| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Bulleen District
Eastern Melbourne: Bulleen, Doncaster, Lower Templestowe, Templestowe
Federal seats: Part of Menzies
Legislative Council: Eastern Metropolitan Region
Local government areas: Part of Manningham
Enrolment 2014 election: 44,072
Enrolment 2018 election: 44,110 (up 0.9%)
Sitting member:
Hon Matthew Guy (Liberal): Elected (Northern Metropolitan Region) 2006, 2010, (Bulleen) 2014
2010 Liberal majority over Labor: 15.1
2014 Liberal majority over Labor: 10.5
Status: Fairly safe Liberal
2014 results
Hon Matthew Guy Liberal Party |
Chris Kearney Australian Greens |
Fiona Mackenzie Australian Labor Party |
Chris Kearney (Australian Greens)
Hon Matthew Guy (Liberal Party)
Fiona Mackenzie (Australian Labor Party)
Bulleen District
Bulleen was created in 1985, from parts of the older seats of Balwyn and Doncaster. In the 1950s and '60s this was a
fast-growing area of home-buying families with children, but today it has a stable, ageing and affluent population. Like all the
eastern suburbrs seats, it is attracting increasing numbers of Chinese and other Asian immigrants.
Bulleen has been held by the Liberal Party since its creation. Even in the Labor landslide year of 2002, the Liberals had a
majority of 2.6%. Nick Kotsiras was a mininster in the Baillieu and Napthine governments from 2010 to 2014. He retired in
2014 and was succeeded by Matthew Guy.
Matthew Guy, MLC for Bulleen since 2014, was MLC for North Metropolitan Region from 2006 to 2014. Before entering politics he
worked for Premier Jeff Kennett, as an adviser to Assistant Federal Treasurer Rod Kemp, and as chief of staff to
Leader of the Opposition Denis Napthine. He was Minister for Planning in the Baillieu and Napthine governments, where he
presided over a number of decisions favouring developers which continue to haunt him. After the 2014 election he was elected
Leader of the Liberal Party.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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