| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Bellarine District
Geelong area: Barwon Heads, Clifton Spring, Leopold, Port Arlington, St Leonards
Federal seats: Part of Corangamite
Legislative Council: Western Victoria Region
Local government areas: Part of Greater Geelong, all of Queenscliffe.
Enrolment 2014 election: 42,541
Enrolment 2018 election: 49,417 (up 16.2%)
Sitting member:
Hon Lisa Neville (Labor): Elected 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 1.4
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 4.8
Status: Marginal Labor
2014 results
Brian McKiterick Liberal Party |
Hon Lisa Neville Australian Labor Party |
Rachel Semmens Australian Greens |
Naomi Adams (Animal Justice Party)
Hon Lisa Neville (Australian Labor Party)
Rachel Semmens (Australian Greens)
Brian McKiterick (Liberal Party)
Jackie Kriz (Victorian Socialists)
Bellarine District
Bellarine was created in 1967, based on the Bellarine Peninsula east of Geelong. It was renamed Geelong East in 1976, then reverted to
the name Bellarine in 1985. It is a mixture of outer Geelong suburbs, most notably the growth centre of Leopold, the farming areas of the
peninsula, and tourist centres such as Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove and Queenscliff.
Bellarine / East Geelong has always been a marginal seat, usually held by the government of the day. It was held by Graham Ernst
(Labor) from 1979 to 1992, by Garry Spry (Liberal) from 1992 to 2002, and by Labor's Lisa Neville since 2002. The 2014 redistibution made
the seat notionally Liberal, but Neville retained it at the 2014 election with a 7.3% swing in her favour.
Lia Neville, Labor MLA for Bellarine since 2002, was President of the Board of Barwon Health before her
election. Earlier she had been Coordinator of the Consumer Advocacy and Financial Counselling Association of
Victoria and an adviser to John Brumby, then Leader of the Opposition. She was a minister in the last term of
the Bracks-Brumby government, and in the Andrews government has been Minister for Environment, Climate Change
and Water (2014-16) and Minister for Water and Minister for Police since 2016.
The Liberal candidate in 2018 is Brian McKiterick, a long-serving police officer and Surf Coast Shire councillor. The Greens
candidate is Rachel Semmens, a social worker.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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