Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Australian federal election, 2025
Senate election, Tasmania

(See NSW / Vic / Qld / WA / SA / ACT / NT)

Senators up for election in 2028:

  • Senator Catryna Bilyk (Labor, retiring)
  • Senator Hon Carol Brown (Labor)
  • Senator Claire Chandler (Liberal)
  • Senator Hon Richard Colbeck (Liberal)
  • Senator Jacquie Lambie (Jacquie Lambie Network)
  • Senator Nick McKim (Greens)

  • Senators serving until 2025:

  • Senator Wendy Askew (Liberal)
  • Senator Hon Jonathon Duniam (Liberal)
  • Senator Helen Polley (Labor)
  • Senator Tammy Tyrrell (Independent)
  • Senator Anne Urquhart (Labor)
  • Senator Peter Whish-Wilson (Greens)
  • Comment:

    At the 2022 election, The Liberals polled only 2.24 quotas, and Labor only 1.92, giving them two seats each. The Greens polled 1.08 quotas, their strongest result in the country, easily electing Peter Whish-Wilson. The Liberals lost their third seat (Eric Abetz) to Tammy Tyrrell of the Jacquie Lambie Network (although she is now an independent). Lambie herself is up for election in 2025 so the result is likely to be the same. The third candidate on the Liberal ticket is Jacki Martin, a staffer for Senator Wendy Askew. In November Labor Senator Catryna Bilyk announced her retirement. Her replacement on the Labor ticket will be Richard Dowling. He will be the first male Labor Senator from Tasmania since Nick Sherry retired in 2012. Senator Anne Urquhart, who is not up for election in 2025, will resign to contest the seat of Braddon.


    Australian Labor Party
    Hon Carol Brown Richard Dowling

    Liberal Party
    Claire Chandler Hon Richard Colbeck Jacki Martin

    Australian Greens
    Nick McKim

    Fenella Edwards
    Sustainable Australia
    Jacquie Lambie
    Jacquie Lambie Network
    Matthew Owen
    Legalise Cannabis

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