleston - 777 04.9 Hobbs * - 1,498 09.5 HURST * - 2,264 14.4 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lane - 1,197 07.6 MARRIOTT * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 3 McFie 1 1,495 09.5 Nichols - 1,124 07.1 Vertigan - 612 03.9 Remaining 1 15,750 Lost by fraction 4 37 Exhausted - 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 5 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Hurst's 3 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 1 Charleston - 777 04.9 Hobbs * - 1,498 09.5 HURST * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lane 2 1,199 07.6 MARRIOTT * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 3 McFie - 1,495 09.5 Nichols - 1,124 07.1 Vertigan - 612 03.9 Remaining 2 15,749 Lost by fraction 1 38 Exhausted - 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Vertigan's 612 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 1 Charleston 265 43.6 1,042 06.6 Hobbs * 123 20.3 1,621 10.3 HURST * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lane 4 00.7 1,203 07.6 MARRIOTT * - 2,261 14.4 ELECTED 3 McFie 114 18.8 1,609 10.2 Nichols 102 16.8 1,226 07.8 Remaining 608 15,745 Lost by fraction - 38 Exhausted 4 41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 612 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Charleston's 1,042 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 14.5 ELECTED 1 Hobbs * 475 50.9 2,096 13.4 HURST * - 2,261 14.5 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 2,261 14.5 ELECTED 2 Lane 17 01.8 1,220 07.8 MARRIOTT * - 2,261 14.5 ELECTED 3 McFie 240 25.7 1,849 11.8 Nichols 201 21.5 1,427 09.1 Remaining 933 15,636 Lost by fraction 19 57 Exhausted 90 131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,042 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Lane's 1,220 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 2,261 15.6 ELECTED 1 HOBBS * 31 25.0 2,127 14.6 ELECTED 5 HURST * - 2,261 15.6 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 2,261 15.6 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * - 2,261 15.6 ELECTED 3 McFIE 73 58.9 1,922 13.2 ELECTED 6 Nichols 20 16.1 1,447 10.0 Remaining 124 14,540 Lost by fraction 3 60 Exhausted 783 914 Not distributed 310 310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,220 15,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The elimination of Lane left only three candidates, with two places yet to fill, so Hobbs and McFie were declared elected when Lane's votes were only partly distributed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Belton (1855-1935): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916. Resigned 1917. Elected 1917 by, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands Minister for Works Minister for Agriculture Minister administering the Homes Act Minister for Mines from 2 September 1927 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Hobbs (1868-1936): Elected 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition to 29 July 1925 Leader of the Nationalist Party to 29 July 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Abraham Hurst (1880-1964): Elected 1910 by. Defeated 1912. Elected 1919, 1922, 1925 Resigned 30 June 1926: see vacancy Died 1 April 1964 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Philip Louis Kelly (1886-1954: Filled vacancy 1922. Elected 1925 Honorary Minister from 13 October 1927 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hector Henry McFie (1869-1957): Elected 1925 Born: 21 October 1869, Hobart Career: Tailor, clothier. Founder Devonport Chamber of Commerce. Devonport Municipal Council. Father of Hector McFie MLC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Marriott (1874-1957): Elected 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Hobart, New Town, Queenborough, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 24,664 Total votes cast: 17,021 69.0 Informal votes: 360 02.1 Formal votes: 16,661 97.9 Quota for election: 2,381 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John H Cleary * Labor Party 1,208 07.3 Robert Cosgrove Labor Party 1,612 09.7 Charles E Culley * Labor Party 1,835 11.0 Charles W Grant * Nationalist 1,524 09.1 William A Hammond Nationalist 205 01.2 William R C Jarvis Nationalist 258 01.5 Enid M Lyons Labor Party 998 06.0 Hon John C McPhee * Nationalist 1,436 08.6 Gerald W Mahoney 1,285 07.7 Charles Metz Labor Party 167 01.0 Eric J Ogilvie Labor Party 922 05.5 Leslie H Payne * Nationalist 994 06.0 John Soundy Nationalist 1,989 11.9 Edith A Waterworth 462 02.8 Frederick Y Wilson Nationalist 276 01.7 Walter A Woods Labor Party 1,490 08.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Cosgrove was MHA for Denison 1919-22. 2. Jarvis was MHA for Hobart East 1906-09. 3. Lyons was MHR for Darwin 1943-51. She was the wife of Rt Hon Joseph Lyons, MHA and MHR, Premier and Prime Minister. 4. For Mahoney, see Denison 1931. 5. Metz was MHA for Launceston West 1906-09. 6. For Ogilvie, see Wilmot 1928. 7. Woods was MHA for Hobart North 1906-09, for Denison 1909-17. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Metz's 167 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 17 10.2 1,225 07.4 Cosgrove 35 21.0 1,647 09.9 Culley * 32 19.2 1,867 11.2 Grant * 3 01.8 1,527 09.2 Hammond 2 01.2 207 01.2 Jarvis - 258 01.5 Lyons 23 13.8 1,021 06.1 McPhee * 2 01.2 1,438 08.6 Mahoney 4 02.4 1,289 07.7 Ogilvie 27 16.2 949 05.7 Payne * 1 00.6 995 06.0 Soundy 5 03.0 1,994 12.0 Waterworth 3 01.8 465 02.8 Wilson 1 00.6 277 01.7 Woods 12 07.2 1,502 09.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 167 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Hammond's 207 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 8 03.9 1,233 07.4 Cosgrove 13 06.3 1,660 10.0 Culley * 10 04.8 1,877 11.3 Grant * 86 41.5 1,613 09.7 Jarvis 15 07.2 273 01.6 Lyons 8 03.9 1,029 06.2 McPhee * 15 07.2 1,453 08.7 Mahoney 3 01.4 1,292 07.8 Ogilvie 6 02.9 955 05.7 Payne * 16 07.7 1,011 06.1 Soundy 13 06.3 2,007 12.0 Waterworth 8 03.9 473 02.8 Wilson 3 01.4 280 01.7 Woods 3 01.4 1,505 09.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 207 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Jarvis's 273 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 5 01.8 1,238 07.4 Cosgrove 6 02.2 1,666 10.0 Culley * 7 02.6 1,884 11.3 Grant * 54 19.9 1,667 10.0 Lyons 10 03.7 1,039 06.2 McPhee * 70 25.7 1,523 09.1 Mahoney 4 01.5 1,296 07.8 Ogilvie 8 02.9 963 05.8 Payne * 27 09.9 1,038 06.2 Soundy 65 23.9 2,072 12.4 Waterworth 10 03.7 483 02.9 Wilson 3 01.1 283 01.7 Woods 3 01.1 1,508 09.1 Remaining 272 16,660 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 273 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Wilson's 283 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 2 00.7 1,240 07.4 Cosgrove 3 01.1 1,669 10.0 Culley * 1 00.4 1,885 11.3 Grant * 60 21.2 1,727 10.4 Lyons 4 01.4 1,043 06.3 McPhee * 33 11.7 1,556 09.3 Mahoney 2 00.7 1,298 07.8 Ogilvie 3 01.1 966 05.8 Payne * 40 14.1 1,078 06.5 Soundy 122 43.1 2,194 13.2 Waterworth 6 02.1 489 02.9 Woods 7 02.5 1,515 09.1 Remaining 283 16,660 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 283 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Waterworth's 489 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 11 03.9 1,251 07.5 Cosgrove 12 04.2 1,681 10.1 Culley * 5 01.8 1,890 11.3 Grant * 47 16.6 1,774 10.6 Lyons 65 23.0 1,108 06.7 McPhee * 116 41.0 1,672 10.0 Mahoney 11 03.9 1,309 07.9 Ogilvie 13 04.6 979 05.9 Payne * 69 24.4 1,147 06.9 Soundy 116 41.0 2,310 13.9 Woods 24 08.5 1,539 09.2 Remaining 489 16,660 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 489 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Ogilvie's 979 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 155 15.8 1,406 08.4 Cosgrove 198 20.2 1,879 11.3 Culley * 209 21.4 2,099 12.6 Grant * 19 01.9 1,793 10.8 Lyons 155 15.8 1,263 07.6 McPhee * 14 01.4 1,686 10.1 Mahoney 16 01.6 1,325 08.0 Payne * 17 01.7 1,164 07.0 Soundy 12 01.3 2,322 13.9 Woods 183 18.7 1,722 10.3 Remaining 978 16,659 Exhausted 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 979 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Payne's 1,164 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 20 01.7 1,426 08.6 Cosgrove 15 01.3 1,894 11.4 Culley * 20 01.7 2,119 12.7 Grant * 258 22.5 2,051 12.3 Lyons 20 01.7 1,283 07.7 McPhee * 362 31.5 2,048 12.3 Mahoney 7 00.6 1,332 08.0 SOUNDY 416 36.2 2,738 16.5 ELECTED 1 Woods 31 02.7 1,753 10.5 Remaining 1,149 16,644 Exhausted 15 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,164 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Soundy's 357 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 2 00.6 1,428 08.6 Cosgrove - 1,894 11.4 Culley * - 2,119 12.7 Grant * 112 32.7 2,163 13.0 Lyons 6 01.8 1,289 07.8 McPhee * 215 62.9 2,263 13.6 Mahoney 1 00.3 1,333 08.0 SOUNDY - 2,381 14.3 ELECTED 1 Woods 6 01.8 1,759 10.5 Remaining 342 16,629 Lost by fraction 3 3 Exhausted 12 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 357 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Lyons's 1,289 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 263 20.9 1,691 10.2 Cosgrove 319 25.4 2,213 13.3 CULLEY * 264 21.0 2,383 14.4 ELECTED 2 Grant * 52 04.1 2,215 13.3 McPhee * 54 04.3 2,317 14.0 Mahoney 30 02.4 1,363 08.2 SOUNDY - 2,381 14.3 ELECTED 1 Woods 275 21.9 2,034 12.3 Remaining 1,257 16,597 Lost by fraction 2 5 Exhausted 30 59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,289 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Culley's 2 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * - 1,691 10.2 Cosgrove 1 2,214 13.3 CULLEY * - 2,381 14.3 ELECTED 2 Grant * - 2,215 13.3 McPhee * - 2,317 14.0 Mahoney - 1,363 08.2 SOUNDY - 2,381 14.3 ELECTED 1 Woods - 2,034 12.3 Remaining 1 16,596 Lost by fraction 1 6 Exhausted - 59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Mahoney's 1,363 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 276 20.9 1,967 11.9 COSGROVE 728 55.2 2,942 17.8 ELECTED 3 CULLEY * - 2,381 14.4 ELECTED 2 Grant * 39 03.0 2,254 13.6 McPhee * 20 01.5 2,337 14.1 SOUNDY - 2,381 14.4 ELECTED 1 Woods 257 19.5 2,291 13.8 Remaining 1,320 16,553 Lost by fraction - 6 Exhausted 43 102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,363 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Cosgrove's 561 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleary * 226 44.9 2,193 13.3 COSGROVE - 2,381 14.4 ELECTED 3 CULLEY * - 2,381 14.4 ELECTED 2 Grant * 6 01.2 2,260 13.7 McPhee * 3 00.6 2,340 14.2 SOUNDY - 2,381 14.4 ELECTED 1 WOODS 268 53.3 2,559 15.5 ELECTED 4 Remaining 503 16,495 Lost by fraction 1 7 Exhausted 57 159 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 561 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Woods's 178 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * 107 95.5 2,300 14.0 ELECTED 6 COSGROVE - 2,381 14.5 ELECTED 3 CULLEY * - 2,381 14.5 ELECTED 2 Grant * 2 01.8 2,262 13.8 McPHEE * 3 02.7 2,343 14.3 ELECTED 5 SOUNDY - 2,381 14.5 ELECTED 1 WOODS - 2,381 14.5 ELECTED 4 Remaining 112 16,429 Lost by fraction 1 8 Exhausted 65 224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 178 16,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The election of Woods left only three candidates, with two places yet to fill, so Grant was eliminated and McPhee and Cleary were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles William Grant (1878-1943): Elected 1922. Defeated 1925 Later career: see Denison 1928 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leslie Herbert Payne (1888-1942): Filled vacancy 1924. Defeated 1925 Died 23 December 1942 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Henry Cleary (1854-1937): Elected 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Cosgrove (1884-1969): Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Ernest Culley (1877-1949): Elected 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Cameron McPhee (1878-1952): Elected 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition from 29 July 1925 Leader of the Nationalist Party from 29 July 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Soundy (1878-1960): Elected 1925 Born: 14 November 1878, England Career: To Tas as child. Farmer, health inspector, merchant. Mayor of Hobart 1924. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Alan Woods (1861-1939): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916 Resigned 1917. Elected 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly from 13 October 1926 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Kingborough, Moonah, Nelson, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 23,493 Total votes cast: 15,006 63.9 Informal votes: 338 02.3 Formal votes: 14,668 97.7 Quota for election: 2,096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George H S Cummins Nationalist 1,270 08.7 John W EVANS * Nationalist 2,187 14.9 ELECTED 2 Richard Johnson Nationalist 297 02.0 John J Lewis Labor Party 514 03.5 Samuel Lyden Labor Party 574 03.9 Peter Murdoch * 1,277 08.7 Hon Albert G OGILVIE * Labor Party 4,130 28.2 ELECTED 1 Benjamin J Pearsall 1,076 07.3 John P Piggott * 1,100 07.5 William Sheridan * Labor Party 992 06.8 Douglas S Thompson Labor Party 247 01.7 Winston A Triffit Labor Party 244 01.7 Benjamin Watkins Labor Party 760 05.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Pearsall, see Franklin 1928. 2. Sheridan was MHA for Denison 1909-13, 1914-25. 3. Watkins was MHA for Queenstown 1906-09, for Darwin 1909-17, for Franklin 1919-22. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Ogilvie's 2,034 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 22 01.1 1,292 08.8 EVANS * - 2,187 14.9 ELECTED 2 Johnson 7 00.3 304 02.1 Lewis 135 06.7 649 04.4 Lyden 141 07.0 715 04.9 Murdoch * 52 02.6 1,329 09.1 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 36 01.8 1,112 07.6 Piggott * 36 01.8 1,136 07.7 Sheridan * 930 45.9 1,922 13.1 Thompson 233 11.5 480 03.3 Triffit 44 02.2 288 02.0 Watkins 392 19.3 1,152 07.9 Remaining 2,028 14,662 Lost by fraction 6 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,034 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Evans's 91 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 32 38.1 1,324 09.0 EVANS * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 2 Johnson 12 14.3 316 02.2 Lewis - 649 04.4 Lyden - 715 04.9 Murdoch * 20 24.7 1,349 09.2 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 8 09.5 1,120 07.6 Piggott * 11 13.1 1,147 07.8 Sheridan * 1 01.1 1,923 13.1 Thompson - 480 03.3 Triffit - 288 02.0 Watkins - 1,152 07.9 Remaining 84 14,655 Lost by fraction 7 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 91 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Triffit's 288 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 4 01.4 1,328 09.1 EVANS * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 2 Johnson 7 02.5 323 02.2 Lewis 17 06.1 666 04.5 Lyden 12 04.3 727 05.0 Murdoch * 8 02.9 1,357 09.3 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 9 03.2 1,129 07.7 Piggott * 10 03.6 1,157 07.9 Sheridan * 104 37.1 2,027 13.8 Thompson 20 07.1 500 03.4 Watkins 89 31.8 1,241 08.5 Remaining 280 14,647 Lost by fraction 5 18 Exhausted 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 288 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Johnson's 323 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 118 38.4 1,446 09.9 EVANS * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lewis 13 04.2 679 04.6 Lyden 8 02.6 735 05.0 Murdoch * 33 10.7 1,390 09.5 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 54 17.6 1,183 08.1 Piggott * 54 17.6 1,211 08.3 Sheridan * 12 03.9 2,039 13.9 Thompson 4 01.3 504 03.4 Watkins 11 03.6 1,252 08.6 Remaining 307 14,631 Lost by fraction 6 24 Exhausted 10 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 323 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Thompson's 504 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 2 00.4 1,448 09.9 EVANS * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lewis 56 11.5 735 05.0 Lyden 43 08.8 778 05.3 Murdoch * 8 01.6 1,398 09.6 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 7 01.4 1,190 08.1 Piggott * 7 01.4 1,218 08.3 SHERIDAN * 82 16.8 2,121 14.5 ELECTED 3 Watkins 284 58.1 1,536 10.5 Remaining 489 14,616 Lost by fraction 7 31 Exhausted 8 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 504 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Sheridan's 25 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins - 1,448 09.9 EVANS * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lewis 3 15.8 738 05.0 Lyden 5 26.3 783 05.3 Murdoch * - 1,398 09.6 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall - 1,190 08.1 Piggott * - 1,218 08.3 SHERIDAN * - 2,096 14.3 ELECTED 3 Watkins 11 57.9 1,547 10.6 Remaining 19 14,610 Lost by fraction 5 36 Exhausted 1 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 25 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Lewis's 738 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 14 02.0 1,462 10.0 EVANS * - 2,096 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lyden 371 52.4 1,154 07.9 Murdoch * 27 03.8 1,425 09.8 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.4 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 7 01.0 1,197 08.2 Piggott * 9 01.3 1,227 08.4 SHERIDAN * - 2,096 14.4 ELECTED 3 Watkins 280 39.5 1,827 12.5 Remaining 708 14,580 Lost by fraction 6 42 Exhausted 24 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 738 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Lyden's 1,154 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 26 04.2 1,488 10.6 EVANS * - 2,096 14.9 ELECTED 2 Murdoch * 43 07.0 1,468 10.5 OGILVIE * - 2,096 14.9 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 33 05.4 1,230 08.8 Piggott * 31 05.0 1,258 09.0 SHERIDAN * - 2,096 14.9 ELECTED 3 WATKINS 482 78.4 2,309 16.5 ELECTED 4 Remaining 615 14,041 Lost by fraction 8 50 Exhausted 531 577 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,154 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Watkins's 213 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 1 06.3 1,489 10.8 EVANS * - 2,096 15.1 ELECTED 2 Murdoch * 7 43.8 1,475 10.7 OGILVIE * - 2,096 15.1 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 5 31.3 1,235 08.9 Piggott * 3 18.8 1,261 09.1 SHERIDAN * - 2,096 15.1 ELECTED 3 WATKINS - 2,096 15.1 ELECTED 4 Remaining 16 13,844 Lost by fraction 3 53 Exhausted 194 771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 213 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Pearsall's 1,235 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 211 19.4 1,700 12.4 EVANS * - 2,096 15.3 ELECTED 2 MURDOCH * 371 34.2 1,846 13.5 ELECTED 5 OGILVIE * - 2,096 15.3 ELECTED 1 PIGGOTT * 504 46.4 1,765 12.9 ELECTED 6 SHERIDAN * - 2,096 1533 ELECTED 3 WATKINS - 2,096 15.1 ELECTED 4 Remaining 1,086 13,695 Lost by fraction 2 55 Exhausted 147 918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,235 14,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The elimination of Pearsall left only three candidates, with two places yet to fill, so Cummins was eliminated and Murdoch and Piggott were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John William Evans (1855-1943): Elected 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly to 27 July 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter Murdoch (1865-1948): Elected 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert George Ogilvie (1890-1939): Elected 1919, 1922, 1925 Attorney-General to 12 October 1927 Minister for Education to 12 October 1927 Minister for Forestry to 12 October 1927 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Peters Piggott (1879-1957): Elected 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Sheridan (1858-1931): Elected 1909, 1912. Defeated 1913. Elected 1914 by, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Watkins (1884-1963): Elected 1906 by, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916. Resigned 1917. Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Latrobe, Longford, Westbury ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 21,374 Total votes cast: 13,815 64.6 Informal votes: 331 02.4 Formal votes: 13,484 97.6 Quota for election: 1,927 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert W Bendall * Nationalist 700 05.2 Percival C Best Nationalist 828 06.1 Hon Ernest F B Blyth * Nationalist 578 04.3 D Norman Cameron 1,511 11.2 Neil Campbell * Nationalist 1,499 11.1 Hon Sir Walter H Lee * Liberal 1,325 09.8 Hon Joseph A LYONS * Labor Party 4,125 30.6 ELECTED 1 John A Newman 711 05.3 Michael O'Keefe * Labor Party 1,037 07.7 Herbert D Osbourne Labor Party 328 02.4 John R Palamountain Labor Party 197 01.5 John D Peters Liberal 110 00.8 William H Reece Labor Party 252 01.9 William E Shoobridge * Labor Party 283 02.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Best, see Wilmot 1928. 2. Cameron was MHA for Deloraine 1893-94, 1897-99, MHR for Tasmania 1901-03, for Wilmot 1904-06, MHA for Wilmot 1912-13. 3. For Palamountain, see Wilmot countback. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Lyons's 2,198 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 9 00.4 709 05.3 Best 7 00.3 835 06.2 Blyth * 12 00.5 590 04.4 Cameron 15 00.7 1,526 11.3 Campbell * 7 00.3 1,506 11.2 Lee * 15 00.7 1,340 09.9 LYONS * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 1 Newman 53 02.4 764 05.7 O'KEEFE * 1,592 72.7 2,629 19.5 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 78 03.6 406 03.0 Palamountain 101 04.6 298 02.2 Peters 3 00.1 113 00.8 Reece 70 03.2 322 02.4 Shoobridge * 227 10.4 510 03.8 Remaining 2,189 13,475 Lost by fraction 9 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,198 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: O'Keefe's 702 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 1 01.4 710 05.3 Best 1 01.4 836 06.2 Blyth * 4 00.6 594 04.4 Cameron 3 00.4 1,529 11.4 Campbell * 4 00.6 1,510 11.2 Lee * 4 00.6 1,344 10.0 LYONS * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 1 Newman 5 00.7 769 05.7 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 276 39.8 682 05.1 Palamountain 136 19.6 434 03.2 Peters 3 00.4 116 00.9 Reece 53 07.6 375 02.8 Shoobridge * 203 29.3 713 05.3 Remaining 693 13,466 Lost by fraction 9 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 702 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Peters's 116 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 19 17.1 729 05.4 Best 17 15.3 853 06.3 Blyth * 9 08.1 603 04.5 Cameron 15 13.5 1,544 11.5 Campbell * 16 14.4 1,526 11.3 Lee * 10 09.0 1,354 10.1 LYONS * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 1 Newman 11 09.9 780 05.8 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 2 01.8 684 05.1 Palamountain 3 02.7 437 03.2 Reece 3 02.7 378 02.8 Shoobridge * 6 05.4 719 05.3 Remaining 111 13,461 Lost by fraction 3 21 Exhausted 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 116 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Reece's 378 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 1 00.3 730 05.4 Best - 853 06.3 Blyth * 1 00.3 604 04.5 Cameron 1 00.3 1,545 11.5 Campbell * - 1,526 11.4 Lee * 1 00.3 1,355 10.1 LYONS * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 1 Newman 4 01.1 784 05.8 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.3 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 111 30.8 795 05.9 Palamountain 108 30.0 545 04.1 Shoobridge * 133 36.9 852 06.3 Remaining 360 13,443 Lost by fraction 4 25 Exhausted 14 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 378 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Palamountain's 545 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 5 01.0 735 05.5 Best 2 00.4 855 06.4 Blyth * 2 00.4 606 04.5 Cameron 4 00.8 1,549 11.6 Campbell * 2 00.4 1,528 11.4 Lee * 1 00.2 1,356 10.1 LYONS * - 1,927 14.4 ELECTED 1 Newman 6 01.2 790 05.9 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.4 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 200 39.4 995 07.4 Shoobridge * 286 56.3 1,138 08.5 Remaining 508 13,406 Lost by fraction 6 31 Exhausted 31 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 545 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Blyth's 606 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 92 15.6 827 06.2 Best 107 18.2 962 07.2 Cameron 126 21.4 1,675 12.5 Campbell * 125 21.2 1,653 12.3 Lee * 82 13.9 1,438 10.7 LYONS * - 1,927 14.4 ELECTED 1 Newman 30 05.1 820 06.1 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.4 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 9 01.5 1,004 07.5 Shoobridge * 18 03.1 1,156 08.6 Remaining 589 13,389 Lost by fraction 7 38 Exhausted 10 57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 606 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Newman's 820 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bendall * 133 17.1 960 07.2 Best 140 18.0 1,102 08.3 Cameron 173 22.2 1,848 13.8 Campbell * 79 10.1 1,732 13.0 Lee * 78 10.0 1,516 14.4 LYONS * - 1,927 14.4 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.4 ELECTED 2 Osbourne 66 08.5 1,070 08.0 Shoobridge * 110 14.1 1,266 09.5 Remaining 779 13,348 Lost by fraction 4 42 Exhausted 37 94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 820 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Bendall's 960 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 425 45.3 1,527 11.5 CAMERON 105 11.2 1,953 14.7 ELECTED 3 CAMPBELL * 195 20.8 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 4 Lee * 189 20.1 1,705 12.8 LYONS * - 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 2 Osborne 8 00.9 1,078 08.1 Shoobridge * 16 01.7 1,282 09.6 Remaining 938 13,326 Lost by fraction 5 47 Exhausted 17 111 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 960 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Cameron's 26 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 13 72.2 1,540 11.5 CAMERON - 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 3 CAMPBELL * - 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 4 Lee * 4 22.2 1,709 12.8 LYONS * - 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.5 ELECTED 2 Osbourne - 1,078 08.1 Shoobridge * 1 05.6 1,283 09.6 Remaining 18 13,318 Lost by fraction 2 49 Exhausted 6 117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 26 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Because Campbell polled exactly a quota, there was no surplus to distribute. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Osbourne's 1,078 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 14 72.2 1,554 12.0 CAMERON - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 3 CAMPBELL * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 4 Lee * 11 22.2 1,720 13.3 LYONS * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 2 SHOOBRIDGE * 695 05.6 1,978 15.3 ELECTED 5 Remaining 18 12,960 Lost by fraction 2 51 Exhausted 356 473 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,078 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Shoobridge's 51 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best 4 1,558 12.1 CAMERON - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 3 CAMPBELL * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,720 13.3 ELECTED 6 LYONS * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 2 SHOOBRIDGE * - 1,927 14.9 ELECTED 5 Remaining 4 12,913 Lost by fraction 2 53 Exhausted 45 518 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 51 13,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lee was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert William Bendall (1884-1967): Elected 1922. Defeated 1925 Later career: see Legislative Council, Macquarie 1932. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest Frederick Burns Blyth (1872-1933): Elected 1913 by, 1916, 1919, 1922. Defeated 1925 Died 1 November 1933 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Norman Cameron (1851-1931): Elected 1893. Resigned 1894. Elected 1897. Resigned 1899. Elected 1912. Defeated 1913. Elected 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil Campbell (1880-1960): Elected 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Aloysius Lyons (1879-1939): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 Resigned 1919. Filled vacancy 1920. Elected 1922, 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier Treasurer Minister for Mines to 1 September 1927 Leader of the Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Ignatius O'Keefe (1864-1926): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925 Died 2 October 1926: see vacancy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly 28 July 1925 to 2 October 1926 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Ebenezer Shoobridge (1846-1940): Elected 1916. Defeated 1919. Filled vacancy 1922. Elected 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VACANCIES 1925-28 ======================================================================== DARWIN ======================================================================== 30 June 1926, following the resignation of James Hurst ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry T LANE Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Thomas Lane (1873-1955): Filled vacancy 1926 Born: 29 December 1873, Deloraine Career: Hotelier, cinema operator, estate agent. Devonport Municipal Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT ======================================================================== 22 November 1926, following the death of Michael O'Keefe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John R PALAMOUNTAIN Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Richard Palamountain (1866-1942): Filled vacancy 1926 Born: 19 April 1866, Victoria Career: Presbyterian minister, in Tas from 1903. Dismissed for political reasons. Bookseller, truant officer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------