Australian federal election, 2022
Senate election, Queensland
(See NSW /
Vic /
WA /
SA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2022:
Senator Hon Matthew Canavan (Nationals)
Senator Anthony Chisholm (Labor)
Senator Pauline Hanson (One Nation)
Senator Hon James McGrath (Liberal)
Senator Hon Amanda Stoker (Liberal)
Senator Murray Watt (Labor)
Senators serving until 2025:
Senator Nita Green (Labor)
Senator Susan McDonald (Nationals)
Senator Gerard Rennick (Liberal)
Senator Malcolm Roberts (One Nation)
Senator Paul Scarr (Liberal)
Senator Larissa Waters (Greens)
At the 2019 election, the Liberal National Party polled 2.72 quotas, while Labor polled only 1.58 quotas - Labor's worst result in any state, and
not enough to elect two Senators. The LNP will almost certainly win three seats, but Labor will need to improve its vote if it is retain its two seats.
The Greens polled 0.70 quotas in 2019, which will be enough to elect a Senator if repeated in 2022. One Nation polled 0.78 quotas, which when combined
with Pauline Hanson's high personal profile should be enough to get her re-elected. Former Nationals MP George Christensen will be on her ticket.
With its vote squeezed from both right and left, Labor may again fail two seats, although recent polling suggests that Labor's
position may have improved. Senator Anthony Chisholm is in the hot seat, since the Left's Murray Watt gets the top spot.
In May 2021 the LNP decided the ballot order would be McGrath (Lib), Canavan (Nat) and Stoker (Lib). The lead Greens candidate is Penny Allman-Payne,
a Gladstone teacher. Former Queensland premier Campbell Newman will run for the Liberal Democrats. In January 2022 Clive Palmer, mining magnate and former
one-term MP, announced that he would run as the United Australia Party candidate. Palmer also ran in 2019 and polled 3.5%.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: The Silent Majority (unregistered)
Len Harris |
Debra Yuille |
Renee Lees |
Kamala Emanuel |
Renee Lees website
Kamala Emanuel website
Group C: Legalise Cannabis Australia
Bernard Bradley |
Suzette Luyken |
Bernard Bradley website
Suzette Luyken website
Group D: Sustainable Australia
Rhett Martin |
Timotheos Firestone |
Rhett Martin website
Group E: Reason Party
Ron Williams |
Frank Jordan |
Ron Williams website
Group F: TNL (formerly The New Liberals)
Bess Brennan |
Hannah Kennish |
Steven Hopley |
Jonathon Momsen |
Lloyd Ingram |
Jack Creighton |
Bess Brennan website
Group G: Federal ICAC Now
Kerin Payne |
Ken Carroll |
Kerin Payne website
Group H: Independent
Steve Dickson |
Rebecca Lloyd |
Steve Dickson website
Group I: Socialist Equality Party (unregistered)
Mike Head |
John Davis |
Mike Head website
Group J: Australian Greens
Penny Allman-Payne |
Anna Sri |
Ben Pennings |
Navdeep Sidhu |
Alyce Nelligan |
Rebecca Haley |
Penny Allman-Payne website
Anna Sri website
Ben Pennings website
Group K: Indigenous-Aboriginal Party
Lionel Henaway |
Jenny-Lee Carr |
Lionel Henaway website
Group L: Citizens Party
Jan Pukallus |
Rod Doel |
Jan Pukallus website
Group M: Great Australian Party
Jason Miles |
Elise Cottam |
Jason Miles website
Group N: Australian Values Party
Heston Russell |
Jay Hansen |
Heston Russell website
Group O: Australian Federation Party
Isabel Tilyard |
Jackie Bennett |
Michael Smyth |
Isabel Tilyard website
Group P: Animal Justice Party
Mackenzie Severns |
Sue Weber |
Mackenzie Severns website
Group Q: Australian Democrats
Luke Arbuckle |
Chris Simpson |
Luke Arbuckle website
Group R: United Australia Party
Clive Palmer |
Martin Brewster |
Desmond Adidi |
Jack McCabe |
Clive Palmer website
Group S: Liberal National Party
Senator Hon James McGrath (Liberal) |
Senator Hon Matthew Canavan (National) |
Senator Hon Amanda Stoker (Liberal) |
Nicole Tobin (Liberal) |
Andrew Cripps (National) |
Fiona Ward (Liberal) |
Senator Hon James McGrath website
Senator Hon Matthew Canavan website
Senator Hon Amanda Stoker website
Andrew Cripps website
Nicole Tobin website
Group T: Informed Medical Options
Allona Lahn |
Jasmine Melhop |
Peter Lambeth |
Allona Lahn website
Group U: Fusion: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency
Brandon Selic |
Roger Whatling |
Brandon Selic website
Group V: Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance
Drew Pavlou |
Dr Simon Leitch |
Drew Pavlou website
Group W: Liberal Democratic Party
Campbell Newman |
Tegan Grainger |
Campbell Newman website
Group X: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Senator Pauline Hanson |
Raj Guruswamy |
George Christensen |
Senator Pauline Hanson website
George Christensen website
Group Y: Australian Labor Party
Senator Murray Watt |
Senator Anthony Chisholm |
Edwina Andrew |
Christina Warry |
Jen Henderson |
Richard Pascoe |
Senator Murray Watt website
Senator Anthony Chisholm website
Edwina Andrew website
Robert Lyon Katter's Australian Party |
David Schefe |
Lindsay Temple |
Chey Hamilton |
Lorraine Smith |
Laurence Quinlivan |
Karakan Kochardy |
Peter Rogers |
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