Australian federal election, 2022
Senate election, South Australia
Vic /
Qld /
WA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2022:
Senator Hon Simon Birmingham (Liberal)
Senator Hon Don Farrell (Labor)
Senator Stirling Griff (Centre Alliance)
Senator Andrew McLachlan (Liberal)
Senator Rex Patrick (Independent)
Senator Hon Penny Wong (Labor)
Senators serving until 2025:
Senator Alex Antic (Liberal)
Senator Hon David Fawcett (Liberal)
Senator Karen Grogan (Labor)
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (Greens)
Senator Hon Anne Ruston (Liberal)
Senator Marielle Smith (Labor)
At the 2019 election, the Liberals polled 2.65 quotas, Labor polled 2.13 quotas, and the Greens polled 0.76 quotas. The Liberals
won three seats, Labor two, and the Greens one. Until late March 2022 this was the most likely outcome at this election. But the announced return of former
Senator (2008-17) Nick Xenophon has cast doubt on this. Although Xenophon bombed badly in the 2018 South Australian state election, he may well
retain enough support to win a Senate quota, probably at the expense of the third Liberal candidate. Senator Stirling Griff, who was elected on Xenophon's ticket
in 2016, will now be second on the Xenophon ticket, but it's unlikely that Xenophon can win two quotas.
Senator Rex Patrick (who inherited Xenophon's place
in 2017 and is now an independent) will struggle to be re-elected. All other sitting Senators are standing again. The third Liberal candidate is Kerrynne
Liddle, a businesswoman and company director who if elected will by South Australia's first Indigenous federal member.
The Nationals are also contesting the Senate in SA. Their lead candidate nominated as Lisa Blandford but is called Lisa Sherry at the Nationals' website.
The lead Greens candidate is Dr Barbara Pocock, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of South Australia
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: Liberal Democrats
Ian Markos |
Josh Smith |
Louise Pfeiffer |
Julie Pastro |
Louise Pfeiffer website
Group C: Liberal Party
Senator Hon Simon Birmingham |
Senator Andrew McLachlan |
Kerrynne Liddle |
Tania Stock |
Senator Hon Simon Birmingham website
Senator Andrew McLachlan website
Kerrynne Liddle website
Group D: Australian Labor Party
Senator Hon Penny Wong |
Senator Hon Don Farrell |
Trimann Gill |
Joanne Sutton |
Belinda Owens |
Senator Hon Penny Wong website
Senator Hon Don Farrell website
Trimann Gill website
Group E: Family and Freedom (unregistered)
Bob Day |
Pat Amadio |
Bob Day website
Group F: Great Australian Party
Jo-Anne Eason |
Trevor Bennett |
Jo-Anne Eason website
Group G: The Nationals
Lisa Blandford (or Sherry) |
Damien Buijs |
Lisa Blandford website
Group H: Sustainable Australia
Elise Michie |
Jack Duxbury |
Elise Michie website
Group I: Local Party of Australia
Julie-Anne Finney |
Rodney Parnell |
Julie-Anne Finney website
Group J: Australian Federation Party
Cathy Byrne |
Nick Duffield |
Cathy Byrne website
Group K: Australian Democrats
Roger Yazbek |
Sandra Kanck |
Roger Yazbek website
Group L: Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance
Adila Yarmuhammad |
Amina Yarmuhammad |
Adila Yarmuhammad website
Group M: Independent
Harmeet Kaur |
Rajesh Kumar |
Harmeet Kaur website
Group N: Fusion: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency
Drew Wolfendale |
David Kennedy |
Drew Wolfendale website
Group O: Xenophon group
Nick Xenophon |
Senator Stirling Griff |
Nick Xenophon website
Senator Stirling Griff website
Group P: Australian Greens
Dr Barbara Pocock |
Major Sumner |
Melanie Selwood |
Barbara Pocock website
Major Sumner website
Melanie Selwood website
Group Q. Informed Medical Options
Raina Cruise |
Heather Harley |
Raina Cruise website
Group R: Rex Patrick Team
Senator Rex Patrick |
Leonie McMahon |
Senator Rex Patrick website
Group S: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Jennifer Game |
Alan Watchman |
Jennifer Game website
Group T: Legalise Cannabis Australia
Tyler Green |
Angela Adams |
Tyler Green website
Group U: United Australia Party
Michael Arbon |
Caelum Schild |
Michael Arbon website
Group V: Citizens Party
Russell Francis |
Rodney Currey |
Russell Francis website
Michael Hopper |
Michael Hopper website
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