| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Cranbourne District
South-eastern Melbourne: Cranbourne, Cranbourne North, Lyndhurst, Clyde
Federal seats: Part of Holt
Legislative Council: South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Local government areas: Part of Casey
Enrolment 2014 election: 45,863
Enrolment 2018 election: 61,814 (up 34.8%)
Sitting member:
Jude Perera (Labor): Elected 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014. Retiring 2018
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 1.9
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 2.3
Status: Very marginal Labor
2014 results
Ann-Marie Hermans Liberal Party |
Pauline Richards Australian Labor Party |
Jake Tilton Australian Greens |
Susan Jakobi (Independent)
Norman Fosberry (Independent)
Pauline Richards (Australian Labor Party)
Tarlochan Singh (Transport Matters)
Jason Soultanidis (Derryn Hinch's Justice Party)
Edward Sok (Democratic Labor Party)
Ravi Ragupathy (Independent)
Ann-Marie Hermans (Liberal Party)
Jake Tilton (Australian Greens)
Cranbourne District
Cranbourne was created in 1992, on what was then the fringe of Melbourne's rapidly-growing south-eastern suburbs. What was until
fairly recently a sleepy country town is now an urban centre with more than 50,000 people. As the area has grown, this district has
been cut back to a block of territory around the centre of Cranbourne. It is an area of young home-buying families with children. In
recent times it has attracted many immigrants from India and other Asian countries.
The first member for Cranbourne was a Liberal, Gary Rowe, who was elected in the Kennett landslide of 1992. He was defeated in the
2002 Bracks Labor landslide by Jude Perera, who has held the seat since. He has been aided by continuing urban growth and increasing
immigration, both of which have strengthened Labor's base in the area.
Jude Perera, Labor MLA for Cranbourne since 1992, was born in Sri Lanka and came to Australia as a young man. He held marketing and
information technology positions with various companies before his election. After 16 years on the backbench, he is retiring at this
The new Labor candidate for Cranbourne is Pauline Richards, has been campaign coordinator for Make Poverty History, and a staffer for
Mike Symon MHR and Jill Hennessy MLA. She has also been a Whitehorse City councillor. The Liberal candidate is Ann-Marie Hermans,
who has worked in management, and was formerly a candidate for the now defunct Family First. The Greens candidate is Jake Tilton, whose
occupation is not stated.
With a Labor majority of only 2.3%, and a long-serving member retiring, this cannot be regarded as a safe seat for Labor. But the
demographic trends are working in Labor's favour in this area.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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