TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE TWENTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 9 JUNE 1934 ======================================================================== The Twenty-Fifth Parliament was opened on 25 September 1934 and was dissolved on 14 January 1937 Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "Report on General Election 9th June 1934", by Edward Parkes, Chief Electoral Officer. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from a list published in the "Burnie Advocate", 16 May 1934. Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor under Albert Ogilvie staged a strong recovery from its heavy defeat in 1931 at this election, winning four seats from the Nationalists. Sir Walter Lee's Nationalist government paid the price for its policies of retrenchment in response to the Great Depression. They polled particularly poorly in Hobart, which cost them two seats in Denison. This was attributed to the public service vote. Labor won 14 seats, two short of a majority, but two of the three independent members stated their support for Labor. George Becker (Wilmot) was a former Labor minister, and George Carruthers (Denison), elected for Social Credit, had until recently been a Labor Party member. As a result, Ogilvie was able to form a minority government. In 1936 Lee resigned as Nationalist leader and was succeeded by Henry Baker. The only female candidate was Lesley Murdoch, an independent in Denison, who polled poorly. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 127,681 Total votes counted: 120,622 94.5 Informal votes: 3,855 03.2 Formal votes: 116,767 96.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor Party 53,454 45.8 +10.9 14 +04 Nationalist 54,549 46.7 -09.7 13 -06 Social Credit 1,995 01.7 1 +01 Others 6,769 05.8 2 +01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 116,767 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor gained a seat from the Nationalists in each of Bass, Darwin, Denison and Franklin. Social Credit gained a seat from the Nationalists in Denison, and an independent did the same in Wilmot. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ========================================================================================= Division Labor Party Nationalist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass 11,856 50.8 +13.6 3.56 3 +1 11,483 49.2 -13.6 3.44 3 -1 Darwin 9,729 40.8 +09.4 2.86 3 +1 12,578 52.8 -07.3 3.70 3 -1 Denison 11,122 48.3 +08.0 3.38 3 +1 8,708 37.8 -15.9 2.65 2 -2 Franklin 12,842 51.9 +20.1 3.63 3 +1 9,344 37.8 -06.1 2.64 2 -1 Wilmot 7,805 35.8 +01.6 2.50 2 12,436 57.0 -05.2 3.99 3 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 53,454 45.8 +10.9 14.19 14 +4 54,549 46.7 -09.7 13 -6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the totals for each party I have shown the number of notional statewide quotas they obtained. The notional statewide quota (3,767) is the statewide formal vote (116,767) divided by 31. 2. Social Credit won the sixth seat in Denison, and independents won the sixth seats in Franklin and Wilmot. VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Ringarooma, Scottsdale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 25,560 Total votes cast: 24,170 94.5 Informal votes: 831 03.4 Formal votes: 23,339 96.6 Quota for election: 3,335 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas H DAVIES * Labor Party 4,982 21.3 ELECTED 1 Frederick W Hall Labor Party 355 01.5 Allen Hollingsworth Nationalist 3,138 13.4 D Sydney Jackson Nationalist 1,346 05.8 Hon Claude E W James * Nationalist 2,217 09.5 Charles A Lamp Labor Party 1,270 05.4 John J McDonald Labor Party 1,313 05.6 John L Madden Labor Party 1,069 04.6 Robert Murphy * Nationalist 1,312 05.6 John F Ockerby * Nationalist 1,671 07.2 Dr Herbert T Postle * Nationalist 825 03.5 Victor J Shaw * Labor Party 2,867 12.3 Henry M Thomson Nationalist 650 02.8 Robert S Wright Nationalist 324 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Jackson was MHR for Bass 1919-29. 2. Lamp was a Senator for Tasmania 1938-50. 3. For Madden, see 1936 countback. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Davies's 1,647 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hall 304 18.6 659 02.8 Hollingsworth 100 06.1 3,238 13.9 Jackson 44 02.7 1,390 06.0 James * 24 01.5 2,241 09.6 Lamp 226 13.8 1,496 06.4 McDonald 278 17.0 1,591 06.8 Madden 140 08.6 1,209 05.2 Murphy * 28 01.7 1,340 05.7 Ockerby * 21 01.3 1,692 07.2 Postle * 32 02.0 857 03.7 Shaw * 422 28.9 3,289 14.1 Thomson 15 00.9 665 02.8 Wright 8 00.5 332 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,632 23,334 Lost by fraction 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,637 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Wright's 332 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hall 2 00.6 661 02.8 Hollingsworth 69 21.2 3,307 14.2 Jackson 28 08.6 1,418 06.1 James * 40 12.3 2,281 09.8 Lamp 4 01.2 1,500 06.4 McDonald 1 00.3 1,592 06.8 Madden - 1,209 05.2 Murphy * 39 12.0 1,379 05.9 Ockerby * 47 14.4 1,739 07.5 Postle * 56 17.2 913 03.9 Shaw * 10 03.1 3,299 14.1 Thomson 30 09.2 695 03.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 326 23,328 Lost by fraction 6 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 332 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Hall's 661 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH 31 04.8 3,338 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jackson 58 08.9 1,476 06.3 James * 12 01.8 2,293 09.8 Lamp 284 43.6 1,784 07.6 McDonald 80 12.3 1,672 07.2 Madden 63 09.7 1,272 05.5 Murphy * 2 00.3 1,381 05.9 Ockerby * 13 02.0 1,752 07.5 Postle * 2 00.3 915 03.9 SHAW * 100 15.4 3,399 14.6 ELECTED 2 Thomson 6 00.9 701 03.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 651 23,318 Lost by fraction 6 17 Exhausted 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 661 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Shaw's 64 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,338 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jackson - 1,476 06.3 James * - 2,293 09.8 Lamp 20 38.9 1,804 07.7 McDonald 10 16.9 1,682 07.2 Madden 27 45.8 1,299 05.6 Murphy * 1 01.7 1,382 05.9 Ockerby * 1 01.7 1,752 07.5 Postle * - 915 03.9 SHAW * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 2 Thomson - 701 03.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 59 23,313 Lost by fraction 4 21 Exhausted 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 64 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Hollingsworth's 3 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jackson 1 1,477 06.3 James * - 2,293 09.8 Lamp - 1,804 07.7 McDonald - 1,682 07.2 Madden - 1,299 05.6 Murphy * - 1,382 05.9 Ockerby * - 1,752 07.5 Postle * - 915 03.9 SHAW * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 2 Thomson - 701 03.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1 23,311 Lost by fraction 2 23 Exhausted - 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Thomson's 701 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jackson 125 18.3 1,602 06.9 James * 131 19.2 2,424 10.4 Lamp 11 01.6 1,815 07.8 McDonald 28 04.1 1,710 07.3 Madden 24 03.5 1,323 05.7 Murphy * 103 15.1 1,485 06.4 Ockerby * 99 14.5 1,852 08.0 Postle * 161 23.6 1,076 04.6 SHAW * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 682 23,292 Lost by fraction 6 29 Exhausted 13 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 701 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Postle's 1,076 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jackson 261 18.3 1,863 08.0 James * 181 19.2 2,605 11.2 Lamp 45 01.6 1,860 08.0 McDonald 34 04.1 1,744 07.5 Madden 34 03.5 1,357 05.8 Murphy * 180 15.1 1,665 07.2 Ockerby * 308 14.5 2,160 09.3 SHAW * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 682 23,259 Lost by fraction 8 37 Exhausted 25 43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,043 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Madden's 1,357 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 3 Jackson 34 02.7 1,897 08.2 James * 17 01.3 2,622 11.3 Lamp 518 40.7 2,378 10.2 McDonald 663 52.1 2,407 10.4 Murphy * 24 01.9 1,689 07.3 Ockerby * 59 04.6 2,219 09.6 SHAW * - 3,335 14.3 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,273 23,217 Lost by fraction 11 48 Exhausted 31 74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,315 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Murphy's 1,689 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.4 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 14.4 ELECTED 3 Jackson 413 02.7 2,310 10.0 James * 508 01.3 3,130 13.5 Lamp 26 40.7 2,404 10.4 McDonald 54 52.1 2,461 10.6 Ockerby * 615 04.6 2,834 12.2 SHAW * - 3,335 14.4 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,616 23,144 Lost by fraction 12 60 Exhausted 61 135 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,689 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Jackson's 2,310 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 14.9 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 14.9 ELECTED 3 JAMES * 523 35.0 3,653 16.4 ELECTED 4 Lamp 167 11.2 2,571 11.5 McDonald 130 08.6 2,591 11.6 OCKERBY * 676 45.2 3,510 15.7 ELECTED 5 SHAW * - 3,335 14.9 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,496 22,330 Lost by fraction 6 66 Exhausted 808 943 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,310 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: James's 318 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 15.1 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 15.1 ELECTED 3 JAMES * - 3,335 15.1 ELECTED 4 Lamp 23 50.0 2,594 11.8 McDonald 23 50.0 2,614 11.9 OCKERBY * - 3,510 15.7 ELECTED 5 SHAW * - 3,335 15.1 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 46 22,058 Lost by fraction 1 67 Exhausted 271 1,214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 318 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Ockerby's 175 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,335 15.2 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGSWORTH - 3,335 15.2 ELECTED 3 JAMES * - 3,335 15.2 ELECTED 4 Lamp 14 58.3 2,608 11.9 McDONALD 10 41.7 2,624 12.0 ELECTED 6 OCKERBY * - 3,335 15.2 ELECTED 5 SHAW * - 3,335 15.2 ELECTED 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 24 21,907 Lost by fraction 1 68 Exhausted 150 1,364 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 175 23,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ McDonald was declared elected because he had the higher vote of the two ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Murphy (1876-1966): Elected 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 27 May 1966 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert Thomas Postle (1884-1961): Filled vacancy 1933. Defeated 1934 Later career: Struck off for professional misconduct 1938. Died 24 July 1961 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Henry Davies (1881-1942): Filled vacancy 1929. Elected 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands and Works from 23 June 1934 Minister for Mines from 23 June 1934 Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Department from 23 June 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allen Hollingsworth (1894-1954): Elected 1934 Born: 17 October 1894, Argentina (of British parents) Career: to Tas 1895. Military service 1915-19. French polisher. Mayor of Launceston 1933. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claude Ernest Weymouth James (1878-1961): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 James retired at the 1937 election. Died 27 August 1961 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary to 23 June 1934 Minister for Railways to 23 June 1934 Minister for Mines to 23 June 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Featherstone Ockerby (1864-1953): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Joseph McDonald (1904-59): Elected 1934 Born: 25 March 1904, Gormanston Career: Miner, textile worker. Official Textile Workers' Union. Son of James McDonald MHR and MLC. Brother of Thomas R McDonald MHA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Victor James Shaw (1875-1936): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 Died 14 June 1936: see vacancies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Burnie, Devonport, Queenstown Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 26,116 Total votes cast: 24,544 94.0 Informal votes: 725 03.0 Formal votes: 23,819 97.0 Quota for election: 3,403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John H Astell Nationalist 865 03.6 Hon James Belton Labor Party 1,181 05.0 Stephen E Broad 1,512 06.3 Thomas J Butler * Nationalist 1,008 04.2 John H Chamberlain Nationalist 1,564 06.6 Thomas G De L D'ALTON * Labor Party 3,561 15.0 ELECTED 1 Frank B Edwards Nationalist 1,648 06.9 Ernest H Fenton Nationalist 769 03.2 Robert A Hamilton Nationalist 851 03.6 Hon Edward Hobbs * Nationalist 478 02.0 Cyril D Horne Nationalist 767 03.2 Phillip L Kelly * Labor Party 2,649 11.1 Henry T Lane Labor Party 956 04.0 Henry H McFie * Nationalist 1,259 05.3 Joseph W McGrath Labor Party 1,382 05.8 Frank E Marriott * Nationalist 1,878 07.9 John F Wright Nationalist 1,491 06.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Belton was MHA for Darwin 1909-17, 1917-31. 2. Edwards was MLC for Russell 1921-33. 3. Lane was MHA for Darwin 1926-28. 4. For Wright, see Darwin 1940 countback. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: D'Alton's 158 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astell - 865 03.6 Belton 18 12.1 1,199 05.0 Broad 1 00.7 1,513 06.4 Butler * 1 00.7 1,009 04.2 Chamberlain - 1,564 06.6 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 1 00.7 1,649 06.9 Fenton 1 00.7 770 03.2 Hamilton 1 00.7 852 03.6 Hobbs * - 478 02.0 Horne - 767 03.2 Kelly * 96 64.4 2,745 11.5 Lane 9 06.0 965 04.1 McFie * - 1,259 05.3 McGrath 20 13.4 1,402 05.9 Marriott * 1 00.7 1,879 07.9 Wright - 1,491 06.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 149 23,810 Lost by fraction 9 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 158 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Hobbs's 478 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astell 14 02.9 879 03.7 Belton 2 00.4 1,201 05.0 Broad 7 01.5 1,520 06.4 Butler * 36 07.5 1,045 04.4 Chamberlain 64 13.4 1,628 06.8 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 95 19.9 1,744 07.3 Fenton 8 01.7 778 03.3 Hamilton 17 03.6 869 03.6 Horne 16 03.3 783 03.3 Kelly * 25 05.2 2,770 11.6 Lane 4 00.8 969 04.1 McFie * 32 02.5 1,291 05.4 McGrath 1 00.2 1,403 05.9 Marriott * 85 17.8 1,964 08.2 Wright 72 15.1 1,563 06.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 478 23,810 Lost by fraction - 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 478 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Fenton's 778 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astell 121 15.6 1,000 04.2 Belton 38 04.9 1,239 05.2 Broad 32 04.1 1,552 06.5 Butler * 39 05.0 1,084 04.6 Chamberlain 26 03.3 1,654 06.9 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 65 08.4 1,809 07.6 Hamilton 124 16.0 993 04.2 Horne 76 09.8 859 03.6 Kelly * 65 08.4 2,835 11.9 Lane 6 00.8 975 04.1 McFie * 30 03.9 1,321 05.5 McGrath 26 03.3 1,429 06.0 Marriott * 61 07.9 2,025 08.5 Wright 68 08.8 1,631 06.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 777 23,809 Lost by fraction 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 778 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Horne's 859 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astell 57 06.6 1,057 04.4 Belton 6 00.7 1,245 05.2 Broad 42 04.9 1,594 06.7 Butler * 35 04.1 1,119 04.7 Chamberlain 182 21.2 1,836 07.7 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 104 12.1 1,913 08.0 Hamilton 89 10.4 1,082 04.5 Kelly * 29 03.4 2,864 12.0 Lane 9 01.0 984 04.1 McFie * 43 05.0 1,364 05.7 McGrath 17 02.0 1,446 06.1 Marriott * 161 18.8 2,186 09.2 Wright 84 09.8 1,715 07.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 858 23,808 Lost by fraction - 10 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 859 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Lane's 984 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astell 8 00.8 1,065 04.5 Belton 119 12.1 1,364 05.7 Broad 8 00.8 1,602 06.7 Butler * 4 00.4 1,123 04.7 Chamberlain 1 00.1 1,837 07.7 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 7 00.7 1,920 08.1 Hamilton 3 00.3 1,085 04.5 KELLY * 589 60.0 3,453 14.5 ELECTED 2 McFie * 32 03.3 1,396 05.9 McGrath 196 20.0 1,642 06.9 Marriott * 10 01.0 2,196 09.2 Wright 3 00.3 1,718 07.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 982 23,804 Lost by fraction 2 12 Exhausted 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 984 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Kelly's 50 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astell - 1,065 04.5 Belton 21 47.7 1,385 05.8 Broad - 1,602 06.7 Butler * - 1,123 04.7 Chamberlain - 1,837 07.7 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards - 1,920 08.1 Hamilton - 1,085 04.5 KELLY * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie * - 1,396 05.9 McGrath 23 52.3 1,665 07.0 Marriott * - 2,196 09.2 Wright - 1,718 07.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 44 23,798 Lost by fraction 6 18 Exhausted - 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 50 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Astell's 1,065 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton 115 10.9 1,500 06.3 Broad 77 07.3 1,679 07.1 Butler * 144 13.6 1,267 05.3 Chamberlain 157 14.9 1,994 08.4 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 71 06.7 1,991 08.4 Hamilton 168 15.9 1,253 05.3 KELLY * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie * 109 10.3 1,505 06.3 McGrath 31 02.9 1,696 07.1 Marriott * 94 08.9 2,290 09.6 Wright 90 08.5 1,808 07.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,056 23,789 Lost by fraction - 18 Exhausted 9 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,065 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Hamilton's 1,253 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton 62 05.1 1,562 06.6 Broad 119 09.8 1,798 07.6 Butler * 91 07.5 1,358 05.7 Chamberlain 231 18.9 2,225 09.4 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 188 15.4 2,179 09.2 KELLY * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie * 95 07.8 1,600 06.7 McGrath 101 08.3 1,797 07.6 Marriott * 148 12.1 2,438 10.3 Wright 185 15.2 1,993 08.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,220 23,756 Lost by fraction 1 19 Exhausted 32 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,253 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Butler's 1,358 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton 32 02.4 1,594 06.7 Broad 50 03.8 1,848 07.8 Chamberlain 299 22.7 2,524 10.6 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards 203 15.4 2,382 10.0 KELLY * - 3,403 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie * 289 21.9 1,889 08.0 McGrath 35 02.7 1,832 07.7 Marriott * 202 15.3 2,640 11.1 Wright 209 15.8 2,202 09.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,319 23,717 Lost by fraction 1 20 Exhausted 38 82 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,358 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Belton's 1,594 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Broad 248 17.1 2,096 08.9 Chamberlain 53 03.7 2,577 10.9 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.4 ELECTED 1 Edwards 72 05.0 2,454 10.4 KELLY * - 3,403 14.4 ELECTED 2 McFie * 64 04.4 1,953 08.3 McGrath 890 61.3 2,722 11.5 Marriott * 93 06.4 2,733 11.6 Wright 32 02.2 2,234 09.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,452 23,575 Lost by fraction 6 26 Exhausted 136 218 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,594 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: McFie's 1,953 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Broad 54 03.0 2,150 09.2 Chamberlain 214 11.7 2,791 11.9 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.5 ELECTED 1 Edwards 485 26.6 2,939 12.5 KELLY * - 3,403 14.5 ELECTED 2 McGrath 58 03.2 2,780 11.9 MARRIOTT * 723 39.6 3,456 14.7 ELECTED 3 Wright 290 15.9 2,524 10.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,824 23,446 Lost by fraction - 26 Exhausted 129 347 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,953 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Marriott's 53 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Broad 1 02.7 2,151 09.2 Chamberlain 12 32.4 2,803 12.0 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.5 ELECTED 1 Edwards 6 16.2 2,945 12.6 KELLY * - 3,403 14.5 ELECTED 2 McGrath - 2,780 11.9 MARRIOTT * - 3,403 14.5 ELECTED 3 Wright 18 48.6 2,542 10.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 37 23,430 Lost by fraction 3 29 Exhausted 13 360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 53 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Broad's 2,151 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAMBERLAIN 603 33.1 3,406 14.7 ELECTED 4 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.7 ELECTED 1 Edwards 309 17.0 3,254 14.1 KELLY * - 3,403 14.7 ELECTED 2 McGrath 428 23.5 3,208 13.9 MARRIOTT * - 3,403 14.7 ELECTED 3 Wright 483 26.5 3,025 13.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,823 23,102 Lost by fraction 2 31 Exhausted 326 686 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,151 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th count: Chamberlain's 3 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAMBERLAIN - 3,406 14.7 ELECTED 4 D'ALTON * - 3,403 14.7 ELECTED 1 EDWARDS 1 3,255 14.1 ELECTED 5 KELLY * - 3,403 14.7 ELECTED 2 McGRATH - 3,208 13.9 ELECTED 6 MARRIOTT * - 3,403 14.7 ELECTED 3 Wright - 3,025 13.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1 23,100 Lost by fraction 1 32 Exhausted 1 687 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3 23,819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since there were only three candidates left, and two places still to be filled, Wright was eliminated and Edwards and McGrath were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas John Butler (1875-1937): Elected 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 8 July 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Hobbs (1868-1936): Elected 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 20 July 1936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorary Minister to 15 March 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hector Henry McFie (1869-1957): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931. Defeated 1934 Later career: see Darwin 1941 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Hartley Chamberlain (1884-1953): Elected 1934 Born: 29 April 1884, England Career: To Tas 1885. Farmer and stables owner. Military service 1917-19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas George de Largie D'Alton (1895-1968): Elected 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary from 22 June 1934 Minister for Agriculture from 22 June 1934 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank 22 June 1934 to 25 June 1934 Minister for Railways 22 June 1934 to 6 August 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frank Bathurst Edwards (1887-1974?): Elected 1921, 1927. Defeated 1933. Elected 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Philip Louis Kelly (1886-1954): Filled vacancy 1922. Elected 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph William McGrath (1886-1937): Elected 1934 Born: 1866, South Australia Career: To Tas 1913. Pharmacist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Marriott (1874-1957): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Hobart, New Town, Queenborough, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 25,010 Total votes cast: 23,775 95.1 Informal votes: 736 03.1 Formal votes: 23,039 96.9 Quota for election: 3,292 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D'Arcy W Addison Nationalist 1,001 04.3 George S Carruthers Social Credit 1,995 08.7 Robert COSGROVE Labor Party 3,661 15.9 ELECTED 1 Hon Charles E Culley Labor Party 2,665 11.6 Edmund Dwyer-Gray * Labor Party 1,662 07.2 Edgar H Geer Labor Party 422 01.8 William R C Jarvis 491 02.1 Eric M Johnson Nationalist 1,534 06.7 Thomas M Jude 320 01.4 Robert D Leitch 111 00.5 Dr Arndell N Lewis * Nationalist 937 04.1 Gerald W Mahoney * Labor Party 1,661 07.2 Lesley Murdoch 192 00.8 John SOUNDY * Nationalist 3,489 15.1 ELECTED 2 Ernest W Turner * Nationalist 1,419 06.2 Alfred J White Labor Party 381 01.7 Walter A Woods Labor Party 770 03.3 Trevor M Young Nationalist 328 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Cosgrove was MHA for Denison 1919-22, 1925-31. 2. Culley was MHA for Denison 1922-28, MHR for Denison 1929-31. 3. Jarvis was MHA for Hobert East 1906-09. 4. For White, see Denison 1941. 5. Woods was MHA for Hobart North 1906-09, Denison 1909-17, 1925-31. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Cosgrove's 369 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 1 00.3 1,002 04.4 Carruthers 8 02.2 2,003 08.7 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 185 51.2 2,850 12.4 Dwyer-Gray * 84 23.3 1,746 07.6 Geer 13 03.6 435 01.9 Jarvis 4 01.1 495 02.1 Johnson 3 00.8 1,537 06.7 Jude 3 00.8 323 01.4 Leitch 1 00.3 112 00.5 Lewis * 1 00.3 938 04.1 Mahoney * 30 08.3 1,691 07.3 Murdoch 1 00.3 193 00.8 SOUNDY * - 3,489 15.1 ELECTED 2 Turner * 1 00.3 1,420 06.2 White 13 03.6 394 01.7 Woods 14 03.9 784 03.4 Young - 328 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 361 23,031 Lost by fraction 8 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 369 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Soundy's 197 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 24 12.6 1,026 04.5 Carruthers 4 02.1 2,007 08.7 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 1 00.5 2,851 12.4 Dwyer-Gray * 1 00.5 1,747 07.6 Geer - 435 01.9 Jarvis 6 03.2 501 02.2 Johnson 18 09.5 1,555 06.8 Jude - 323 01.4 Leitch - 112 00.5 Lewis * 28 14.7 966 04.2 Mahoney * - 1,691 07.3 Murdoch 3 01.6 196 00.9 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 97 51.1 1,517 06.6 White - 394 01.7 Woods 2 01.1 786 03.4 Young 6 03.2 334 01.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 190 23,024 Lost by fraction 7 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 197 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Leitch's 112 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 3 02.7 1,029 04.5 Carruthers 22 19.6 2,029 08.8 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 4 03.6 2,855 12.4 Dwyer-Gray * 7 06.3 1,754 07.6 Geer 3 02.7 438 01.9 Jarvis 17 15.2 518 02.2 Johnson 6 05.4 1,561 06.8 Jude 5 04.5 328 01.4 Lewis * 7 06.3 973 04.2 Mahoney * 3 02.7 1,694 07.4 Murdoch 9 08.0 205 00.9 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 14 12.5 1,531 06.6 White 4 03.6 398 01.7 Woods 2 01.8 788 03.4 Young 5 04.5 339 01.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 112 23,024 Lost by fraction - 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 112 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Murdoch's 205 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 23 11.4 1,052 04.6 Carruthers 28 13.9 2,057 08.9 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 10 05.0 2,865 12.4 Dwyer-Gray * 9 04.5 1,763 07.7 Geer 1 00.5 439 01.9 Jarvis 21 10.4 539 02.3 Johnson 26 12.9 1,587 06.9 Jude 2 01.0 330 01.4 Lewis * 12 06.0 985 04.3 Mahoney * 6 03.0 1,700 07.4 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 12 06.0 1,572 06.8 White 3 01.5 401 01.7 Woods 7 03.5 795 03.5 Young 12 06.0 351 01.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 201 23,020 Lost by fraction 4 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 205 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Jude's 330 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 10 03.1 1,062 04.6 Carruthers 32 09.8 2,089 09.1 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 91 27.9 2,956 12.8 Dwyer-Gray * 17 05.2 1,780 07.7 Geer 12 03.7 451 02.0 Jarvis 13 04.0 552 02.4 Johnson 26 08.0 1,613 07.0 Lewis * 7 02.1 992 04.3 Mahoney * 40 12.3 1,740 07.6 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 14 04.3 1,586 06.9 White 13 04.0 414 01.8 Woods 49 15.0 844 03.7 Young 2 00.6 353 01.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 326 23,016 Lost by fraction 3 22 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 330 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Young's 353 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 44 12.6 1,106 04.8 Carruthers 13 03.7 2,102 09.1 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 8 02.3 2,964 12.8 Dwyer-Gray * 8 02.3 1,788 07.8 Geer 6 01.7 457 02.0 Jarvis 19 05.5 571 02.5 Johnson 56 16.1 1,669 07.3 Lewis * 53 15.2 1,045 04.5 Mahoney * 4 01.1 1,744 07.6 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 123 35.3 1,709 07.4 White 2 00.6 416 01.8 Woods 12 03.4 856 03.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 348 23,011 Lost by fraction 3 25 Exhausted 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 353 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: White's 416 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 6 01.5 1,112 04.8 Carruthers 22 05.3 2,124 09.2 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 104 25.2 3,068 13.3 Dwyer-Gray * 111 26.9 1,899 08.3 Geer 30 07.3 487 02.1 Jarvis 9 02.2 580 02.5 Johnson 4 01.0 1,673 07.3 Lewis * 5 01.2 1,050 04.6 Mahoney * 42 10.2 1,786 07.8 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 4 01.0 1,713 07.4 Woods 76 18.4 932 04.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 413 23,008 Lost by fraction 2 27 Exhausted 1 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 416 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Geer's 487 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 4 00.8 1,116 04.9 Carruthers 17 03.5 2,141 09.3 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 Culley 219 45.5 3,287 14.3 Dwyer-Gray * 115 23.9 2,014 08.8 Jarvis 17 03.5 597 02.6 Johnson 9 01.9 1,682 07.3 Lewis * 1 00.2 1,051 04.6 Mahoney * 52 10.8 1,838 08.0 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 4 00.8 1,717 07.5 Woods 43 08.9 975 04.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 481 23,002 Lost by fraction 4 31 Exhausted 2 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 487 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Jarvis's 597 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 57 09.9 1,173 05.1 Carruthers 133 23.2 2,274 09.9 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 CULLEY 51 08.9 3,338 14.5 ELECTED 3 Dwyer-Gray * 50 08.7 2,064 09.0 Johnson 58 10.1 1,740 07.6 Lewis * 41 07.2 1,092 04.8 Mahoney * 30 05.2 1,868 08.1 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * 116 20.2 1,833 08.0 Woods 37 06.5 1,012 04.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 573 22,978 Lost by fraction 5 36 Exhausted 19 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 597 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Culley's 46 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison - 1,173 05.1 Carruthers 6 15.4 2,280 10.0 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 1 CULLEY - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 3 Dwyer-Gray * 18 46.2 2,082 09.1 Johnson - 1,740 07.6 Lewis * 1 02.6 1,093 04.8 Mahoney * 12 30.8 1,880 08.2 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.3 ELECTED 2 Turner * - 1,833 08.0 Woods 2 05.1 1,014 04.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 39 22,971 Lost by fraction 6 42 Exhausted 1 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 46 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Woods's 1,014 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 17 1,190 05.2 Carruthers 85 15.4 2,365 10.3 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 1 CULLEY - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 3 Dwyer-Gray * 503 46.2 2,585 11.3 Johnson 41 1,781 07.8 Lewis * 22 02.6 1,115 04.9 Mahoney * 244 30.8 2,124 09.3 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 2 Turner * 52 1,885 08.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 964 22,921 Lost by fraction 7 49 Exhausted 43 69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,014 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Lewis's 1,115 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 216 19.8 1,406 06.1 Carruthers 28 02.6 2,393 10.5 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 1 CULLEY - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 3 Dwyer-Gray * 17 01.6 2,602 11.4 Johnson 251 23.0 2,032 08.9 Mahoney * 14 01.3 2,138 09.3 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 2 Turner * 566 51.8 2,451 10.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,092 22,898 Lost by fraction 4 53 Exhausted 19 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,115 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Addison's 1,406 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers 197 14.7 2,590 11.3 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 1 CULLEY - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 3 Dwyer-Gray * 68 05.1 2,670 11.7 Johnson 554 41.3 2,586 11.3 Mahoney * 12 00.9 2,150 09.4 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.4 ELECTED 2 Turner * 511 38.1 2,962 13.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,342 22,834 Lost by fraction 6 59 Exhausted 58 146 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,406 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th count: Mahoney's 2,150 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers 123 07.1 2,713 12.1 COSGROVE - 3,292 14.7 ELECTED 1 CULLEY - 3,292 14.7 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * 1,479 85.4 4,149 18.5 ELECTED 4 Johnson 68 03.9 2,654 11.8 SOUNDY * - 3,292 14.7 ELECTED 2 Turner * 61 03.5 3,023 13.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,731 22,415 Lost by fraction 4 63 Exhausted 415 561 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,150 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16th count: Dwyer-Gray's 857 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CARRUTHERS 53 74.6 2,766 12.8 ELECTED 6 COSGROVE - 3,292 15.2 ELECTED 1 CULLEY - 3,292 15.2 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,292 15.2 ELECTED 4 Johnson 9 11.5 2,663 12.3 SOUNDY * - 3,292 15.2 ELECTED 2 TURNER * 9 11.5 3,032 14.0 ELECTED 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 71 21,639 Lost by fraction 3 66 Exhausted 783 1,334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 857 23,039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since there were only three candidates left, and two places still to be filled, Johnson was eliminated and Turner and Carruthers were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arndell Neil Lewis (1897-1943): Filled vacancy 1932. Defeated 1934 Later career: see Denison 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gerald William Mahoney (1892-1955): Elected 1931. Defeated 1934 Later career: MHR for Denison 1934-40. Died 16 September 1955 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Simpson Carruthers (1879-1949): Elected 1934 Born: 1 February 1879, England Career: Educated Cambridge University. Anglican minister. Retired 1910, to Tas. Farmer. Labor member until 1934, converted to Social Credit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Cosgrove (1884-1969): Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931. Elected 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Member of the Executive Council without Office 22 June 1934 to 26 July 1934 Minister for Transport from 26 July 1934 Minister for Agriculture from 7 August 1934 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank from 7 August 1934 Minister for Forests from 7 August 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Ernest Culley (1877-1949: Elected 1922, 1925. Defeated 1928. Elected 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edmund Dwyer-Gray (1870-1945): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treasurer from 22 June 1934 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank 26 June 1934 to 6 August 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Soundy (1878-1960): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest William Turner (1876-1943): Elected 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorary Minister from 15 March 1934 to 22 June 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Kingborough, Moonah, Nelson, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 26,734 Total votes cast: 25,432 95.1 Informal votes: 688 02.8 Formal votes: 24,744 97.2 Quota for election: 3,535 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry S Baker * Nationalist 3,135 12.7 Albert E Beard Nationalist 658 02.7 Edward Brooker Labor Party 2,481 10.0 Alfred C Ceabrook * Nationalist 1,709 06.9 John J Dwyer * Labor Party 2,528 10.2 Hon Sir John Evans * Nationalist 1,614 06.5 Charles W Frost Labor Party 1,538 06.2 George P Harvey Nationalist 902 03.6 Peter Murdoch 768 03.1 Hon Albert G OGILVIE * Labor Party 6,295 25.4 ELECTED 1 Benjamin J Pearsall 1,790 07.2 Benjamin Watkins * Nationalist 1,326 05.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Ceabrook changed his name from Seabrook to gain a higher spot on the ballot paper. 2. Frost was MHR for Franklin 1929-31, 1934-46. Father of Hon Stewart Frost MHA. 3. Murdoch was MHA for Franklin 1922-28. 4. Pearsall was MHA for Franklin 1928-31. 5. Watkins was elected as an independent in 1931, having been a Labor MHA 1909-22 and 1925-31. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Ogilvie's 2,760 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baker * 33 01.2 3,168 12.8 Beard 16 00.6 674 02.7 Brooker 598 21.7 3,079 12.4 Ceabrook * 46 01.7 1,755 07.1 DWYER * 1,028 37.3 3,556 14.4 ELECTED 2 Evans * 25 00.9 1,639 06.6 Frost 792 28.7 2,330 09.4 Harvey 21 00.8 923 03.7 Murdoch 53 01.9 821 03.3 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 92 03.3 1,882 07.6 Watkins * 52 01.9 1,378 05.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 2,756 24,740 Lost by fraction 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,760 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Dwyer's 21 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baker * - 3,168 12.8 Beard - 674 02.7 Brooker 8 44.4 3,087 12.4 Ceabrook * - 1,755 07.1 DWYER * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 2 Evans * - 1,639 06.6 Frost 10 55.6 2,340 09.4 Harvey - 923 03.7 Murdoch - 821 03.3 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall - 1,882 07.6 Watkins * - 1,378 05.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 18 24,737 Lost by fraction 3 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 21 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Beard's 674 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baker * 233 34.9 3,401 13.8 Brooker 45 06.7 3,132 12.7 Ceabrook * 55 08.2 1,810 07.3 DWYER * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 2 Evans * 103 15.4 1,742 07.0 Frost 34 05.1 2,374 09.6 Harvey 68 10.2 991 04.0 Murdoch 30 04.5 851 03.4 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 38 05.7 1,920 07.8 Watkins * 61 09.1 1,439 05.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 667 24,730 Lost by fraction 4 11 Exhausted 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 674 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Murdoch's 851 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baker * 68 08.1 3,469 14.0 Brooker 30 03.6 3,162 12.8 Ceabrook * 90 10.7 1,900 07.7 DWYER * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 2 Evans * 66 07.8 1,808 07.3 Frost 48 05.7 2,422 09.8 Harvey 43 05.1 1,034 04.2 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 450 53.4 2,370 09.6 Watkins * 48 05.7 1,487 06.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 843 24,722 Lost by fraction 4 15 Exhausted 4 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 851 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Harvey's 1,034 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * 347 34.2 3,816 15.4 ELECTED 3 Brooker 28 02.8 3,190 12.9 Ceabrook * 125 12.3 2,025 08.2 DWYER * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 2 Evans * 221 21.8 2,029 08.2 Frost 37 03.6 2,459 10.0 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 87 08.6 2,457 09.9 Watkins * 171 16.8 1,658 06.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,016 24,704 Lost by fraction 5 20 Exhausted 13 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,034 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Baker's 281 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 3 Brooker 10 03.7 3,200 13.0 Ceabrook * 49 17.9 2,074 08.3 DWYER * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 2 Evans * 145 53.1 2,174 08.8 Frost - 2,459 10.0 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 17 06.2 2,474 10.0 Watkins * 52 19.0 1,710 06.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 273 24,696 Lost by fraction 4 24 Exhausted 4 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 281 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Watkins's 1,710 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,535 14.4 ELECTED 3 Brooker 113 06.9 3,313 13.5 Ceabrook * 480 29.3 2,554 10.4 DWYER * - 3,535 14.4 ELECTED 2 Evans * 719 43.8 2,893 11.7 Frost - 2,554 10.4 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.4 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 399 24.3 2,707 11.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,640 24,626 Lost by fraction 6 30 Exhausted 64 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,710 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Ceabrook's 2,554 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,535 14.7 ELECTED 3 Brooker 109 05.4 3,422 14.2 DWYER * - 3,535 14.7 ELECTED 2 EVANS * 1,031 51.3 3,924 16.3 ELECTED 4 Frost 160 08.0 2,714 11.3 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.7 ELECTED 1 Pearsall 711 35.4 3,418 14.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 2,011 24,083 Lost by fraction 12 42 Exhausted 531 619 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,554 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ceabrook and Frost both had 2,554 votes after the exclusion of Watkins. Ceabrook was excluded because he had fewer votes than Frost before the exclusion of Watkins. 10th count: Evans's 389 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 3 Brooker 16 10.2 3,438 14.4 DWYER * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 2 EVANS * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 4 Frost 12 07.6 2,726 11.4 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 1 PEARSALL 129 82.2 3,547 14.9 ELECTED 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 157 23,851 Lost by fraction 2 44 Exhausted 230 849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 389 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Pearsall's 12 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 3 BROOKER 2 3,440 14.4 ELECTED 6 DWYER * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 2 EVANS * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 4 Frost - 2,726 11.4 OGILVIE * - 3,535 14.8 ELECTED 1 PEARSALL - 3,547 14.9 ELECTED 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 2 23,841 Lost by fraction - 44 Exhausted 10 859 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 12 24,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brooker was declared elected because he had the higher vote of the two ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alfred Charles Ceabrook (or Seabrook) (1867-1934): Elected 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 11 June 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Watkins (1884-1963): Elected 1906 by, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916. Resigned 1917. Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925, 1928, 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 23 August 1963 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Seymour Baker (1890-1968): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attorney-General to 22 June 1934 Minister for Education to 22 June 1934 Leader of the Opposition from 7 May 1936 Leader of the Nationalist Party from 7 May 1936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Brooker (1891-1948): Elected 1934 Born: 4 January 1891, England Career: Militaty servive British Army 1914-19. To Tas 1920. Engineer. Official, Amalgamated Engineering Union. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John James Dwyer (1890-1962): Elected 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John William Evans (1855-1943): Elected 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 Evans retired at the 1937 election. Died 2 October 1943 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert George Ogilvie (1890-1939): Elected 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition to 22 June 1934 Premier from 22 June 1934 Leader of the Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin James Pearsall (1878-1951): Elected 1928. Defeated 1931. Elected 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Latrobe, Longford, Westbury ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 24,261 Total votes cast: 22,701 93.6 Informal votes: 875 03.9 Formal votes: 21,826 96.1 Quota for election: 3,119 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Llewellyn Atkinson * Nationalist 862 03.9 Hon George G Becker 1,585 07.3 Percival C Best Nationalist 1,180 05.4 Alfred W Burbury * Nationalist 720 03.3 Donald K Cameron Nationalist 1,239 05.7 Hon Neil Campbell * Nationalist 2,550 11.7 Francis A Cosgrove Labor Party 1,033 04.7 Francis H Foster Nationalist 844 03.9 Hon Sir Walter Lee * Nationalist 3,112 14.3 Harold R Lord Nationalist 1,070 04.9 Charles Metz Labor Party 161 00.7 Eric J OGILVIE * Labor Party 3,708 17.0 ELECTED 1 David J O'Keefe Labor Party 1,631 07.5 Peter J Sattler Nationalist 410 01.9 Lancelot T Spurr Labor Party 1,272 05.8 Henry V Wilson Nationalist 449 02.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Becker was Labor MHA for Bass 1912-31. 2. Best was MHA for Wilmot 1928-31. 3. For Foster, see Wilmot 1937. 4. Metz was MHA for Launceston West 1906-09. 5. O'Keefe was a Senator for Tasmania 1901-06, 1910-19, MHR for Denison 1922-25. 6. For Spurr, see Wilmot 1941. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Ogilvie's 589 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson * 2 00.3 864 03.9 Becker 37 06.4 1,622 07.3 Best 2 00.3 1,182 05.4 Burbury * 3 00.5 723 03.3 Cameron 3 00.5 1,242 05.7 Campbell * 6 01.0 2,556 11.7 Cosgrove 75 12.9 1,108 04.7 Foster 3 00.5 847 03.9 Lee * 5 00.9 3,117 14.3 Lord 4 00.7 1,074 04.9 Metz 58 10.0 219 00.7 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 325 56.0 1,956 07.5 Sattler 4 00.7 414 01.9 Spurr 51 08.8 1,323 05.8 Wilson 2 00.3 451 02.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 580 21,817 Lost by fraction 9 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 589 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Metz's 219 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson * - 864 04.0 Becker 10 04.7 1,632 07.5 Best - 1,182 05.4 Burbury * - 723 03.3 Cameron 4 01.9 1,246 05.7 Campbell * 3 01.4 2,559 11.7 Cosgrove 37 17.2 1,145 05.2 Foster 4 01.9 851 03.9 LEE * 2 00.9 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lord 3 01.4 1,077 04.9 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 116 54.0 2,072 09.5 Sattler 1 00.5 415 01.9 Spurr 35 16.3 1,358 06.2 Wilson - 451 02.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 215 21,813 Lost by fraction 4 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 219 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since Lee had exactly a quota, there was no surplus to distribute. 4th count: Sattler's 415 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson * 16 03.9 880 04.0 Becker 6 01.5 1,638 07.5 Best 68 16.5 1,250 05.7 Burbury * 59 14.4 782 03.6 Cameron 27 06.6 1,273 05.8 Campbell * 73 17.8 2,632 12.1 Cosgrove 12 02.9 1,157 05.3 Foster 26 06.3 877 04.0 LEE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lord 24 05.8 1,101 05.0 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 56 13.6 2,128 09.8 Spurr 12 02.9 1,370 06.3 Wilson 32 07.8 483 02.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 411 21,809 Lost by fraction 3 16 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 415 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Wilson's 483 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson * 20 04.2 900 04.1 Becker 15 03.1 1,653 07.6 Best 35 07.3 1,285 05.9 Burbury * 121 25.3 903 04.1 Cameron 37 07.7 1,310 06.0 Campbell * 91 19.0 2,723 12.5 Cosgrove 6 01.3 1,163 05.3 Foster 56 11.7 933 04.3 LEE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lord 42 08.8 1,143 05.2 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 29 06.1 2,157 09.9 Spurr 27 05.6 1,397 06.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 479 21,805 Lost by fraction 1 17 Exhausted 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 483 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Atkinson's 900 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker 195 21.9 1,848 08.5 Best 230 25.8 1,515 07.0 Burbury * 67 07.5 970 04.5 Cameron 75 08.4 1,385 06.4 Campbell * 157 17.6 2,880 13.2 Cosgrove 4 00.4 1,167 05.4 Foster 47 05.3 980 04.5 LEE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lord 100 11.2 1,243 05.7 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 11 01.2 2,168 09.9 Spurr 4 00.4 1,401 06.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 890 21,795 Lost by fraction 2 19 Exhausted 8 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 900 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Burbury's 970 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker 41 04.4 1,889 08.7 Best 157 16.8 1,672 07.7 Cameron 227 24.4 1,612 07.4 CAMPBELL * 252 26.9 3,132 14.4 ELECTED 3 Cosgrove 29 03.1 1,196 05.5 Foster 167 17.9 1,147 05.3 LEE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lord 36 03.9 1,279 05.9 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 20 02.1 2,188 10.1 Spurr 3 00.3 1,404 06.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 932 21,757 Lost by fraction 3 22 Exhausted 35 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 970 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Campbell's 13 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker - 1,889 08.7 Best 4 40.0 1,676 07.7 Cameron 3 30.0 1,615 07.4 CAMPBELL * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 3 Cosgrove - 1,196 05.5 Foster 3 30.0 1,150 05.3 LEE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lord - 1,279 05.9 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe - 2,188 10.1 Spurr - 1,404 06.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 10 21,754 Lost by fraction 2 24 Exhausted 1 48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Foster's 1,150 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker 32 03.0 1,921 08.9 Best 242 22.4 1,918 08.8 Cameron 567 52.5 2,182 10.1 CAMPBELL * - 3,119 14.4 ELECTED 3 Cosgrove 13 01.2 1,209 05.6 LEE * - 3,119 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lord 179 16.6 1,458 06.7 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.4 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 29 02.7 2,217 10.2 Spurr 19 01.8 1,423 06.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,081 21,685 Lost by fraction 4 28 Exhausted 65 113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,150 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Cosgrove's 1,209 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker 91 07.8 2,012 09.3 Best 15 01.3 1,933 08.9 Cameron 26 02.2 2,208 10.2 CAMPBELL * - 3,119 14.4 ELECTED 3 LEE * - 3,119 14.4 ELECTED 2 Lord 35 03.0 1,493 06.9 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.4 ELECTED 1 O'Keefe 848 72.3 3,065 14.2 Spurr 158 13.5 1,581 07.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,174 21,649 Lost by fraction 4 32 Exhausted 32 145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,209 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Lord's 1,493 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker 66 04.8 2,078 09.7 Best 576 42.0 2,509 11.7 Cameron 618 45.1 2,826 13.1 CAMPBELL * - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 3 LEE * - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 2 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE 71 05.2 3,136 14.6 ELECTED 4 Spurr 40 02.9 1,621 07.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,371 21,527 Lost by fraction 3 35 Exhausted 119 264 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,493 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: O'Keefe's 17 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Becker 3 27.3 2,081 09.7 Best 1 09.1 2,510 11.7 Cameron 1 09.1 2,827 13.1 CAMPBELL * - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 3 LEE * - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 2 OGILVIE * - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE - 3,119 14.5 ELECTED 4 Spurr 6 54.5 1,627 07.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 11 21,521 Lost by fraction 4 39 Exhausted 2 266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 17 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Spurr's 1,627 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER 580 73.5 2,661 12.9 ELECTED 6 Best 105 13.3 2,615 11.6 CAMERON 104 13.2 2,931 14.2 ELECTED 5 CAMPBELL * - 3,119 15.1 ELECTED 3 LEE * - 3,119 15.1 ELECTED 2 OGILVIE * - 3,119 15.1 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE - 3,119 15.1 ELECTED 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 789 20,683 Lost by fraction 8 47 Exhausted 830 1,096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,627 21,826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Llewellyn Atkinson (1867-1945): Elected 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 1 November 1945 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alfred William Burbury (1865-1944): Elected 1931. Defeated 1934 Died 12 August 1944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931. Elected 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Keith Cameron (1887-1967): Elected 1934 Born: 1 May 1887, Chudleigh Career: Farmer. Military service British Army 1914-22. Grandson of Donald Cameron MLC, son of D Norman Cameron, MHA and MHR, nephew of Senator Cyril Cameron. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil Campbell (1880-1960): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier to 22 June 1934 Treasurer to 22 June 1934 Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Department to 22 June 1934 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank to 22 June 1934 Leader of the Opposition 22 June 1934 to 7 May 1936 Leader of the Nationalist Party to 7 May 1936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric James Ogilvie (1892-1962): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attorney-General from 22 June 1934 Minister for Education from 22 June 1934 Minister for Forests 22 June 1934 to 6 August 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David John O'Keefe (1865-1943): Elected 1934 Born: 21 August 1865, Longford Career: Farm worker, miner, retailer, journalist. Editor "Zeehan and Dundas Herald." Senator for Tasmania 1901-06, 1910-19, MHR for Denison 1922-25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly from 18 July 1934. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VACANCIES 1934-37 ======================================================================== BASS ======================================================================== 26 June 1936, following the death of Victor J Shaw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John L MADDEN Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Lewis Madden (1896-1971): Filled vacancy 1936 Born: 6 July 1896, Launceston Career: Electrical engineer. Official, Amalgamated Engineering Union. Secretary Launceston Trades Hall Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------