Australian federal election, 2019
Senate election, New South Wales
Vic /
Qld /
WA /
SA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2019:
Senator Brian Burston (United Australia Party) (elected as One Nation)
Senator Hon Doug Cameron (Labor)
Senator Mehreen Faruqi (Greens)
Senator Jim Molan AO DSC (Liberal)
Senator Duncan Spender (Liberal Democrat)
Senator John Williams (Nationals)
Senators serving until 2022:
Senator Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (Liberal)
Senator Hon Kristina Keneally (Labor)
Senator Jenny McAllister (Labor)
Senator Deborah O'Neill (Labor)
Senator Hon Marise Payne (Liberal)
Senator Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO (Liberal)
At the 2016 election, the Coalition won 2.51 half-Senate quotas, while Labor won 2.19 half-Senate quotas. It therefore
seems almost certain that the Coalition and Labor will each win two seats, which would represent a gain
for Labor. The Greens polled 0.52 half-Senate quotas, and Senator Lee Rhiannon might well have been defeated if 2016 had
been a half-Senate election. She resigned in August 2018 and was succeeded by NSW MLC Mehreen Faruqi. Unless Faruqi improves
on the Greens' 2016 vote, she is in serious danger of defeat. If she does badly, Labor could win three seats, as last
happened in 2007.
Nationals Senator John "Wacka" Williams (who was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2017) has retired at this election. The
Nationals have chosen Perin Davey, chair of Regional Development Australia - Murray, as his replacement. The Liberal
ticket will be headed by disability advocate Holly Hughes (who has twice missed election before) and
Andrew Bragg, head of the Menzies Research Centre Enterprise Policy Institute. Senator Jim Molan, who replaced the Nationals'
Fiona Nash when she fell foul of section 44, has been relegated to fourth spot on the Coalition ticket. This was a defeat for the
party's conservative faction.
On the Labor side, Senator Doug Cameron, a stalwart of the Left, who is the only Labor Senator
facing re-election, has retired. Tony Sheldon of the TWU (right) will head the ticket, with AMWU state secretary Tim Ayres (left) in second spot also
likely to be elected. In the winnable third spot is Jason Yat-sen Li.
On the far right, Senator David Leyonhjelm (LDP) quit in February to contest the NSW state election. He was replaced by
a member of his staff, Duncan Spender. Spender will compete with Brian Burston (ex-One Nation) and
One Nation's candidate Kate McCulloch for the sixth spot. One Nation and the LDP polled 0.51 half-Senate quotas
between them in 2016, so it seems likely
that only them can be elected, and possibly neither. The Coalition can only win three seats if all
the far-right parties lose. The most likely result is therefore one Labor gain at the expense of the far right. But a second
Labor gain, at the expense of the Greens, is also possible, as is a Coalition gain from the far right.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: Rise Up Australia
Maree Nichols |
Vladimir Shigrov |
Group B: Help End Marijuana Prohibition
Dr Andrew Katelaris |
Michael Balderstone |
Group C: Health Australia Party
Molly Knight |
Jason Fairbairn |
Group D: Liberal Party, The Nationals
Holly Hughes Liberal Party |
Andrew Bragg Liberal Party |
Perin Davey The Nationals |
Senator Jim Molan Liberal Party |
Sam Farraway The Nationals |
Dr Michael Feneley Liberal Party |
Group E: Pirate Party
John August |
Sara Joyce |
Group F: Affordable Housing Party
Andrew Potts |
Anthony Ziebell |
Group G: Australian Greens
Senator Mehreen Faruqi |
Rachael Jacobs |
Louise Steer |
Phillippa Clark |
Roz Chia |
Sylvie Ellsmore |
Group H: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers
Brett Cooke |
Wayne Borsak |
Group I: Australian People's Party
Steven Georgantis |
Susan Tsangaris |
Group J: Australian Labor Party
Tony Sheldon |
Tim Ayres |
Jason Yat-Sen Li |
Simonne Pengelly |
Aruna Chandrala |
Charlie Sheahan |
Group K: Socialist Alliance
Susan Price |
Joel McAlear |
Group L: The Together Party
Mark Swivel |
Belinda Kinkead |
Kate McDowell |
Group M: Australian Conservatives
Sophie York |
Riccardo Bosi |
Group N: Great Australian Party
Matthew Hopkins |
Karen Burge |
Group O: Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party
Carolyn Thomson |
Gary Young |
Paul Swann |
Ian Wharton |
Group P: Christian Democratic Party
Silvana Nile |
Annie Wright |
Group Q: Independents for Climate Action Now
Rod Bower |
Jim Tait |
Annette Schneider |
Group R: Liberal Democrats
Senator Duncan Spender |
Codie Neville |
Group S: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Kate McCulloch |
Barry Reed |
Group T: The Women's Party
Divvi De Vendre |
Penelope Lloyd |
Group U: Seniors United Party of Australia
Paul Gerantonis |
Helen Ducker |
Group V: Socialist Equality Party
Richard Phillips |
John Davis |
Group: W: Australian Workers Party
Mark Ptolemy |
Maria Nguyen |
Group X: Australian Better Families
Jewell Drury |
Peter Moujalli |
Group Y: Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party
Michael O'Neill |
Marelle Burnum Burnum |
Group Z: United Australia Party
Senator Brian Burston |
Christine Bernier |
Wayne Moore |
Group AA: Democratic Labour Party
Daniel Hanna |
Benedict O'Brien |
Group AB: Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians!
Nick Debenham |
Guy Forsyth |
Group AC: Animal Justice Party
Angela Pollard |
Michael Dello-Iacovo |
Carol Bellenger |
Group AD: VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!
Ben Rushton |
Joanne Cotterill |
Group AE: Science Party
Dr Andrea Leong |
Eva Slavich |
Peter Furness |
Greg Parker |
Group AF: Citizens Electoral Council
Ann Lawler |
Robert Butler |
Group AG: Sustainable Australia
William Bourke |
Warren Grzic |
Group AH: Australian Democrats
Peter Mailler |
Chris Buckham |
Group AI: The Small Business Party
Angela Vithoulkas |
Fiona Douskou |
John Carmichael |
Chifley Haddad |
Phil Baker |
Graeme Doyle |
John Romanous |
Hussein Faraj |
Russell Barber |
Sandra Lazarus |
Glenn Wagner |
David O'Brien |
Wayne Bell |
Michael Kirkwood |
Pamela Johnstone |
Carolyn Crossman |
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