| Adam Carr's Election Archive
Victorian state election, 2018
Broadmeadows District
Northern Melbourne: Broadmeadows, Campbellfield, Fawkner, Meadow Heights
Federal seats: Parts of Calwell and
Legislative Council: Northern Metropolitan Region
Local government areas: Parts of Hume and Moreland
Enrolment 2014 election: 41,717
Enrolment 2018 election: 43,657 (up 4.7%)
Sitting member:
Frank McGuire (Labor): Elected 2011 by-election, 2014
2010 Labor majority over Liberal: 21.0
2011 by-election Labor majority over Independent: 19.9
2014 Labor majority over Liberal: 27.8
2014 results
Jenny Dow Liberal Party |
Frank McGuire Australian Labor Party |
Sheriden Tate Australian Greens |
Frank McGuire (Australian Labor Party)
Jerome Small (Victorian Socialists)
Sheriden Tate
Jenny Low (Liberal Party)
Broadmeadows District
Broadmeadows was created in 1955, originally as a semi-rural seat stretching as far north as Seymour. Subsequent
redistrictings cut it back to a block of surburbs on the north-western fringe of Melbourne, centred on the growth hub of
Broadmeadows. Rapid industrialisation and settlement of migrant workers turned this into a solidly working-class and
multi-cultural seat, and it remains so today. It now has Victoria's highest concentration of Turkish-Australian residents.
Labor has held Broadmeadows since 1962, and since the 1970s it has consistently been one of Labor's safest seats. Today only
neighbouring Thomastown has a larger Labor majority. It was held by undistinguished backbenchers until 1988, when Labor
minister Jim Kennan transferred from the Legislative Council. After Labor's defeat in 1992, Kennan became Opposition Leader,
but in June 1993 he resigned. Labor then brought in former federal MP John Brumby as it new leader, and he won the by-election
caused by Kennan's resignation. Brumby lost the 1996 election, and was then replaced as Leader by Steve Bracks. He served as Treasurer
in the Bracks government until Bracks retired in July 2007. He was then elected Premier, and served until Labor's defeat at the
2010 election. He then resigned his seat causing another by-election.
Frank Maguire, Labor MLA for Broadmeadows since the February 2011 by-election, was a journalist and media executive before
entering politics in 2011 at the age of 53. He is the brother of television personality Eddie McGuire. He has remained on the
backbench, and since he is now 61 he seems likely to stay there. The Liberal candidate in 2018 is Jenny Dow., whose occuation is not
occupation is not stated.
Boundaries following 2014 redistricting:

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