| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
South Barwon District
Geelong area: Grovedale, Highton, Moriac, Torquay, Waurn Ponds
Federal seats: Part of Corangamite and
Legislative Council: Western Victoria Region
Local government areas: Parts of Greater Geelong and Surf Coast
Enrolment 2014 election: 44,738
Enrolment 2018 election: 54,245 (up 21.3%)
Sitting member:
Andrew Katos (Liberal): Elected 2010, 2014
2010 Liberal majority over Labor: 3.9
2014 Liberal majority over Labor: 2.9
Status: Very marginal Liberal
2014 results
Darren Cheeseman Australian Labor Party |
Andrew Katos Liberal Party |
Marian Smedley Australian Greens |
Stephen Campbell (Democratic Labour Party)
David Ball (Victorian Socialists)
Damien Cole (Independent)
Marian Smedley (Australian Greens)
Robert Ripa (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)
Andrew Katos (Liberal Party)
Darren Cheeseman (Australian Labor Party)
Peter Oseckas (Animal Justice Party)
South Barwon District
South Barwon was created in 1976, carved out of the old seat of Ballarine, taking in the outer suburbs of Geelong and the northern part of the Surf Coast to the
south of the city. It is a fast-growing area with many sea-changers settling in coastal towns such as Jan Juc and Torquay. In the Geelong
suburbs, Grovedale is a low-income area, while other areas such as Highton are more affluent.
South Barwon was held by three successive Liberal backbenchers until it fell to Labor's Michael Crutchfield in the Bracks Labor
landslide in 2002. He was re-elected in 2006, but defeated by the Liberal Andrew Katos in 2014.
Andrew Katos, Liberal MLA for South Barwon since 2014, was managing director of a family business and aGreater Geelong councillor before
his election. He is currently Opposition Whip and Shadow Assistant Minister for Geelong. The Labor candidate is Darren Cheeseman,
who was an organiser with the Community and Public Sector Union and a Ballarat City Councillor before entering politics. He was MHR
for Corangamite, the federal seat covering the South Barwon area, from 2008 to 2013. The Greens candidate is Marian Smedley, who
teaches at Deakin University in Geelong.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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