TASMANIAN MINISTRIES ======================================================================================== Dwyer-Gray Ministry (11 June 1939 to 18 December 1939) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Labor Hon Edmund Dwyer-Gray MHA: Premier. Treasurer to 6 July 1939 Hon Eric J Ogilvie MHA: Attorney-General, Minister for Education Hon Thomas H Davies MHA: Minister for Lands and Works, Minister for Mines, Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Department Hon Thomas G De L D'Alton MHA: Chief Secretary, Minister for Transport to 6 July 1939. Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Commerce, Minister administering the Agricultural Bank, Minister for Forests from 7 July 1939 Hon Robert Cosgrove MHA: Minister for Agriculture, Minister administering the Agricultural Bank, Minister for Forests to 6 July 1939. Treasurer from 7 July 1939 Hon Dr Francis Gaha MLC: Member of the Executive Council without Office Hon James McDonald MLC: Member of the Executive Council without Office ----- Hon Edward Brooker MHA: Chief Secretary, Minister for Transport from 7 July 1939 Hon John L Madden MHA: Member of the Executive Council without Office from 7 July 1939