Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Australian federal election, 2022
Senate election, Queensland

(See NSW / Vic / WA / SA / Tas / ACT / NT)

Senators up for election in 2025:

  • Senator Nita Green (Labor)
  • Senator Susan McDonald (Nationals)
  • Senator Gerard Rennick (Independent)
  • Senator Dr Malcolm Roberts (One Nation)
  • Senator Paul Scarr (Liberal)
  • Senator Larissa Waters (Greens)
  • Senators serving until 2028:

  • Senator Penny Allman-Payne (Greens)
  • Senator Hon Matthew Canavan (Nationals)
  • Senator Hon Anthony Chisholm (Labor)
  • Senator Pauline Hanson (One Nation)
  • Senator Hon James McGrath (Liberal)
  • Senator Hon Murray Watt (Labor)
  • Comment:

    At the 2022 election, the Liberal-National Party won 2.50 quotas, while Labor won 1.75 quotas. This gave both the Coalition and Labor two seats, but was not enough to give the LNP a third seat. The Greens polled 0.86, enough to get Penny Allman-Payne elected. Pauline Hanson's One Nation polled 0.51 quotas, a suprisingly poor vote that only just sufficed to secure Hanson's re-election. In 2025 the LNP will be defending the three seats it won in 2019, and will lose its third seat if the Labor vote recovers from its 2019 low point. The loser will be Senator Gerard Rennick, who lost his preselection to Stuart Fraser. One Nation's Malcolm Roberts will have a struggle to hold his seat. If he loses the LNP will probably win the last seat. In August Rennick announced that he would stand as a candidate of the People First Party.


    Australian Labor Party
    Nita Green Corinne Mulholland Peter Casey

    Liberal Party and The Nationals
    Paul Scarr
    Liberal Party
    Susan McDonald
    The Nationals
    Stuart Fraser
    Liberal Party

    Australian Greens
    Larissa Waters Navdeep Singh

    Angela Harper
    Lambie Network
    Belinda Jones
    Legalise Cannabis
    Katie Lush
    Family First
    Dr Rhett Martin
    Sustainable Australia
    Gerard Rennick
    People First Party

    Dr Malcolm Roberts
    One Nation
    Jonathan Strauss
    Socialist Alliance
    Jim Wilmott

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