| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Frankston District
Outer southern Melbourne: Frankston, Frankston North, Frankston South, part of Seaford
Federal seats: Part of Dunkley
Legislative Council: South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Local government areas: Part of Frankston
Enrolment 2014 election: 41,747
Enrolment 2018 election: 44,458 (up 6.5%)
Sitting member:
Paul Edbrooke (Labor): Elected 2014
2010 Liberal majority over Labor: 2.1
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 0.5
Status: Very marginal Labor
2014 results
Paul Edbrooke Australian Labor Party |
Michael Lamb Liberal Party |
Colin Lane Australian Greens |
Henry Kensall (Independent)
Lachlan O'Connell (Derryn Hinch's Justice Party)
Colin Lane (Australian Greens)
Michael Long (Democratic Labor Party)
Michael Lamb (Liberal Party)
James Persson (Animal Justice Party)
Jyothi Rudra (Transport Matters)
Paul Edbrooke (Australian Labor Party)
Frankston District
FGrankston was created in 1967, taking in what was then a belt of affluent middle-class outer suburbs and seaside
towns on the eastern shore of Port Phillip. Since then the seat has been cut back to the suburb of Frankston itself, which
has grown enormously since the 1960s, and has also acquired large low-income areas on the northern and eatern fringes.
The result has been that Frankston has changed from being the safe seat it was for Bolte-era Liberal minister Ray Meagher
to being one of the most marginal seats in the state. Labor first won it in 1982. In 1985 it was split into Frankston North
and South, then in 1992 redivided into Frankston and Frankston East. Labor held Frankston North 1985-92, but the Liberals won both
Frankston seats in 1992 and 1996.
In 1999 Frankston East decided the fate of the Kennett government, when the sitting member, Peter McLellan, died on
polling day, forcing a by-election which Labor's Matt Viney won. In 2002 Frankston East was abolished, and Viney moved to the
Legislative Council. The seat of Frankston was weakened for the Liberal member, Andrea McCall, by the inclusion of parts of
Frankston East, and she was defeated by Labor's Dr Alistair Harkness. He in turn was very narrowly defeated by the Liberal
Geoff Shaw in 2010.
In March 2013 Shaw resigned from the Liberal Party following allegations that he had misused his parliamentary
entitlements. This robbed the Baillieu government of its majority and led to Baillieu's resignation. Shaw's contrary
behaviour contributed greatly to the instability of the Napthine government and its defeat in 2014. Labor's Paul
Edbrooke narrowly won Frankston, which is now Labor's most marginal seat.
Paul Edbrooke, MLA for Frankston since 2014, was a teacher and firefighter in Frankston before entering politics. Frankston is
the southernmost of the "Frankston Line Four" seats which Labor won in 2014, mainly on public transport issues. It is a seat the
Liberals must win if they are to regain government. The Liberal candidate is Michael Lamb, Station Commander of Frankston Police
Station. The Greens candidate is Colin Lane, who works for the Salvation Army.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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