TASMANIAN MINISTRIES ======================================================================================== Cosgrove Ministry I (18 December 1939 to 19 January 1942) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Labor Hon Robert Cosgrove MHA: Premier. Minister for Education from 19 August 1940 Hon Edmund Dwyer-Gray MHA: Treasurer Hon Eric J Ogilvie MHA: Attorney-General, Minister for Education to 19 August 1940 Hon Thomas H Davies MHA: Minister for Lands and Works, Minister for Mines, Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Department Hon Thomas G De L D'Alton MHA: Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Commerce, Minister administering the Agricultural Bank, Minister for Forestry Hon Edward Brooker MHA: Chief Secretary, Minister for Transport Hon Alfred J White MHA: Honorary Minister for Health Hon John L Madden MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office Hon Dr Francis Gaha MLC: Member of the Executive Council without Office Hon James McDonald MLC: Member of the Executive Council without Office to 19 August 1940 Honorary Attorney-General from 19 August 1940 ----- Hon George G Becker MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office 19 August 1940 to 23 April 1941 Hon Charles E Culley MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office from 22 May 1941 Cosgrove Ministry II (19 January 1942 to 9 December 1946) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Labor Hon Robert Cosgrove MHA: Premier. Minister for Education to 29 March 1946. Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Commission Act. Minister administering the Civil Defence Legion to 14 December 1945. Minister administering the Commerce and Industry Division of the Department of Agriculture from 30 November 1943. Treasurer from 14 December 1945 Hon Edmund Dwyer-Gray MHA: Treasurer to 6 December 1945 Hon Thomas H Davies MHA: Minister for Lands and Works, Minister for Mines to 11 September 1942 Hon Thomas G De L D'Alton MHA: Minister for Commerce, Minister administering the Agricultural Bank, Minister for Forestry. Minister for Agriculture to 30 November 1943 Hon Edward Brooker MHA: Minister for Transport to 30 November 1942. Chief Secretary, Minister controlling the Tourist Department to 30 November 1943. Minister for Lands and Works from 30 November 1943 Hon Alfred J White MHA: Honorary Minister for Health to 30 November 1943. Minister for Health from 30 November 1943 Hon John L Madden MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office to 1 October 1942. Minister for Lands and Works 1 October 1942 to 30 November 1943. Minister for Agriculture, Minister administering Fisheries and Shipbuilding from 30 November 1943 Hon Dr Francis Gaha MLC: Member of the Executive Council without Office Hon James McDonald MLC: Honorary Attorney-General Hon George G Becker MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office to 23 April 1941 Hon Charles E Culley MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office to 30 November 1943. Minister for Mines 1 October 1942 to 30 November 1943. Chief Secretary, Minister for Transport from 30 November 1943 ----- Hon William P Taylor MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office 1 October 1942 to 30 November 1943. Honorary Minister for Forests from 30 November 1943 Hon Eric R A Howroyd MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office 22 September 1943 to 30 November 1943. Honorary Minister for Health from 30 November 1943 Hon Henry T Lane MHA: Honorary Minister for Mines from 30 November 1943