Australian federal election, 2 July 2016
Senate election, Western Australia
Vic /
Qld /
SA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2019:
Senator Slade Brockman (Liberal)
Senator Pat Dodson (Labor)
Senator Peter Georgiou (One Nation)
Senator Louise Pratt (Labor)
Senator Hon Linda Reynolds (Liberal)
Senator Jordon Steele-John (Greens)
Senators serving until 2022:
Senator Hon Michaelia Cash (Liberal)
Senator Hon Mathias Cormann (Liberal)
Senator Sue Lines (Labor)
Senator Rachel Siewert (Greens)
Senator Dean Smith (Liberal)
Senator Glenn Sterle (Labor)
At the 2016 election the Liberals and Nationals (who are not in coalition in WA) polled 2.87 half-Senate quotas (their best result in the country),
while Labor polled 1.99 half-Senate quotas. This would have secured the Liberals three seats and Labor two seats. But while the Liberals usually win
three seats in WA, and will be hoping to do so again by reclaiming the seat they lost to One Nation in 2016, given their very poor showing over the past
few years that is not a certainty this time. The Nationals' Nick Fardell could be a threat to the Liberals, although the Nats haven't won a WA Senate seat
since 1975.
All six outgoing Senators are recontesting their seats. Senators Linda Reynolds and Slade Brockman will head the Liberal ticket, followed by Matthew O'Sullivan
in the winnable third spot. On the left, Labor has never won three seats at a six-seat half-Senate election in WA, but may have a chance this time of doing so by defeating
the Greens. Senators Louise Pratt and Pat Dodson will head the Labor ticket, with AWU official Alana Herbert in third spot.
The Greens polled 0.73 half-Senate quotas in 2016, which would be enough to win a seat at a half-Senate election, but that was with the popular
Senator Scott Ludlum on the ticket. His successor, Senator Jordon Steele-John, lacks Ludlam's profile and will struggle to retain his seat. One
Nation was able to elect a Senator in 2016 with 0.28 of a half-Senate quota, but that will not be enough at a half-Senate election, and it's hard to
see Senator Peter Georgiou holding his seat.
If both the Greens and One Nation falter, a three-three result is quite possible, which would represent a gain for both the major parties at the
expense of the cross-bench.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Senator Peter Georgiou |
Martin Suter |
Group B: Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party
Dr Judy Wilyman |
Michelle Kinsella |
Group C: Liberal Party
Senator Hon Linda Reynolds |
Senator Slade Brockman |
Matthew O'Sullivan |
Trischa Botha |
Group D: Australian Greens
Senator Jordon Steele-John |
Bhuwan Kadka |
Heather Lonsdale |
Bhuwan Khadka |
Jacqueline van Grootel |
Jordan Cahill |
Group E: Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party
David Archibald |
Meredith Campbell |
Group F: Pirate Party
Clive Myers |
Paul de Abel |
Group G: Australian Labor Party
Senator Patrick Dodson |
Senator Louise Pratt |
Alana Herbert |
Thomas French |
Varun Ghosh |
Alison Vaughan |
Group H: Western Australia Party
Julie Matheson |
David Freilich |
Bruce Thompson |
Rod Norris |
Rod Bradley |
Group I: United Australia Party
James McDonald |
Russell Sewell |
Patrick Hardwick |
Group J: Help End Marijuana Prohibition
Nick Lethbridge |
Mark Rayner |
Group K: Australian Christians
Ellen Joubert |
Maryka Groenewald |
Group L: Animal Justice Party
Katrina Love |
Courtney Henry |
Group M: Australian Conservatives
Jonathan Crabtree |
Peter Castieau |
Matt Brazier |
Group N: Liberal Democrats
John Gray |
Wesley du Preez |
Group O: Citizens Electoral Council
Jean Robinson |
Barry Mason |
Group P: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers
Stuart Ostle |
Ronald Lean |
Group Q: Socialist Alliance
Petrina Harley |
Alex Salmon |
Group R: Great Australian Party
Rod Culleton |
Wayne Glew |
Group S: Yellow Vest Australia
Debbie Robinson |
Catherine Gorman |
Group T: Health Australia Party
Teddy Craies |
Emily Wallis |
Group U: The Nationals
Nick Fardell |
Siobhan Blake |
Louise Kingston |
Group V: Sustainable Australia
Yasmin Bartlett |
Colin Scott |
Group W: VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!
Melissa Taaffe |
Leo Treasure |
Valentine-Clive Pegrum |
Ben Mullings |
Glen Hutchinson |
Murray Jones |
Brian Carew-Hopkins |
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