TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE TWENTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 20 FEBRUARY 1937 ======================================================================== The Twenty-Sixth Parliament was opened on 23 March 1937 and was dissolved on 14 November 1941 Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "Report on General Election 10th February 1937", by Edward Parkes, Chief Electoral Officer. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from a list published in the "Hobart Mercury", 26 January 1937. Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert Ogilvie led Labor to a great victory at this election. Labor polled 58% of the vote and gained four seats to give it a comfortable majority. The Nationalists retained three seats only in the rural divisions of Darwin and Wilmot. Ogilvie died suddenly in July 1939. The Labor Caucus elected Edmund Dwyer-Gray as its new leader, but only on condition that he hand over to Robert Cosgrove at the end of the year, which he did. This reflected the fact that Dwyer-Gray was highly respected, but at nearly 70 was considered too old to be Ogilvie's successor. Henry Baker remained Leader of the Nationalist Opposition. There were no female candidates at this election. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 132,001 Total votes counted: 124,460 94.3 Informal votes: 2,997 02.4 Formal votes: 121,463 97.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor Party 71,263 58.7 +12.9 18 +4 Nationalist 47,204 38.9 -07.8 12 -1 Others 2,996 02.5 - -3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 121,463 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor gained a seat from the Nationalists in each of Bass, Denison, Franklin and Wilmot. The Nationalists regained the seats in Denison, Franklin and Wilmot won by independents in 1934. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ========================================================================================= Division Labor Party Nationalist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass 15,105 63.1 +12.3 4.42 4 +1 8,204 33.2 -16.0 2.40 2 -1 Darwin 14,179 57.4 +16.6 4.02 3 10,377 42.0 -10.8 2.94 3 Denison 14,241 58.7 +10.4 4.11 4 +1 8,403 34.6 -03.2 2.42 2 Franklin 15,111 58.6 +06.7 4.10 4 +1 10,678 41.4 +03.6 2.90 2 Wilmot 12,627 55.4 +19.6 3.88 3 +1 9,542 41.9 -15.1 2.93 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 71,263 58.7 +12.9 18.19 18 +4 47,204 38.9 -07.8 12.05 12 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the totals for each party I have shown the number of notional statewide quotas they obtained. The notional statewide quota (3,918) is the statewide formal vote (121,463) divided by 31. VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Ringarooma, Scottsdale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 26,112 Total votes cast: 24,490 93.8 Informal votes: 570 02.3 Formal votes: 23,920 97.7 Quota for election: 3,418 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon Thomas H DAVIES * Labor Party 7,344 30.7 ELECTED 1 Percy A Harvey 529 02.2 Allen Hollingworth * Nationalist 1,501 06.3 Eric R A Howroyd Labor Party 1,410 05.9 David S Jackson Nationalist 1,340 05.6 John J McDonald * Labor Party 2,174 09.1 George J McElwee Labor Party 1,080 04.5 John L Madden * Labor Party 2,426 10.1 Angus J McKenzie Nationalist 1,639 06.9 John F Ockerby * Nationalist 2,836 11.9 Peter P F Pike Labor Party 671 02.8 John E Sheehan 82 00.3 Harold Solomon Nationalist 888 03.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Jackson was MHR for Bass 1919-29. 2. For McElwee, see Legislative Council, Launceston 1940. 3. For Pike, see Wilmot, 1943 countback ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Davies's 3,926 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Harvey 193 04.9 722 03.0 Hollingworth * 144 03.7 1,646 06.9 Howroyd 1,213 31.0 2,623 11.0 Jackson 51 01.3 1,391 05.8 McDonald * 868 22.1 3,042 12.7 McElwee 412 01.1 1,492 06.2 Madden * 621 15.8 3,047 12.7 McKenzie 41 01.0 1,680 07.0 Ockerby * 54 01.4 2,890 12.1 Pike 305 07.8 976 04.1 Sheehan 3 00.1 85 00.4 Solomon 14 00.4 902 03.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 3,919 23,913 Lost by fraction 7 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3,926 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Sheehan's 85 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Harvey 8 09.5 730 03.1 Hollingworth * 3 03.6 1,649 06.9 Howroyd 10 11.9 2,633 11.0 Jackson 1 01.2 1,392 05.8 McDonald * 7 08.3 3,049 12.8 McElwee 14 16.7 1,506 06.3 Madden * 18 21.4 3,065 12.8 McKenzie 1 01.2 1,681 07.0 Ockerby * 6 07.1 2,896 12.1 Pike 14 16.7 990 04.1 Solomon 2 02.4 904 03.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 84 23,912 Lost by fraction 1 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 85 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Harvey's 730 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 138 19.0 1,786 07.5 Howroyd 165 22.7 2,798 11.7 Jackson 36 05.0 1,428 06.0 McDonald * 58 08.0 3,107 13.0 McElwee 162 22.3 1,668 07.0 Madden * 42 05.8 3,107 13.0 McKenzie 38 05.2 1,719 07.2 Ockerby * 56 07.7 2,952 12.3 Pike 21 02.9 1,011 04.2 Solomon 10 01.4 914 03.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 726 23,908 Lost by fraction 4 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 730 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Solomon's 914 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 190 20.9 1,976 08.3 Howroyd 7 00.8 2,805 11.7 Jackson 128 14.1 1,556 06.5 McDonald * 10 01.1 3,117 13.0 McElwee 5 00.5 1,673 07.0 Madden * 7 00.8 3,114 13.0 McKenzie 227 24.9 1,946 08.1 Ockerby * 330 36.3 3,282 13.7 Pike 6 00.7 1,017 04.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 910 23,904 Lost by fraction 3 15 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 914 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Pike's 1,017 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 24 02.4 2,000 08.4 Howroyd 198 19.6 3,003 12.6 Jackson 11 01.1 1,567 06.6 McDonald * 201 19.9 3,318 13.9 McElwee 218 21.6 1,891 07.9 MADDEN * 304 30.1 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 2 McKenzie 15 01.5 1,961 08.2 Ockerby * 38 03.8 3,320 13.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,009 23,896 Lost by fraction 8 23 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,017 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since Madden had exactly a quota, there was no surplus to distribute. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Jackson's 1,567 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 551 35.6 2,551 10.7 Howroyd 21 01.4 3,024 12.7 McDonald * 42 02.7 3,360 14.1 McElwee 34 02.2 1,925 08.1 MADDEN * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 2 McKenzie 400 25.9 2,361 09.9 OCKERBY * 499 32.3 3,819 16.0 ELECTED 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,547 23,876 Lost by fraction 6 29 Exhausted 14 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,567 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Ockerby's 401 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 223 57.2 2,774 11.6 Howroyd 4 01.0 3,028 12.7 McDonald * 4 01.0 3,364 14.1 McElwee 2 00.5 1,927 08.1 MADDEN * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 2 McKenzie 157 40.3 2,518 10.6 OCKERBY * - 3,418 14.3 ELECTED 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 390 23,865 Lost by fraction 3 32 Exhausted 8 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 401 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: McElwee's 1,927 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.8 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 129 10.5 2,903 12.5 HOWROYD 622 50.5 3,650 15.8 ELECTED 5 McDONALD * 371 30.1 3,735 16.1 ELECTED 4 MADDEN * - 3,418 14.8 ELECTED 2 McKenzie 110 08.9 2,628 11.3 OCKERBY * - 3,418 14.8 ELECTED 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,232 23,170 Lost by fraction 5 37 Exhausted 690 713 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,927 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: McDonald's 317 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 14.9 ELECTED 1 Hollingworth * 32 58.2 2,935 12.8 HOWROYD - 3,650 15.9 ELECTED 5 McDONALD * - 3,418 14.9 ELECTED 4 MADDEN * - 3,418 14.9 ELECTED 2 McKenzie 23 41.8 2,651 11.6 OCKERBY * - 3,418 14.9 ELECTED 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 55 22,908 Lost by fraction 1 38 Exhausted 261 974 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 317 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Howroyd's 232 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVIES * - 3,418 15.1 ELECTED 1 HOLLINGWORTH * - 2,935 12.9 ELECTED 6 HOWROYD - 3,418 15.1 ELECTED 5 McDONALD * - 3,418 15.1 ELECTED 4 MADDEN * - 3,418 15.1 ELECTED 2 McKenzie - 2,651 11.7 OCKERBY * - 3,418 15.1 ELECTED 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining - 22,676 Lost by fraction - 38 Exhausted 232 1,206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 232 23,920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Henry Davies (1881-1942): Filled vacancy 1929. Elected 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands and Works Minister for Mines Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Department ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allen Hollingsworth (1894-1954): Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric Richard Aldred Howroyd (1900-80): Elected 1937 Born: 14 April 1900, Launceston Career: Fitter and turner, sales rep. Scottsdale Municipal Council. Son of Charles R Howroyd, MHA and MHR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Joseph McDonald (1904-59): Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Lewis Madden (1896-1971): Filled vacancy 1936. Elected 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Member of the Executive Council without Office from 7 July 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Featherstone Ockerby (1864-1953): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Burnie, Devonport, Queenstown Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 27,011 Total votes cast: 25,342 93.8 Informal votes: 658 02.6 Formal votes: 24,684 97.4 Quota for election: 3,527 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William E Aylett Labor Party 1,317 05.3 Stephen E Broad Nationalist 798 03.2 James J Campbell 128 00.5 John H Chamberlain * Nationalist 1,994 08.1 Garnett E Cooper Labor Party 711 02.9 Hon Thomas G D'ALTON * Labor Party 7,576 30.7 ELECTED 1 Frank B Edwards * Nationalist 2,030 08.2 Phillip L Kelly * Labor Party 2,086 08.5 Henry T Lane Labor Party 830 03.4 Henry H McFie Nationalist 1,482 06.0 Joseph W McGrath * Labor Party 1,659 06.7 Frank E Marriott * Nationalist 1,929 07.8 Hubert A Nichols Nationalist 317 01.3 John F Wright Nationalist 1,827 07.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Lane was MHA for Darwin 1926-28. 2. McFie was MHA for Darwin 1925-34. 3. Nichols was MLC for Mersey 1902-24, for Meander 1926-35. 4. For Wright, see 1940 countback. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: D'Alton's 4,049 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 519 12.8 1,836 07.4 Broad 20 00.5 818 03.3 Campbell 14 00.3 142 00.6 Chamberlain * 39 01.0 2,033 08.3 Cooper 338 08.4 1,049 04.3 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 49 01.2 2,079 08.4 KELLY * 1,782 44.1 3,868 15.7 ELECTED 2 Lane 335 08.3 1,165 04.7 McFie 28 00.7 1,510 06.1 McGrath * 837 20.7 2,496 10.1 Marriott * 67 01.7 1,996 08.1 Nichols 4 00.1 321 01.3 Wright 13 00.3 1,840 07.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 4,045 24,680 Lost by fraction 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 4,049 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Kelly's 341 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 30 09.0 1,866 07.6 Broad 1 00.3 819 03.3 Campbell 1 00.3 143 00.6 Chamberlain * 1 00.3 2,034 08.2 Cooper 21 06.3 1,070 04.3 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 1 00.3 2,080 08.4 KELLY * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 141 42.2 1,306 05.3 McFie 3 00.9 1,513 06.1 McGrath * 131 39.2 2,627 10.6 Marriott * 4 01.2 2,000 08.1 Nichols - 321 01.3 Wright - 1,840 07.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 334 24,673 Lost by fraction 7 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 341 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Campbell's 143 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 21 15.1 1,887 07.6 Broad 18 12.9 837 03.4 Chamberlain * 18 12.9 2,052 08.3 Cooper 17 12.2 1,087 04.4 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 16 11.5 2,096 08.5 KELLY * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 7 05.0 1,313 05.3 McFie 7 05.0 1,520 06.2 McGrath * 9 06.5 2,636 10.7 Marriott * 9 06.5 2,009 08.1 Nichols 2 01.4 323 01.3 Wright 15 10.8 1,855 07.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 139 24,669 Lost by fraction 4 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 143 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Nichols's 323 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 3 00.9 1,890 07.7 Broad 12 03.7 849 03.4 Chamberlain * 58 18.1 2,110 08.6 Cooper 2 00.6 1,089 04.4 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 48 15.0 2,144 08.7 KELLY * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 2 00.6 1,315 05.3 McFie 35 10.9 1,555 06.3 McGrath * 3 00.9 2,639 10.7 Marriott * 59 18.4 2,068 08.4 Wright 99 30.8 1,954 07.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 321 24,667 Lost by fraction 2 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 323 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Broad's 849 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 28 03.3 1,918 07.8 Chamberlain * 299 35.4 2,409 09.8 Cooper 21 02.5 1,110 04.5 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 150 17.8 2,294 09.3 KELLY * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 9 01.1 1,324 05.4 McFie 75 08.9 1,630 06.6 McGrath * 22 02.6 2,661 10.8 Marriott * 120 14.2 2,188 08.9 Wright 120 14.2 2,074 08.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 844 24,662 Lost by fraction 4 21 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 849 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Cooper's 1,110 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 375 34.3 2,293 09.3 Chamberlain * 28 02.6 2,437 09.9 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 30 02.7 2,324 09.4 KELLY * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 345 31.6 1,669 06.8 McFie 16 01.5 1,646 06.7 McGrath * 276 25.3 2,937 11.9 Marriott * 16 01.5 2,204 08.9 Wright 7 00.6 2,081 08.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,093 24,645 Lost by fraction 9 30 Exhausted 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,110 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: McFie's 1,646 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 13 00.8 2,306 09.4 Chamberlain * 318 19.5 2,755 11.2 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 439 26.9 2,763 11.2 KELLY * - 3,527 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lane 46 02.8 1,715 07.0 McGrath * 41 01.6 2,978 12.1 Marriott * 527 32.3 2,731 11.1 Wright 246 15.1 2,327 09.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,630 24,629 Lost by fraction 6 36 Exhausted 10 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,646 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Lane's 1,715 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 806 49.7 3,112 12.7 Chamberlain * 43 02.7 2,798 11.4 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 22 01.4 2,785 11.4 KELLY * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 2 McGRATH * 688 42.4 3,666 14.9 ELECTED 3 Marriott * 48 03.0 2,779 11.3 Wright 14 00.9 2,341 09.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,621 24,535 Lost by fraction 10 46 Exhausted 84 103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,715 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: McGrath's 139 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 116 92.1 3,228 13.2 Chamberlain * 3 02.4 2,801 11.4 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 1 Edwards * 2 01.6 2,787 11.4 KELLY * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 2 McGRATH * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 3 Marriott * 5 04.0 2,784 11.4 Wright - 2,341 09.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 126 24,522 Lost by fraction 3 49 Exhausted 10 113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 139 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Wright's 2,341 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett 24 01.1 3,252 13.3 CHAMBERLAIN * 748 33.0 3,549 14.5 ELECTED 5 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 1 EDWARDS * 801 35.3 3,588 14.7 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 2 McGRATH * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 3 Marriott * 695 30.6 3,479 14.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 2,268 24,449 Lost by fraction 2 51 Exhausted 71 184 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,341 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Edwards's 61 surplus distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aylett - 3,252 13.3 CHAMBERLAIN * - 3,549 14.5 ELECTED 5 D'ALTON * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 1 EDWARDS * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 4 KELLY * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 2 McGRATH * - 3,527 14.4 ELECTED 3 MARRIOTT * 53 3,532 14.5 ELECTED 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 53 24,441 Lost by fraction 1 52 Exhausted 7 191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 61 24,684 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Hartley Chamberlain (1884-1953): Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas George de Largie D'Alton (1895-1968): Elected 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary to 6 July 1939 Minister for Agriculture Minister for Transport 15 September 1938 to 6 July 1939 Minister for Commerce from 7 July 1939 Minister for Forestry from 7 July 1939 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank from 7 July 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frank Bathurst Edwards (1887-1974?): Elected 1921, 1927. Defeated 1933. Elected 1934, 1937. Resigned 31 August 1940 Date of death unknown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Philip Louis Kelly (1886-1954): Filled vacancy 1922. Elected 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph William McGrath (1886-1937): Elected 1934, 1937 Died 16 March 1937: see vacancies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Marriott (1874-1957): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 Marriott contested Bass in 1941. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Hobart, New Town, Queenborough, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 26,346 Total votes cast: 24,774 94.0 Informal votes: 496 02.0 Formal votes: 24,278 98.0 Quota for election: 3,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D'Arcy W Addison Nationalist 517 02.1 George S Carruthers * 1,007 04.1 George A Collis 554 02.3 Hon Robert COSGROVE * Labor Party 4,314 17.8 ELECTED 2 Charles E Culley * Labor Party 2,514 10.4 Hon Edmund DWYER-GRAY * Labor Party 4,614 19.0 ELECTED 1 Francis X Heerey Labor Party 1,919 07.9 Eric M Johnson Nationalist 1,444 05.9 Frederick A Lambert 73 00.3 John A Lattin Labor Party 194 00.8 Dr Arndell N Lewis Nationalist 2,466 10.2 John Soundy * Nationalist 2,660 11.0 Ernest W Turner * Nationalist 1,316 05.4 Alfred J White Labor Party 686 02.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Carruthers was elected as a Social Credit candidate in 1934. 2. Lewis was MHA for Denison 1932-34. 3. For White, see Denison 1941. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Dwyer-Gray's 1,145 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 3 00.3 520 02.1 Carruthers * 26 02.3 1,033 04.3 Collis 23 02.0 577 02.4 COSGROVE * - 4,314 17.8 ELECTED 2 Culley * 630 55.3 3,144 13.0 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 1 Heerey 291 25.5 2,210 09.1 Johnson 10 00.9 1,454 06.0 Lambert 3 00.3 76 00.3 Lattin 52 04.6 246 01.0 Lewis 11 01.0 2,477 10.2 Soundy * 13 01.1 2,673 11.0 Turner * 5 00.4 1,321 05.4 White 72 06.3 758 03.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,139 24,272 Lost by fraction 6 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,145 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Cosgrove's 845 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison 4 00.5 524 02.2 Carruthers * 15 01.8 1,048 04.3 Collis 16 01.9 593 02.4 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * 535 63.8 3,679 15.2 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 1 Heerey 183 21.7 2,393 09.9 Johnson 7 00.8 1,461 06.0 Lambert 2 00.2 78 00.3 Lattin 23 02.7 269 01.1 Lewis 5 00.6 2,482 10.2 Soundy * 10 01.2 2,683 11.1 Turner * 1 00.1 1,322 05.4 White 38 04.5 796 03.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 839 24,266 Lost by fraction 6 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 845 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Culley's 210 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison - 524 02.2 Carruthers * 2 01.0 1,050 04.3 Collis 4 02.0 596 02.5 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 1 Heerey 146 72.6 2,539 10.5 Johnson 1 00.5 1,462 06.0 Lambert - 78 00.3 Lattin 24 11.9 293 01.2 Lewis - 2,482 10.2 Soundy * 1 00.5 2,684 11.1 Turner * - 1,322 05.4 White 23 11.4 819 03.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 201 24,257 Lost by fraction 7 19 Exhausted 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 210 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Lambert's 78 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison - 524 02.2 Carruthers * 9 01.2 1,059 04.4 Collis 48 64.0 645 02.7 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 1 Heerey 3 04.0 2,542 10.5 Johnson 2 02.7 1,464 06.0 Lattin 4 05.3 297 01.2 Lewis 1 01.3 2,483 10.2 Soundy * 2 02.7 2,686 11.1 Turner * 1 01.3 1,323 05.5 White 5 06.7 824 03.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 75 24,254 Lost by fraction 3 22 Exhausted - 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 78 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Addison's 524 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers * 97 18.8 1,164 04.8 Collis 20 03.9 682 02.8 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 1 Heerey 7 01.4 2,686 11.1 Johnson 185 35.9 1,658 06.8 Lewis 87 16.9 2,577 10.6 Soundy * 70 13.6 2,767 11.4 Turner * 47 09.1 1,370 05.6 White 3 00.6 918 03.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 516 24,229 Lost by fraction 7 36 Exhausted 1 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 524 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Collis's 682 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers * 202 31.1 1,366 05.6 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.3 ELECTED 1 Heerey 227 35.0 2,913 12.0 Johnson 35 05.4 1,693 07.0 Lewis 37 05.7 2,614 10.8 Soundy * 50 07.7 2,817 11.6 Turner * 18 02.8 1,388 05.7 White 80 12.3 998 04.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 649 24,196 Lost by fraction 10 46 Exhausted 23 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 682 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: White's 998 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers * 90 11.6 1,456 06.1 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 1 HEEREY 610 78.7 3,523 14.7 ELECTED 4 Johnson 21 02.7 1,714 07.1 Lewis 16 02.1 2,630 11.0 Soundy * 27 03.5 2,844 11.9 Turner * 11 01.4 1,399 05.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 775 23,973 Lost by fraction 18 64 Exhausted 205 241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 998 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Heerey's 54 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers * 5 83.3 1,461 06.1 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 1 HEEREY - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 4 Johnson 1 16.7 1,715 07.2 Lewis - 2,630 11.0 Soundy * - 2,844 11.9 Turner * - 1,399 05.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 6 23,925 Lost by fraction 3 67 Exhausted 45 286 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 54 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Turner's 1,399 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers * 15 01.1 1,476 06.2 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 1 HEEREY - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 4 Johnson 166 12.0 1,881 07.9 Lewis 597 43.1 3,137 13.1 SOUNDY * 697 50.3 3,541 14.8 ELECTED 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,385 23,911 Lost by fraction 3 70 Exhausted 11 297 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,399 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Soundy's 72 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carruthers * 1 01.4 1,477 06.2 COSGROVE * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 1 HEEREY - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 4 Johnson 13 18.6 1,894 07.9 Lewis 56 80.0 3,193 13.4 SOUNDY * - 3,469 14.5 ELECTED 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 70 23,909 Lost by fraction 2 72 Exhausted - 297 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 72 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Carruthers's 1,477 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COSGROVE * - 3,469 15.8 ELECTED 2 CULLEY * - 3,469 15.8 ELECTED 3 DWYER-GRAY * - 3,469 15.8 ELECTED 1 HEEREY - 3,469 15.8 ELECTED 4 Johnson 284 48.8 2,178 09.9 LEWIS 298 51.2 3,491 15.9 ELECTED 6 SOUNDY * - 3,469 15.8 ELECTED 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 582 22,014 Lost by fraction 6 78 Exhausted 728 1,025 Not distributed 161 161 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,477 24,278 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Simpson Carruthers (1879-1949): Elected 1934. Defeated 1937 Died 29 June 1949 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest William Turner (1876-1943): Elected 1931, 1934. Defeated 1937 Later career: see 1941 countback ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Cosgrove (1884-1969): Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931. Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Transport to 22 March 1938 Minister for Agriculture to 6 July 1939 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank to 6 July 1939 Minister for Forests to 6 July 1939 Treasurer from 7 July 1939 Premier from 18 December 1939 Minister for Education from 19 August 1940 Leader of the Labor Party from 18 December 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Ernest Culley (1877-1949: Elected 1922, 1925. Defeated 1928. Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edmund Dwyer-Gray (1870-1945): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treasurer to 6 July 1939 Premier 11 June 1939 to 18 December 1939 Minister for Transport 23 March 1938 to 14 September 1938 Leader of the Labor Party 6 July 1939 to 18 December 1939 Treasurer from 18 December 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Xavier Heerey (1891-1964): Elected 1937 Born: 21 September 1891, Beaconsfield Career: Miner, railway worker. Military service 1914-18. Publican. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arndell Neil Lewis (1897-1943): Filled vacancy 1932. Defeated 1934. Elected 1937 Resigned 2 June 1941: see vacancies Died 27 December 1943 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Soundy (1878-1960): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Kingborough, Moonah, Nelson, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 27,530 Total votes cast: 26,385 95.8 Informal votes: 596 02.3 Formal votes: 25,789 97.7 Quota for election: 3,685 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon Henry S BAKER * Nationalist 4,330 16.8 ELECTED 2 Edward Brooker * Labor Party 2,571 10.0 Andrew D Cooper Nationalist 592 02.3 George L Doyle Nationalist 1,838 07.1 John J Dwyer * Labor Party 2,190 08.5 Francis McDermott Labor Party 365 01.4 Hon Albert A OGILVIE * Labor Party 9,008 34.9 ELECTED 1 Benjamin J Pearsall * Nationalist 1,462 05.7 John P Piggott Nationalist 1,062 04.1 Basil O Plummer Labor Party 977 03.8 Vincent W Shoobridge Nationalist 1,105 04.3 Benjamin Watkins Nationalist 289 01.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For McDermott, see 1939 countback. 2. Piggott was MHA for Franklin 1922-31. 3. For Shoobridge, see 1941 countback. 4. Watkins was MHA for Franklin 1906-17, 1919-22, 1925-34. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Ogilvie's 5,323 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 4,330 16.8 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * 1,310 24.6 3,881 15.1 ELECTED 4 Cooper 30 00.6 622 02.4 Doyle 76 01.4 1,914 07.4 DWYER * 2,832 53.2 5,022 19.5 ELECTED 3 McDermott 238 04.5 603 02.3 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 94 01.8 1,556 06.0 Piggott 52 01.0 1,114 04.3 Plummer 608 11.4 1,585 06.1 Shoobridge 45 00.8 1,150 04.5 Watkins 34 00.6 323 01.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 5,319 25,785 Lost by fraction 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 5,323 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Baker's 645 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,881 15.1 ELECTED 4 Cooper 124 19.3 746 02.9 Doyle 202 31.5 2,116 08.2 DWYER * - 5,022 19.5 ELECTED 3 McDermott 2 00.3 605 02.3 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 103 16.1 1,659 06.4 Piggott 68 10.6 1,182 04.6 Plummer 3 00.5 1,588 06.2 Shoobridge 108 16.8 1,258 04.9 Watkins 31 04.8 354 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 641 25,781 Lost by fraction 3 7 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 645 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Dwyer's 1,337 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,881 15.1 ELECTED 4 Cooper 22 19.3 768 03.0 Doyle 28 31.5 2,144 08.3 DWYER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 3 McDermott 251 19.1 856 03.3 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 21 16.1 1,680 06.5 Piggott 16 10.6 1,198 04.7 Plummer 957 00.5 2,545 09.9 Shoobridge 11 16.8 1,269 04.9 Watkins 9 04.8 363 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,315 25,759 Lost by fraction 4 11 Exhausted 18 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,337 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Brooker's 196 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 4 Cooper 4 02.1 772 03.0 Doyle 5 02.6 2,149 08.3 DWYER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 3 McDermott 58 30.5 914 03.5 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 3 01.6 1,683 06.5 Piggott 2 01.1 1,200 04.7 Plummer 115 60.5 2,660 10.3 Shoobridge 2 01.1 1,271 04.9 Watkins 1 00.5 364 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 190 25,753 Lost by fraction 3 14 Exhausted 3 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 196 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Watkins's 364 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 4 Cooper 44 12.7 816 03.2 Doyle 77 22.2 2,226 08.6 DWYER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 3 McDermott 5 01.4 919 03.6 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 68 19.7 1,751 06.8 Piggott 35 10.1 1,235 04.8 Plummer 27 07.8 2,687 10.4 Shoobridge 90 26.0 1,361 05.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 346 25,735 Lost by fraction 10 24 Exhausted 8 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 364 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Cooper's 816 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 4 Doyle 341 43.8 2,567 10.0 DWYER * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 3 McDermott 22 02.8 941 03.7 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.3 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 138 17.7 1,889 07.4 Piggott 71 09.1 1,306 05.1 Plummer 39 05.0 2,726 10.6 Shoobridge 168 21.6 1,529 05.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 779 25,698 Lost by fraction 14 38 Exhausted 23 53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 816 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: McDermott's 941 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 4 Doyle 43 04.9 2,610 10.2 DWYER * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 3 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 49 05.6 1,938 07.6 Piggott 17 01.9 1,323 05.2 Plummer 754 85.9 3,480 13.6 Shoobridge 15 01.7 1,544 06.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 878 25,635 Lost by fraction 12 50 Exhausted 51 104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 941 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Piggott's 1,323 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 4 Doyle 286 22.7 2,896 11.3 DWYER * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 3 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.4 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 594 47.2 2,532 09.9 Plummer 73 05.8 3,553 13.9 Shoobridge 308 24.4 1,852 07.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,261 25,573 Lost by fraction 20 70 Exhausted 42 146 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,323 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Shoobridge's 1,852 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,685 14.5 ELECTED 2 BROOKER * - 3,685 14.5 ELECTED 4 DOYLE 661 40.1 3,557 14.0 ELECTED 5 DWYER * - 3,685 14.5 ELECTED 3 OGILVIE * - 3,685 14.5 ELECTED 1 Pearsall * 887 53.8 3,419 13.5 PLUMMER 101 06.1 3,543 14.0 ELECTED 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,649 25,370 Lost by fraction 26 96 Exhausted 177 323 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,852 25,789 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since there were only three candidates left, and two places to fill, Pearsall was excluded and Doyle and Plummer declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin James Pearsall (1878-1951): Elected 1928. Defeated 1931. Elected 1934. Defeated 1937 Died 18 January 1951 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Seymour Baker (1890-1968): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition Leader of the Nationalist Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Brooker (1891-1948): Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary from 7 July 1939 Minister for Transport from 7 July 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Leo Doyle (1902-40): Elected 1937 Born: 12 July 1902, Hobart Career: Educated University of Tasmania. Lawyer, law lecturer. Died 26 October 1940: see vacancies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John James Dwyer (1890-1962): Elected 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert George Ogilvie (1890-1939): Elected 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 Died 10 June 1939: see vacancies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier to 10 June 1939 Leader of the Labor Party to 10 June 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basil Owen Plummer (1900-68): Elected 1937 Born: 20 March 1900, England Career: To Tas 1906. Military service 1918. Farmer and sawmiller. Public servant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Latrobe, Longford, Westbury ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 25,002 Total votes cast: 23,469 93.9 Informal votes: 677 02.9 Formal votes: 22,792 97.1 Quota for election: 3,257 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George G Becker * Labor Party 2,801 12.3 Donald K Cameron * Nationalist 1,272 05.6 Hon Neil Campbell * Nationalist 2,904 12.7 William W Drake 542 02.4 Francis H Foster Nationalist 2,170 09.5 Arthur E Hutchinson Nationalist 388 01.7 Hon Sir Walter H Lee * Nationalist 2,251 09.9 Hon Eric J OGILVIE * Labor Party 6,329 27.8 ELECTED 1 David J O'Keefe * Labor Party 1,639 07.2 William I Ritchie Nationalist 270 01.2 Charles F Salter Nationalist 287 01.3 Athol I Smith 81 00.4 Lancelot T Spurr Labor Party 1,206 05.3 William P Taylor Labor Party 652 02.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Spurr, see Wilmot 1941. 2. For Taylor, see countback 1940. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Ogilvie's 3,072 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * 710 23.2 3,511 15.4 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 17 00.6 1,289 05.7 Campbell * 18 00.6 2,922 12.8 Drake 23 00.8 565 02.5 Foster 29 00.8 2,199 09.7 Hutchinson 17 00.6 405 01.8 Lee * 26 00.8 2,277 10.0 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * 1,711 55.8 3,350 14.7 ELECTED 3 Ritchie 25 00.8 295 01.3 Salter 12 00.4 299 01.3 Smith 18 00.6 99 00.4 Spurr 213 07.0 1,419 06.2 Taylor 245 08.0 897 03.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 3,064 22,784 Lost by fraction 8 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3,072 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Becker's 254 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 5 02.0 1,294 05.7 Campbell * 2 00.8 2,924 12.8 Drake 15 06.1 580 02.5 Foster 3 01.2 2,202 09.7 Hutchinson - 405 01.8 Lee * 2 00.8 2,279 10.0 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,350 14.7 ELECTED 3 Ritchie 2 00.8 297 01.3 Salter 4 01.6 303 01.3 Smith 10 04.1 109 00.5 Spurr 133 54.3 1,552 06.8 Taylor 69 28.2 966 04.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 245 22,775 Lost by fraction 6 14 Exhausted 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 254 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: O'Keefe's 93 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 2 Cameron * - 1,294 05.7 Campbell * - 2,924 12.8 Drake 2 02.3 582 02.6 Foster 1 01.2 2,203 09.7 Hutchinson - 405 01.8 Lee * - 2,279 10.0 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 3 Ritchie 3 03.5 300 01.3 Salter 1 01.2 304 01.3 Smith 3 03.5 112 00.5 Spurr 45 52.3 1,597 07.0 Taylor 31 36.0 997 04.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 86 22,768 Lost by fraction 6 20 Exhausted 1 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 93 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Smith's 112 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 2 02.0 1,296 05.7 Campbell * 2 02.0 2,926 12.9 Drake 32 31.7 614 02.7 Foster 6 05.9 2,209 09.7 Hutchinson 3 03.0 408 01.8 Lee * 8 07.9 2,279 10.0 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 3 Ritchie 1 01.0 301 01.3 Salter 2 02.0 306 01.3 Spurr 31 30.7 1,628 07.2 Taylor 14 13.9 1,011 04.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 101 22,757 Lost by fraction 6 26 Exhausted 5 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 112 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Ritchie's 301 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 37 13.0 1,333 05.9 Campbell * 62 21.8 2,988 13.1 Drake 8 02.8 622 02.7 Foster 69 24.2 2,278 10.0 Hutchinson 8 02.8 416 01.8 Lee * 50 17.5 2,337 10.3 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 3 Salter 23 08.1 329 01.4 Spurr 11 03.9 1,639 07.2 Taylor 17 06.0 1,028 04.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 285 22,741 Lost by fraction 11 37 Exhausted 5 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 301 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Salter's 329 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 31 09.9 1,364 06.0 Campbell * 85 27.2 3,073 13.5 Drake 1 00.3 623 02.7 Foster 82 26.2 2,360 10.4 Hutchinson 24 07.7 440 01.9 Lee * 67 21.4 2,404 10.6 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 3 Spurr 18 05.8 1,657 07.3 Taylor 5 01.6 1,033 04.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 313 22,725 Lost by fraction 11 48 Exhausted 5 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 329 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Hutchinson's 440 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 60 14.1 1,424 06.3 Campbell * 108 25.4 3,181 14.0 Drake 9 02.1 632 02.8 Foster 137 32.2 2,497 11.0 Lee * 102 24.0 2,506 11.0 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.3 ELECTED 3 Spurr 6 01.4 1,663 07.3 Taylor 3 00.7 1,036 04.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 425 22,710 Lost by fraction 8 56 Exhausted 7 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 440 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Drake's 632 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 69 12.1 1,493 06.6 CAMPBELL * 79 14.0 3,260 14.4 ELECTED 4 Foster 60 10.6 2,557 11.3 Lee * 22 03.9 2,528 11.2 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 3 Spurr 223 39.4 1,886 08.3 Taylor 113 20.0 1,149 05.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 566 22,644 Lost by fraction 7 63 Exhausted 59 85 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 632 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Campbell's 3 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 1 1,494 06.6 CAMPBELL * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 4 Foster - 2,557 11.3 Lee * - 2,528 11.2 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 3 Spurr - 1,886 08.3 Taylor - 1,149 05.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1 22,642 Lost by fraction - 63 Exhausted 2 87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Taylor's 1,149 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 2 Cameron * 30 02.9 1,524 06.8 CAMPBELL * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 4 Foster 30 02.9 2,587 11.5 Lee * 9 00.9 2,537 11.3 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.4 ELECTED 3 Spurr 980 93.4 2,866 12.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,049 22,542 Lost by fraction 12 75 Exhausted 88 175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,149 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Cameron's 1,524 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 2 CAMPBELL * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 4 FOSTER 784 56.0 3,371 15.0 ELECTED 5 Lee * 502 35.9 3,039 13.6 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 3 Spurr 114 08.1 2,980 13.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 1,400 22,418 Lost by fraction 6 81 Exhausted 118 293 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,524 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Foster's 114 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 2 CAMPBELL * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 4 FOSTER - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 5 LEE * 94 98.9 3,133 14.0 ELECTED 6 OGILVIE * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 1 O'KEEFE * - 3,257 14.5 ELECTED 3 Spurr 1 01.1 2,981 13.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining 95 22,399 Lost by fraction 1 82 Exhausted 18 311 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 114 22,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lee was declared elected because he had the higher vote of the two ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Keith Cameron (1887-1967): Elected 1934. Defeated 1937 Died 6 June 1967 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931. Elected 1934, 1937 Died 23 April 1941: see vacancies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Member of the Executive Council without Office from 19 August 1940. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil Campbell (1880-1960): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Henry Foster (1888-1979): Elected 1937 Born: 16 January 1888, England Career: To Tas 1889. Educated University of Melbourne. Civil engineer. Military service 1918. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric James Ogilvie (1892-1962): Elected 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937 Resigned 19 August 1940 Later career: Industrial Registrar and Chief Inspector of Factories 1940-58. Died 3 April 1962 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attorney-General to 19 August 1940 Minister for Education to 19 August 1940 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David John O'Keefe (1865-1943): Elected 1934, 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VACANCIES 1937-41 ======================================================================== DARWIN ======================================================================== 5 April 1937, following the death of Joseph W McGrath ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry T LANE Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Thomas Lane (1873-1955): Filled vacancy 1926. Defeated 1928. Filled vacancy 1937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN ======================================================================== 28 June 1939, following the death of Hon Albert G Ogilvie ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis McDERMOTT Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis McDermott (1874-1957): Filled vacancy 1939 Born: 5 February 1874, Claremont Career: Railway employee. Official, AFULE. President Hobart Trades Hall Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT ======================================================================== 28 August 1940, following the resignation of Hon Eric J Ogilvie ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William P TAYLOR Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Percy Taylor (1894-1964): Filled vacancy 1940 Born: 15 March 1894, NSW Career: Military service 1914-18. War Service Homes Commissioner 1919. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN ======================================================================== 31 August 1940, following the resignation of Frank B Edwards ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John F WRIGHT Nationalist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Forsyth Wright (1892-1947): Filled vacancy 1940 Born: 28 June 1892, Central Casta Career: Farmer. Leven Municipal Council. Brother of Hon Reg Wright, MHA and Senator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN ======================================================================== 8 November 1940, following the death of George L Doyle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vincent W SHOOBRIDGE Nationalist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vincent William Shoobridge (1872-1948): Filled vacancy 1940 Born: 4 July 1872, Bushy park Career: Farmer. Hobart City Council. Grandson of Ebenezer Shoobridge MHA, son of William E Shoobridge MHA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT ======================================================================== 8 May 1941, following the death of George G Becker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lancelot T SPURR Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lancelot T Spurr (1897-1965): Filled vacancy 1941 Born: 17 March 1897, Deloraine Career: Shop assistant, salesman, draper. MHR for Wilmot 1939-40. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON ======================================================================== 2 June 1941, following the resignation of Dr Arndell N Lewis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest W TURNER * Nationalist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest William Turner (1876-1943): Elected 1931, 1934. Defeated 1937. Filled vacancy 1941 ------------------------------------------------------------------------